Nanami woke up first. She yawned and stretched her arms out only to feel restrained. Nanami looked at the pair of arms loosely wrapped around her. Nanami turned her body and saw Chan snoring. She giggled at his image. The school's notorious "bad boy" was asleep like a kitten in front of her.

His mouth was slightly open as he let out soft snores. His hair was still cold due to never drying it last night. Nanami felt her heart quicken at his slightest movements fearing that he would wake up. She smiled and ran her fingers through his soft dark hair. A small feeling of affection growing for him, Nanami felt infatuated with him. "Je t'aime beaucoup. [I like you alot.]" She whispered quietly.

Chan suddenly tossed and turned making weird faces. Nanami felt her heart skip a beat as she thought he would wake up to this. But instead, Chan unconsciously secured his arms tighter to her body and held her closer. His face was now close to Nanami's. His lips were less than an inch away from hers.

Nanami felt a bit guilty at her idea of giving him a little peck. But instead she leaned forward and kissed Chan's plump cheeks.

Suddenly she felt an overwhelming drowsiness overcome her. Nanami fell back asleep in Chan's arms. It might be too early, but Nanami concluded she has a big crush on Chan at the moment.

She only got to sleep for another half an hour. Chan stirred in his sleep and woke up sleepily.

"Good morning." He greeted not thinking. Chan stretched his legs and moved into his arms only to notice it was trapped under something, or a certain someone. Chan stuttered out unable to spit out words. He blushed and fidgeted. His arms slowly tried to wiggle out from under Nanami's body.

In the process of getting his arms free, Nanami woke up.

"Good morning?" She raised an eyebrow.

"M-morning." Chan looked away with a blush which caused Nanami to only chuckle at his reaction. Nanami decided to have a little fun with Chan.

She moved closer to Chan and wrapped her arms around his neck. "Did you sleep well?" She asked with a playful smirk. She felt Chan stiffen up from her touch. She moved her face even closer. "You're so rude for ignoring me."

Chan only looked at her face for a while before replying back, "Are you drunk? I don't smell any alcohol. Did the airplane somehow change your personality? Do you have some doppelganger?"

Nanami frowned seeing her plan didn't work. He's too naive and serious for this. Nanami let go and got off the bed, "Nevermind." She said before going to the bathroom to get ready for their first day in France.
