ryan ross (1)

ryan and i had recently broken up. we were together for about 1 1/2 years before we called it quits but were friends for a while before. we haven't been together in almost 4 months and i still couldn't keep my mind off him.

i was currently sitting with one of my best friends pete talking about random stuff and somehow ryan came up. "what is going on with you guys anyway?" he asked curiously. i shook my head slightly and shrugged, "nothing really, we haven't talked in a while to be honest" i said looking down. he nodded. "interesting, i expected one of you, if not both to cave in at this point. i really loved you guys together" he frowned. i smiled a bit but shook my head again. "nope. i haven't reached out to him and he hasn't to me. it's okay though, our time was up i guess" i said trying to convince myself more than pete. he nodded and changed the subject.

we talked for a few my hours and i decided i should go before it got late. we said our goodbyes and i was on my way.

since pete didn't live to far i figured i just walk instead of wasting gas to get to somewhere that's walking distance.

i was about to walk passed the 7/11 near my house and there was a tall man walking out. i didn't think much at first but i registered that the man was wearing a familiar hat. he was getting closer so i could see his face better. he was laughing on the phone but he looked in my direction and his smile faded. he instantly hung up the phone and shoved it in his pocket.

i tried to turn away from him but it was too late. "y/n?" i heard him speak. "ryan" i said dully. "how've you been?" he asked in an awkward silence. "i've been okay i guess, you?" i returned the question. "to put it easily, i've been better" he said truthfully. i sighed and nodded in agreement.

things didn't end great between us but the last few moments weren't the worst.

"i'm sorry for everything that happened, y/n. i know i've told you and i hope you've forgiven me at this point, i really miss you" he said almost embarrassed. "i've forgiven you ryan, i really miss you too. it's funny we see each other, i was just at pete's and he asked about us." i laughed. "he's so nosy" ryan added with a laugh. i nodded in agreement. "want a ride home?" he asked shyly. i thought for a minute. it was cold and i was starting to get a little tired, plus it's not like he doesn't know where i live. after a second i nodded and we got in the car.

the ride was kinda awkward but i guess it could've been worse. he parked in the driveway and walked me to the door. one thing about ryan is even on bad terms he'll be a gentleman.

i unlocked the front door and was about to say goodbye. "it was really nice seeing you, even if it was an accident" he chuckled. i laughed. "it was nice i agree. it's been tough not talking to or seeing you" i said. he nodded. "its been extremely hard not seeing you let alone not even talking to you, i really have missed you" he said while stepping closer to me.

i really didn't want to give in to whatever was about to happen but i couldn't resist him. it's ryan fucking ross for christ sakes.

we stared at each other for a second before he leaned in for a soft kiss. he rested his forehead on mine and held his hands on either side of my waist. i giggled a little bit which confused ryan.

"what's funny?" he asked. "this is so cliche. we just broke up and now we're locking lips again" i answer. he laughed this time and nodded his head. "true that. sorry if that made things weird" he said sounding guilty. "ryan a kiss isn't gonna make things weird at this point, we were together for awhile. we've experienced way more awkward things" i assured him. "i'm getting cold, do you want to come in or do you need to go?" i asked. he shook his head instantly. "i don't have to go anywhere and it is pretty chilly, let's go in" he replied. i nodded and opened the door.

he stayed the night and sorted things out between us. we're going to restart and be willing to stay together.

didn't know how to end this tbh ๐Ÿ˜ญ send requests asap!!
