First date

6 months past. It was almost summer again. Max and El haven't talked since that day. Max was still together with Louise. Will was together with William and for the rest no one's in a relationship, but there was something going on between El and someone new.

The group was still sitting together. El, Max, Louise, Will, William, Hunter, Tess, Dustin and Lucas.


'Hey babe?'


'What was El talking about? A few months ago, about a secret'

'I don't know, she's losing her mind I think'

'Yea, losing her mind with Andy Goldfarb' Louise chuckled, but Max couldn't laugh about it.

'Doesn't he have a girlfriend?'

'Yea, he does but he gets a new one every 2 weeks, it's never been longer.'

'So he's just playing El?'

'Eventually yea'

'Should we tell her?'

'You haven't talked to her in months. El is a smart girl, she knows about Andy's girlfriends.'


'You know what i am thinking lately'


'She became really pretty, I think my girl is going through her glow up"

'Yea whatever, I don't care'

'Wanna talk about what is bothering you?'


'I know something is bothering you. You and El were close, i know that. Will told me about it. Suddenly you guys don't talk anymore, you always act kinda different when we bring her up. I know it hurts not talking to her anymore. You should talk to her again. You miss her, she misses you'

'You can't know that'

'Whatever, you miss her so talk to her again, but I need to go. My mom's expecting me home soon. I love you babe' she said, kissed Max and left. Louise doesn't wait for Max to say 'i love you too' cause Max going through something. Louise doesn't expect Max to now focus on that, she wants Max to focus on her friendship, and on feeling better.

- Will' pov -


'So, how do i look?' she asked walking in the room.

'Wow, El, you look.. wow. You look beautiful. You're definitely ready for your date'

'Don't call it that please'

'Why not. He asked you out on a date, you said 'yes' so it's a date.'

'He called it a date. I see it as just 2 friends going to get some lunch, nothing more.'

'Sure. It's kinda weird you know.'

'What is?'

'I thought it was gonna be Max at the end, but I'm wrong. It's gonna be the smoking hot Andy Goldfarb'

'Will. Stop.'

- The 'date' -

'I'm so full, I really can't take a dessert'

'Aight, I won't be getting one too'

'Why not?'

'Working out'

'Oh that's cool'



'Can you skate'

'No. I've learned it once from someone for like 5 minutes, but that's it.'


'learned it a little from Max'

'the redhead?'


'damn, that's cool. I like her, she's cool'

'yea, you're right..., actually I need to go, I know we should stay another 2 hours, but I can't. I really can't, something popped up in my head'


'Damn he really couldn't care less' El thought to herself, and like that El left. And it was true, Andy really couldn't care less.

- 2 big hours later -

'So you're dating frog face now?' Andy asked to his sister.

'Frog face?'

'yea, everyone calls him that'

'doesn't mean you should call him that. He's a nice guy'

'Don't care. You're dating him?'

'None of your business asshole' Tess said.

'Make sure dad doesn't find out.'

'He won't'

'I already found out'


'Things go around'

'Yes well shut up cause we're at the door, you never whose downstairs'

Tess opened the door and her mom and dad were sitting in the couch.

'Hey guys. How was it?' their mom asked happily.


'It was so much fun mom. Thank you for letting me go'

'Sure honey. Don't forget to make your homework. Both of you.'

'Yea mom!!' Andy shouted from upstairs.

'Tess, I'm serious, don't let dad find out.'
Andy said as he reached the top stair. Tess just nodded at him knowing her dad wouldn't do anything good if he found out.

- Max' house -

The door started ringing. But my mom didn't open the fucking door. Too busy watching her stupid show. I was cleaning my skateboard in my tight white t-shirt with no sleeves. I always wear that when cleaning. I was a little dirty from cleaning but whatever. I opend the door and there she was.



SHIT EL. I was standing in my white dirty shit with homeboy jeans that's probably 2 sizes too big.

'Were you busy?'

'Wha- no no, totally not. I was just cleaning my skateboard. I can finish it whenever i want.'

'Can i.. come in?' she asked in a unsurely tone.

'Yea, yea sure. But we need to go to my room, my mom's home, she's watching her show so she doesn't want me here with my friend rn.'. I don't know why i was shaking, i was stressed for no reason.

El followed me to my room and i closed my door. My skateboard was laying on my bed above a towel of course. El sat on my bed and i joined her not knowing wtf is going on.

'Max I've been thinking' she started.

'Max. I don't know what's happening to me but i miss you. Ever since we stopped talking, it feels like, a part of me is missing. I just- i- Max. I love you.'. she said.

This motherfucker just dropped the biggest bomb on me.

| Next chapter is gonne be good. Trust me on that one. |
