Everyone was talking and Camilo was sleeping on Dolores. Dolores remembers, what while Camilo was hugging her, he almost cried. Just like her mother, Camilo can be emotional. He rarely shows it, but Dolores clearly knows it. She looked at her cousins. Luisa's oldest and youngest sister were talking to each other, while Luisa was hugging them both. Music was heard, and everyone payed attention to it, expect for Camilo. Dolores didn't wanted to wake him up.  - "the music is so long" - said Isabela in a bored voice.

I don't know who I am anymore

"What?!" - shouted Pepa. - "shhh! You'll wake up Camilo!" - said Dolores.
Ever since the light left my door
I've been feeling, Iike a soldier at war and I fight
With the cave and the mask you adore
(Ooohh... go now child, you'll figure it out)
But How I'm gonna be me, if you want someone else?
Oohhh, hush now brother, what's not that we think
You just need a bit of time to get back to your feet

Everyone smiled when they saw Dolores comforting her brother. Camilo was still sleeping.

*got lazy again, woo*

Speaking of my feet
What do you mean?
I'm too short, too weak
That's not true
Ugh, well, that's just how it feels
There's a lot that's not perfect about you and I
But there's no need to play a stranger in your skin despite your
Dumb jokes
Dumb jokes?
Your appetite
All right, I get it from our uncle, he's a mischievous type
(You get it from our uncle, he's a mischievous type)
I'm just saying this 'cause there's more to you than you think
Sometimes I look in the mirror and I don't know who I see
Well, I see a nice boy who makes people smile
A nice boy who takes care of our mama
A nice boy who can't accept compliments
I'm just saying it's different
Well, I see a nice boy
A nice boy
Who makes people smile
Who can't do anything
A nice boy who takes care of our mama
Useful for the family
A nice boy
I wish I had a gift like yours
No, you don't
No, I don't

"Speaking of Camilo's height, he's actually short. He's 5'1 and when he slouches he seems to be 4'11" - said Isabela. - "I'm still shorter than him, Isa! I'm 4'9, that's not fair" - said Mirabel and Isabela tried to hold her laughter. - "he doesn't know himself.. why didn't you told us about your problems and Camilo didn't told. And also you too, young ladies" - said Pepa and then pointed out to Isabela and Luisa. - "Abuela" - answered Isabela and Luisa - "I didn't wanted to talk about my problems for some reason and Camilo.. he was just hiding it, I guess. And the facts he doesn't  knows himself isn't his only problem." - - said Dolores. - "what do you mean?" - asked Pepa - "just like me, he feels pain from his gift."


Remember, it's my alternative universe. Not everything is canon.
Thank you for reading this
