Missy who was at the front of the classroom. I must say she looks pretty and looks quiet so I hope she won't be a handful like the others.

Missy Pov
I went in and took a seat beside a girl at the front if the class. When Miss Granada left I saw a boy behind me... stretching his neck I guess to hear something but it didn't distract me from doing my work on my given tablet. Then suddenly I heard someone said that she's gone then chaos was in the stronghold and as soon as that happened a water airplane circled around me and saw its source which was a little girl. Then I saw a boy in wheelchair come up to me and introduced himself that his name is wheels because of his wheelchair and that the reason why he is in one is because his muscles are too strong for his bod bones can't support them and also his brain which was a cool power. He started introducing me to the others. "So, Wheels, whose your new friend," asked the guys that stretched his neck to the door earlier, "Missy, this is noodles... we call him that because, well...," I cut him off by saying, "He stretches and twists around like a noodle?" and he nodded. He continued introducing me to everyone.

Y/N Pov
I watched as wheels gave Missy a introduction if everyone. I might look nice to people but I'm not it's just an act to cover my real self because I'm actual a" Savage and cold hearted person" that's what people tell me so I got with the flow. Most of the children, especially wheels and slow-mo , knows how I act but Missy doesn't know yet. I rest my head on the desk then I heard wheels voice getting louder, "And then, there's our fearless leader, Wildcard and there's not a single power he doesn't have," he said I got my head of the table and rubbed my eyes, "but sadly he doesn't know how to control them poor baby," I said in a mockingly voice. He glared at me, "That's what you think watch this... Teleport!" as he said that the book caught on fire and I laughed. "And here is Ace-girl she has all the elemental powers fire, earth, water and air also she's the older sister of guppy," Wheel said, "Well nice to meet you I'm Missy," She said holding out her hand. I looked at it then her face and smirked, "Oh hey I'm Ace-Girl as you heard what wheel said," I said with my innocent smile and shook her hand, "Also she's the biggest rival of wildcard, " said wheels "Then why is he sitting beside her?" Missy whispered in his ear. He looked at her with a shrug. I got up and walked beside Missy," Missy I have one to thing to say to you... Don't mess with me and my little sister guppy or I will personally give you a "welcome" gift," showing my sharp shark teeth. She got frightened because of that and wheels scooted her away from me, "You should listen to her Missy because the last time someone messed with Guppy they went to a hospital and he was discharged from the hospital in 3 months and goes to therapy still to this day." I smiled and went back to my seat, "She looks too kind to hurt guppy so I'll accepted her for now..." I was going to rest until I heard Wildcard getting up from his seat going to the new girl, "So, new girl, what's your superpower?" which caught my interest so I got up and stand beside him. "Yeah, uh, so with the whole power thing--," I realized what she was saying and I was about to say that but Face maker beat me to it, "Wait a second I remember you. You're Marcus Moreno's kid." " Yeah, my dad hasn't gone on any mission for a while so I've been chilling with the normal kids," Missy replied. " Why would they put a kid with superpowers in with normal kids," Wildcard said then I knocked him in the head, " Shut up don't you get it, she doesn't have powers but Missy you don't have to worry about it we'll still be here. Just don't don't listen to this dumbass here." "Ouch that hurts," Wildcard said and I just hit him again with more force and went to my seat. "You're powerless," Wheel said in shock. "Whatever. Can we put on the TV? I want to see if there's news about our parents," Missy said walking to her seat. Wheels turned on the TV.

(Watch the video)                                                                                                                                                               After seeing what happened to our parents Missy started crying. Everyone looked at me in shock because I was a hot mess like literally I started producing flame from my head to my toes screaming in agony. Guppy rushed to me and made a big water shark and dropped it on me which sorta helped with the flames but I infuriated. "I'm going to my room," I said going to my room leaving everyone frightened with my expression because I never had an outburst that caused me to use my flames.

To be continued                                                                                                                                                                 Words: 885                                                                                                                                                                         
