Never been in love

Bomi was in her bedroom reading the envelopes the love counselor or she received. She was surprised when she read a letter "Hello love counselor, I am Jung Eunji from class 2 'B'. I have a crush on chanyeol of my class. Please help me" She pouted and said "Not fair, Eunji didn't tell me". She then smiled and said "Chanyeol huh? I have to look in to this matter".

She smiled when she read the next letter from a girl "Hello love counselor, I am Jin young from class 1'c' I have a crush on Jun hyung of my class. Please help me confess to him". She smiled and said "Cool, even this girl likes that boy. Hehe leave it to the love counselor. Tomorrow you both will confess to each other". She thought for a moment and said "But how should I help them". Her eyes shined and she clicked her fingers "I know, the drama which I watched recently has a plan. I will try that"

She has a collection of books and novels which gives her ideas to help others in their love. She has a diary in which she writes all the plans and things which she saw in the movies and read in the books. She went through her diary and felt relieved when she found the plan "Cool, this is good. This will definitely work out". She grinned when she thought how to execute her plan.

She kept everything ready for tomorrow and lied down on her bed and said "I am glad I could help others in their love". Bomi remembered the day when she started helping the students in the name of the love counselor.


Bomi was in her first year of high school. She was strolling in the school alone after the school hours. She got frightened when she heard someone crying and started sweating as she thought it must be a ghost or something. She gathered courage and peeked through the window from where the sound was coming and felt relieved when she found a girl crying in an empty class. Bomi was confused and wanted to help her but she could not as she did not know who that girl was and neither wanted to interfere in someone's personal problems. She walked away ignoring her but being a kind hearted girl she was,could not resist. She turned around and hid near the window when she heard the girl talking to herself.

The girl said looking at the photograph "How should I tell you that I love you luhan. I don't even know whether you love me or not. I could not even give the letter which I wrote for you. I am useless". She threw the letter down and started crying more.

After a while, the girl wiped her tears and left. Bomi went inside the class and picked the letter the girl threw earlier and also found the same photograph the girl was holding. She saw that the letter was addressed to a guy named luhan and the name written below was yoona, which was obviously the girl's name. Her eyes widened when she heard some footsteps coming towards the room. She quickly jumped through the window and hid herself. She saw a guy running towards the class calling someone,she realized that he was the same guy in the photograph. Luhan entered the class and shouted "Yoona". He sighed and said "Yoona, I wish I can tell you that I love you" and left the place disheartened.

Bomi looked at the letter she was holding and said "I will help you. I hope you both can smile again". The next day bomi came early to school and went to the same class. She saw that yoona put her bag on her desk and left. Bomi went and placed a letter in her bag and left. She then saw luhan near his locker, she went near and placed yoona's letter in his locker when he wasn't paying attention.

Yoona and luhan saw their letters and went to the place specified in the letter and confessed to each other. Yoona said "Thank you love counselor for helping me".

Bomi smiled and left. After that the rumours of love counselor spread in the entire school and that's how bomi started helping others. She was glad that she could be of help to others and to solve their problems.

She smiled at the thought of her past. She had helped many people since then but till now she could not understand what love actually was. She didn't know that because she never experienced the feeling of love. She never fell in love with someone.

She wondered "what is love? How will they know they are in love? Out of so many people out there, how can they know that they are in love with only a specific person?"

Bomi was in all girls' school since kinder garden and never had any male friends. When she joined her high school she was nervous and felt odd and weird as it was her first time joining a co-ed school. Though she started getting used to the atmosphere, helping the guys and slowly started speaking to her male class mates but she doesn't have a male friend yet. She is naïve girl who will never understand even if any guy flirts with her. Love and all things related to it were new to her. She finds happiness in helping them so she started as a love counselor.

She thought "If others know that the love counselor doesn't know what love is they will definitely laugh at me. I hope this remains a secret"


The next morning bomi went to the school and quickly went near the class 1 'c' and took their attendance sheet to make sure there is no other guy or girl of the same name. When she confirmed that they are the only one of those names she smiled and left their class. She stood near their class to see who Jin young and Jun hyung were.

She heard some girls chatting together and entering their class and one of the girls called the other "Jin young, did you do the assignment?" Jin young answered "Yes, I did". Bomi thought "Got you. Now I must know who Jun Hyung is".

Bomi then saw a group of boys coming in the hallway. She thought "Aww...How will I find him?" Suddenly a guy dropped his books and other said "Jun Hyung, you did it again. How can you do that every morning?" Jun hyung smiled and said "Guys, it just slipped from my hand" and entered the class. Bomi smiled "Hehe...Found you". Bomi looked at the time and cursed herself "Omg, I am late to my class"


Bomi came running to her class, luckily she was on time. Eunji frowned at her "Can't you come a bit early". Bomi said "sorry". Eunji helped her "Sit down and relax". Their English teacher entered the class and gave an activity and divided them into pairs. Each of them must choose a paper to choose their partners and bomi got chanyeol. She quickly put her paper down and replaced it with eunji's. Eunji smiled when she saw chanyeol's name in the paper. Bomi saw that and smirked.

Baekhyun was paired with a guy and bomi was paired with a guy too. Baekhyun was disappointed when he saw bomi was paired with a guy. He thought "Why can't it be me?" He sighed and continued.

Bomi saw chanyeol and eunji blushing and talking shyly with each other. Bomi took this activity as an opportunity to help Eunji and chanyeol. She got an idea as she was sitting behind them. She wrote two notes saying "Meet me in the music room after school" writing eunji and chanyeol's name on each and placed it in their books without anyone's notice.

Baekhyun saw bomi putting a note in chanyeol's book and was troubled "Why is she giving a note to him?..... Does she like him? ....But she is so innocent. ....What if she really likes him? ...No...This is not good.... ...." His mind stopped working and was in chaos.He felt pain in his heart "What is this feeling?"


It was recess, bomi sneaked out and rushed to implement her plan. She saw that Jun hyung and Jin young were standing at a distance in the basket ball court. She made two notes of "Come to the rooftop. I need to talk to you" and made paper rockets out of it. She threw those rockets and it landed exactly on them. She jumped happily "Yeah. Good job, bomi". Both looked at the notes and smiled.

Before giving those notes bomi arranged for a rose and a note from love counselor on the roof top. Both went to the rooftop separately and bomi followed them later. They confessed to each other and were happy. Jun Hyung gave the rose to her and both of them read the note and said "Thank you love counselor". Bomi giggled and left before she could get caught.


It was lunch and another rumor of love counselor bringing the couple of class 1'c' together passed through the whole school. Bomi was relaxing as usual near her favourite hangout while baekhyun was in his own confusion unable to sort out his own feelings. He knows that he is interested in her and likes her but this feeling right now was completely new to him. It was obvious since bomi was the first girl he liked.

Baekhyun did not go to his favourite place as he was troubled. He sat in the lawn holding his laptop trying to concentrate on what he was doing but it was in vain. He threw his laptop away, caught his head and ruffled his hair in frustration "Why do I feel like crying. Why do I feel so empty? I don't feel like doing anything. Bomi, what are doing to me?". He consoled himself "What am I thinking? I trust bomi. She doesn't know these things"


After school ended, as planned chanyeol went into the music room and bomi followed him. Baekhyun was shocked when he saw bomi following chanyeol and went after her out of curiosity. ...........................................................................................................................................
