Chapter 11 - Heroes and Villains

In Gold's shop, Gold had called Hook via his heart. When he came, he spoke to him. "They didn't leave. The Snow Queen mucked up the border. Once you cross, there's no c... Coming back."

"If only the Snow Queen had succeeded..." Gold muttered loud enough that Hook could hear him. "Everything would be much simpler."

"Yes. Perfect cover for your exit." Hook told him sarcastic. "But everybody survived. Sorry for the inconvenience."

"What about our friends from Arendelle?" Gold asked to him.

"Well, they're still searching for a portal back." Hook replied to him.

"Well, that is a problem." Gold told him. "Can't have that Anna running around town."

"She knows, doesn't she?" He explained. "She knows what you were doing, cleaving yourself from the dagger so you can leave with your power. Emma told me Belle confessed about knowing Anna."

"Still, quite the supposition." Gold comment.

"Why else would you care?" He told him, smirking. "Anna's a danger to you. Your wife knows but everyone else..."

"Watch Anna." Gold looked at him, sternly. "Make sure she comes nowhere near this shop."

"But if I had the choice." Hook comment.

"Well, you don't." Gold fired back. "Your usefulness was unexpectedly extended. But tonight, when the stars in the sky align with the stars in the sorcerer's hat, I will finally do what I should have done so many years ago. I will crush your heart."

Hook rolled with his eyes. "And while I'm out doing your dirty work, what are you gonna do?" He asked to him.

"I'm simply gonna go to my wife and daughter and prepare them for my greatest gift." Gold replied to him. "They are gonna have the life they have always wanted."


Gold went home to his wife and his daughter, he walked inside of the house as then he saw Caitlynn was on the phone and Aubrey playing with a doll. He smiled at his daughter as then he heard Caitlynn talking to her adopted mother. "Yes, mom, I will be careful." She sighed. "See you soon, mom, say hello to dad, please." Then she hung up as then she saw that Gold was there. "Hello, my love." She greeted him.

"Hello, sweetheart." Gold greeted her back. "I heard you called your mother."

"Yeah, I figured we will go there, when you are freed from your dagger." Caitlynn informed him.

"I wanted to surprise you." Gold pouted a little.

Caitlynn laughed. "Sorry to spool your surprise." She told him. "Maybe next time do better."

"I will." Gold looked at her, then they kissed as they daughter made a disgusted face.

"Blagh." Aubrey called as then her parents went apart and laughed.


Sometime later, the sweep leaded Gold and Hook to the abandoned mansion. "You may have got the best of me this time, Dark One, but I promise you, in the next life, it won't be so pleasant for you." Hook told him.

"Well, then, given my immortality, you'll have quite the wait amongst the fire and brimstone." Gold comment to him as then they stepped inside of the house and walked to the main room.

"If I really am to die, at least give me all the information." Hook asked to him. "Whose house is this?"

"A powerful sorcerer. He brought the Snow Queen from Arendelle to this world, which means his magic is strong enough to move between that world and ours. There's a portal around here somewhere. We simply need to find it." Gold told him as then a portal appeared. "There." Then Hook looked at it as well.


Caitlynn was packing her clothes as Aubrey was playing with her magic by her dolls as then Henry entered. "Hey, Grandma. Are you taking a trip?"

"Uh, yeah. Gold's taking us to New York." Caitlynn looked at Henry. "And it's aunt Caitlynn remember, I don't want to be called Grandma."

"Got it." Henry told her. "But the Snow Queen left a spell on the town line. Anyone who goes can't return. Didn't you hear?"

"No, I didn't." Caitlynn sighed. "But I'm sure he must have a way to remove it." Then, she saw a looked on Henry's face. "Hey, what's wrong?"

"This book." Henry grabbed his book. "It's got all the stories in it." He held it up. "It started all this. And my mom... Lots of bad things happen to her in it."

"Regina, you mean." Caitlynn told him. "Well, that doesn't mean they'll always happen to her that way. I wouldn't worry. She's on a much better path now."

"Thanks, aunt Caitlynn." Henry thanked her.

"You are welcome, so, I need another suitcase." Caitlynn looked at him. "Can you help me look?"

"You know, when you're in New York, you've got to go to the public library." Henry comment. "No offense, but it blows the one here away. It's got these lions outside of it..." Just then at lot of items falls.

"Aah!" Caitlynn looked in shock. "Are you okay?"

"Sorry." Henry was in shock as well. "Let me get those. Huh. He really keeps some strange things here." He saw the look on Caitlynn's face. "What's wrong? I'll clean it up."

"N-no, no. It's... It's okay. I-I got it." Caitlynn picked up glove of a harness. "I just don't know what this is."


At the clock tower, they stood up high as their daughter wasn't with them, but in Granny's. Gold told them. "When the stars on the hat align with those in the sky, we shall begin."

"You mean I shall end." Hook rolled with his eyes. "Let's not start mincing our words now."

"No, I agree, my love." Caitlynn smirked, she just doesn't like the pirate and Gold knows it.

"Oh, how brave." Gold comment. "I half-expected you to crumble at the precipice of your demise."

Hook looked at him. "I'm not the one who's a coward."

"Well, then, you'll enjoy watching this coward crush your heart." Gold comment, looking up.


Gold started the spell to release him from the dagger. "It's time." He muttered, glancing at Caitlynn.

Just then. Emma and Mary Margaret enter. "Gold! Stop!" Emma shouted.

"Caitlynn." Mary Margaret called to her daughter.

"I'm sorry. I can't. I've waited too long for this. And I'm too close." He froze Emma and Mary Margaret. "Well, maybe not everything has went to plan. But this next part... I'm really gonna enjoy." Gold was crushing Hook's heart.

"Aah!" Hook cried in pain.

"I don't understand. Why can't I..." Gold trailed off.

"Because I commanded you not to." A voice spoke behind them, they looked at it, it was Belle standing there. They looked in utter shock. "Drop the heart." She commanded him. "Now release everyone." He did that. "Your mother and sister in law want to speak to you." Belle told him as then they came up stairs and Belle handed the dagger over to Emma and Mary Margaret.

"Now, Dark One and Caitlynn, we are gonna speak in private." Mary Margaret stated. "Take us to the town line." She commanded him.

Then, they disappeared in purple of smoke as then they appeared by the town line. "What are you planning?" Caitlynn demanded.

"We need to keep this town safe." Emma stated.

"From the all the evils, especially from you." Mary Margaret looked at Gold.

"What?!" Caitlynn exclaimed. "He just wanted to be free of the dagger."

"Not this way, not in way that involves death." Mary Margaret argued.

"Caitlynn this is not the way." Emma told her twin.

"Yeah, yeah, I hear, but hear Gold reason to it." Caitlynn argued back. "Oh, you won't do that right, because you all are really into the hero thing are you."

"That's who we are." Mary Margaret looked at her daughter.

"Well, I'm not." Caitlynn argued back.

"Then, you are as bad as him." Her mother comment angry.

"We are gonna ban you from ever coming back here." Emma looked at Gold.

His face was natural. "You know we will come back, dearie."

"No, you can't because I command you, Dark One to leave Storybrooke." Mary Margaret commanded to him.

His face went in shock as he stepped backwards. "Wha...!!"

"You can't do that!!!." Caitlynn looked between her mother and sister. "I will not let you."

"To late." Emma told her sternly as Gold was over the town line.

"Your daughter will stay here with us." Mary Margaret stated.

"You can't do that." Caitlynn stated, smirking. "I have magic." Just then, Emma cuffed her, she had now a black cuff around her wrist. "Wha... you can't do that. It's my daughter!! Mine."

"She's not touched by evil yet, she can and will be good." Mary Margaret stated.

"What?!" Caitlynn was outraised. "I want my daughter, here and now." She stated.

"No." Emma comment as then she pushed her sister over the town line.


New York, 6 weeks later. Gold and Caitlynn met Ursula at the Aquarium, they heard her speaking to the fish. "It's all I got. If you're not happy about it, try eating each other."

"I hear cannibalism is frowned upon in the aquatic world." Gold told to her, Caitlynn stood next to him, feeling a bit under the weather. "Or maybe you could tell me differently."

Ursula turned to look at them. "So, this is what a man who always wins looks like."

"I assure you, Ursula, my situation is only temporary." Gold looked at her.

"Really?" Ursula raised an eyebrow. "How you gonna fix that, play the lotto?"

"I'd like to tell you a story." Gold glanced at Caitlynn, who was awfully quiet. "It's about heroes and villains, where the villains always lose."

"Seems like someone's changed his tune." She looked at him, then at Caitlynn.

"I've learned the rules do apply to me, but also there's someone who can change those rules." Gold told her.

"Who?" Ursula asked to him.

"For now, let's call him." Gold replied to her. "The Author."

"Pretentious." She comment. "I hate him already."

"Then let's go see him." Gold told her, seriously. "Tell him what we think. Unless you prefer life as a fish-food dispenser."

Ursula looked at them. "But if you're coming to me for help, I can assume it won't be easy. Who's standing in our way?"

"The usual people..." Gold looked at her. "The heroes. Let's get your things." Then he put 2 fingers up. "We've two more stops to make."


Author's note: I hope you all liked the chapter!!! And what's wrong with Caitlynn?? Tell me you guesses.

Until next time, bye. 
