"Good morning, your highness."

  I opened my eyes to the source of the voice, only then to turn away when I know that this is the beginning of a long day. "Go away, Anne. Just five more minutes."

  My maid - Anne - sighed. She went to the long, red curtains and pushed them aside, letting the early sun rays bounce into my room and, unfortunately, to my eyes. A groan erupted from my lips and turned around to avoid the harsh sunlight.

  "Your highness, you should really must get up now. The King and your brother are preparing for today's breakfast." Anne informed. I drew out a long sigh as I opened my eyes once again. I met chestnut orbs gazing at me. Slight tanned skin with shiny, pink lips. Her hair similar to her own eyes; tied up in a bun. And her attire is still the same I see everyday; a maid dress.

  I sat up, swinging my legs off the bed and stretched my body, earning cracks throughout. Satisfying. I stood up, earning a smile from Anne. I went to the washroom as I already know she prepared me a little bath like she does everyday. As soon as I finished, I wrapped a towel around me and emerged out of the washroom. As I stepped out, I saw Anne already holding my dress for the day.

  A green one, perfect. It has yellow accents adorning all over and green faded into yellow at the bottom. It may not be the best color to match green but I don't care. Actually, she picked my favorite dress out of all the others.

  As I finished slipping on the soft yet heavy fabric—and styling my hair—Anne gave me a bow. I thanked her and went out, only to meet my brother head front. His tall, lean figure towering before me, his dirty blonde hair perfectly matched his own face. Face that has freckles dusting all over his cheeks and nose bridge. His emerald eyes glistening under the sunlight.

  People were indeed correct that he is Goodenforth's 'Warrior Angel'. While his face is ethereal as if it was sculpted carefully by the God's above, his fighting skills came straight from Hell itself. Dreamy yet dangerous.

  He smiled smiled down at me and said, "Good morning, Y/N". I returned the smile, "Good morning, dear brother" and walked away. Dear brother was in confusion. 'She never have been that gentle and sweet. Hell, she even called me 'dear brother'', he thought. Wanting to confirm his suspicions, he caught up to her and pointed out "That was really weird of you". I looked at him with amusement, seeing that he noticed my strange behaviour yet I played dumb, "Hmm? What do you mean?"

  He scoffed lightly, "Oh, come on, Y/N. You usually call me by that dumb nickname everyday but why 'dear brother'?" I stiffled a laugh. I replied, "Why? Is it wrong to call you that? Is it so wrong for me to be sweet to my own brother?" He narrowed his eyes at me, unfazed by my coo's, "I don't know. It's kind of... new. You usually be upbeat not gentle..." This time, I didn't hold back my laughs, "Aww, is Clay confused?~" He sighed, "I told you not to call me that", clearly tired of the teasing even though it just came. "Oh, sure, Clay", I smirked at him, carrying the teasing tone. He sighed once again as we were greeted by big, oak doors that lead to the dining hall.

  We headed to our chairs and sat down. Cornelius and I greeted our father to which he replied. We dug in to our food when Father asked, "How have you two been doing?" I smiled down at my plate.

  He always asks us that question when we clearly saw each other every night. That's the reason why the whole kingdom loves him. He has that fatherly love that everyone is simply in awe.

  "We've been doing fine, Father", Cornelius answered to which I nodded at his answer. "Well, that's good. Anyway, those robberies that have been happening is still not solved yet, if you're wondering. Those little rascals has still not fled.", he said. I frowned, "May I ask, Father, but... who are responsible for these acts?"

  Clay—or Cornelius—looked up from his plate and faced Father. He sighed, "Raccoons. Raccoons have robbed every food stall and sometimes jewellery shops. They have been around for two months but every time someone follows them, they are smart enough to outplay people". I nodded.

  Raccoons have suddenly appeared in the kingdom to rob people. It seems they are very well-trained. "I really do hope it'll get solved soon", I commented. Father nodded at my words and said, "I hope so". "You know what else I hope for?", our heads whipped up to see Cornelius' mischievous smirk.

  Father furrowed his brows, "What is it, Cornelius?" Said boy looked at me, his smirk widening and said, "Y/N's suitors". I let out a small groan when Father's eyes lit up, remembering I still yet to marry someone.

  "Ah, yes. Y/N darling, have you found someone yet? It's been two years now. You are now 20. You should be married to someone else by now". I knitted my brows and closed my eyes, clearly not liking this conversation or topic. "No, Father. I have not".

  As considerate Father is about my decision of waiting for someone that caught my heart, he really wanted to speed up the process so I don't have to wait anymore. "Oh, dear...", he muttered. "Well...", he exhaled through his nose. "..what about you, Cornelius? Any lady or gentleman that caught your eye?" Cornelius, who was drinking water, spit the liquid when he heard the last sentence.

  He coughed out the water and beat his chest and Father worried while I... got a knowing smirk on my face; picturing a certain someone in my head.

  "No, Father. I have not..." he cleared his throat. I flashed a smirk on him and he frowned. "Oh, really Cornelius?..." his cheeks flashed a light tint. ".. Not even one? Not even a certain pri–". "No! No one, yet! NO. ONE. YET!" he cut me off mid-way, jabbing a finger at the table. He glared at me, face still flushed red, while I'm still smirking at him. Father sighed beside us, obviously not understanding what his dear children are fighting of.
