Chapter Four

Stiles P.O.V

"Alright, it gives me severe mental anguish to say this, but he's right." I whisper to Scott and Claire looks questioningly at me from beside me.

"I know." Scott whispers back, trying not to get noticed by Mr Harris.

"What if the next body part she steals is from someone who is still alive?"

"I don't think she's..." Claire tries to say but was interrupted by Mr Harris who is still writing things on the board.

"This is a pop quiz, Mr Stilinski. If I hear your voice again, I may be tempted to give you detention for the rest of your high school career."

"Can you do that?" I ask and from the corner of my eye I can see Claire give me her famous 'shut up Stiles' look.

"There it is again. Your voice. Triggering the only impulse I've ever had to strike a student repeatedly and violently. I'll see you at three for detention." My jaw drops. I feel a hand on my knee and look over to see Claire giving me a sympathetic smile. Scott also tries to turn around to face me but is stopped by the demonic voice. "You too Mr McCall and Miss Thompson?"

"No sir." Scott says, turning back to his work.

"I'm good." Claire says as well, squeezing her hand on my knee comfortingly.


After an hour and a half of torturous detention with Mr Harris, I finally made it out to see the welcomed surprise of Claire sitting on the hood of my Jeep, looking at her phone. A smile crosses my face and my chest warms at the thought of Claire being here, willing to wait for me for so long. I guess I would do the same for her.

"Clairey, what are you still doing here?" I ask as I approach her, moving to stand in front of her.

"Waiting for you, what else would I be doing?" She says and she leans down to place a peck on my lips. "Why were you gone for so long? Detention usually only lasts for an hour." She says as she hops off the jeep, putting her phone away in her bomber jacket pocket, bringing our bodies close together and she links our hands together. I'm unable to move, mainly because I don't want to move.

"Mr Harris made me stay for an extra half an hour. Apparently, I'm his new project all because he got in trouble with the sheriff who just happens to be my dad." Claire frowns an adorable frown.

"He can't do that, he shouldn't be able to do that." I peck her forehead before reluctantly moving away.

"There's nothing I can really do. But come on, we need to get to Scott." I say as we hop into my Jeep.

"Why? Where's Scott?" She asks.

"Kate's funeral."

"Oh, cheerful."


"Who the hell is that?" I ask Scott, talking about the elderly man talking to Allison, two bodyguards standing closely behind him. The elderly man is dressed in a back suit and he has nearly balding head with a strong and naturally dark expression plastered onto his face. Scott, Claire and I are crouched behind a tall statue as we all keep an eye on Allison and her family, mainly so Scott can support his girlfriend.

"He's definitely an Argent." Scott says and Claire sighs behind me.

"Hey, you know maybe they're just here for the funeral." I say trying to lighten up the mood. "I mean, what if they're from the non-hunting side of the family? There could be non-hunting Argents, right?" My nerves take over my body as I desperately ask this. We really don't need any more hunters in Beacon Hills.

"I know what they are, they're reinforcements." Scott says and before I know what's happening, Scott and I are being roughly hauled up by our collars and Claire quickly stands up with us, staring wide eyed at my angry father.

"You three, unbelievable." My dad angrily whispers to us, trying not to disturb the funeral. He then proceeds to drag us to the car, Claire hurrying behind, and we all get in the back seat, Claire in the middle.

"4-1-5 Adam" A static voice enters the radio when my dad is situated back in the driver's seat. He reaches over and takes the radio, answering the call.

"I'm sorry, did you just say 4-1-5 Adam?" I immediately perk up.

"Disturbance in the car." I whisper to Claire and Scott and they lean forward slightly with me to listen closely.

"They were taking a heart attack victim but on the way to the hospital, something hit 'em."

"What? Hit the ambulance?" My dad asks, bewildered.

"Copy that. I'm standing in front of it now. Something got into the back, there's blood everywhere and I mean everywhere."

"Alright, unit four, what's your twenty?"

"Route five and post..." Immediately Scott, Claire and I silently and quickly leave the car, heading for route five.


"What the hell is Lydia doing?" I ask as Claire, Scott and I crouch down, hidden away from view as we take in the bloody scene from the ambulance. The victim, by the looks of it, was torn to shreds and the officer was right, there was blood everywhere. Is it a bad time to get squeamish?

"I don't know." Scott answers.

"I really still don't think it's her. I mean, what if she isn't even turning into a werewolf?" I hear Claire mutter beside me and I move to face Scott, so that Claire won't over hear me.

"I need you to find her, alright? Find her, for Claire. She doesn't show it much, but I know that she's very worried and upset about her."

"I will," Scott replies and he heads off into the woods.

After ignoring all of the texts from my dad though out the afternoon, I finally decide that it's time to face him, having no choice but to bring Claire with me. Claire and I move away from our hiding place and step out in front of the ambulance, heading towards my dad who instantly spots us and gives us an terrifyingly angry look.

"You two. Where the hell have you been?" I was about to answer when I was interrupted. "You know what? I don't even want to know. I hope you two know just how much trouble your in." He growls at us but is quickly forgotten when Claire speaks from behind me.

"Lydia?" She says in a small, relieved voice and I whip my head around to see a very naked strawberry blonde exit the woods. "Lydia!" Claire shouts, snapping the attention of Lydia towards us.

"Well, is someone going to get me a coat?" She asks, exposing herself and I quickly try and turn away from her but end up tripping on my feet and face planting instead. My dad ends up moving to give her his jacket while Claire helps me stand up, smiling as she does so.

"You really know how to make a scene, don't you?" Claire says light heartedly.

"What can I say? My feet tend to do their own thing." I say and Claire laughs. Suddenly the smile is quickly erased from her face.

"Stiles, somethings happening." I look at her confused and slightly panicking.

"What's happening?" But as soon as I ask the question, I get an answer as her eyes shift into milky white.

Claire's P.O.V

"Wait, stop! What are you doing? I can help him!" I hear Scott yell and I turn to see him being held back by none other than Derek Hale, the newly appointed Alpha. I quickly look around to take in the situation around me and see the homeless man that Jackson was rudely talking to this morning hanging from his wrists from a trap wire.

"They're already here." Derek says. Who's already here? How did I get here? I wasn't even thinking of Scott so there is no way I should even be here. What the hell is happening?

"I can help him!" Scott struggles in Derek's arms and I look towards the hanging man, moving forward to try and help him.

"Quiet." I hear Derek whisper then I was able to see who's here. The Argent's, including the new addition and his bodyguards. I freeze beside the hanging man, unable to move. Literally. I can't seem to move a muscle anymore.

"It's out of your hands." I hear an airy feminine voice, almost like an echo, whisper to me, making my heart jolt with surprise. Well, this is new. "You can't help him. Just watch."

So, that's what I do. I watch the events unfold, helplessly.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" Chris Argent asks in his usual deep threatening voice, sending shivers of terror down my spine. Seems like the hanging man already knows who these people are with the scared way he's looking at them.

"Nothing, I swear." He answers in a panicking voice. He knows this isn't going to end well for him.

"You're not from here, are you?" When he doesn't get a reply, Chris shouts. "Are you?!"

"No. No, I-I came here looking for the Alpha." He says, his voice trembling. "I heard he was here, that's all. Look, I didn't do anything. I didn't hurt anyone. No one living. He wasn't alive in the ambulance, I swear!" So, Lydia didn't do anything after all. Then what's happening to her?

"Gentlemen!" The elderly man grandly pronounces. "Take a look at a rare sight. You wanna tell them what we've caught?" He looks to Chris, who immediately answers.

"An Omega."

"The Lone Wolf! Possibly kicked out of his own pack. Or the survivor of a pack that was hunted down. Maybe even murdered. Or possibly alone by his own choice." From the corner of my eye I see one of the bodyguards come forward with an object that the elderly man takes and holds up. A sword. Panic courses through me and I try and move around, scream, do anything to help the Omega, but I can't.

"Just watch, dear child." The voice whispers again.

"Because as I'm about to demonstrate." The elderly man continues. "An Omega rarely survives on his own." He swings the sword with a tremendous amount of strength, the waist of the Omega falls to the ground with a sickening thud and his intestines are left swinging in the air. I think I'm going to be sick.

"Sweet Claire. See what they do? You must not trust the Argent's at this point in time. There may be a time when you can trust some of them in the future, but not now. You especially cannot trust Gerard, even for a second. He's going to want to hurt you, hurt Scott, hurt Stiles. He's even going to want to manipulate Allison. A time will come when you won't be able to trust her. But for now, Claire, you must prepare. He's declaring war."

I don't know why I'm even listening to this strange new voice, but a part of me feels like I have to, like it's my duty.

"We have a code." Chris says to, who I assume to be Gerard.

"Not when they murder my daughter. No code. Not anymore." He turns around to face the rest of the hunters. "From now on, these things are just bodies waiting to be cut in half. I don't care if they're wounded or weak. Or seemingly harmless - begging for their life with a promise that they'll never ever hurt anyone. Or some desperate, lost soul with no idea what they're getting into. We find them and we kill them all."
