i. BET !

"COME ON, YOU GOTTA LET LOOSE." Mila loudly exclaims over the strong bass as she drags Emilia to the party. Jamal followed the two with an entertained look.

"I wanted to relax and watch a movie!" Emilia whines as she was dragged to the bar where Mila and Jamal quickly ordered drinks for themselves and for her.

"Let loose. Be like Jamal!" Mila says as they both watch Jamal take a shot of tequila.

"He just won the Bundesliga and scored the winning goal. Obviously he's going to drink."

"You're telling me the German and the Puerto Rican in you doesn't want to drink?"

"Fair enough."

"Perfect timing!" Jamal happily says as the bartender places three shots on the counter. He shares a look with Mila as they watch Emilia glance at the shot.

"I'll drink but Mila, if you dare to even try to make me hook up with someone, i'll-"

"Okay, deal!" The blonde happily replies. "On three! One, two, three!"

The trio quickly take their shot before bursting out into cheers and laughter. Their vacation in Mykonos was only just starting.

Emilia didn't notice the glances that were coming from her from the other side of the patio.

"Jude, you have like 20 girls staring at you, bro." Gio teases his friend as he takes a sip of his beer. They were in a middle of an intense and drunken uno match when he noticed the girls around them.

"I'm just too attractive, y'know?"

"You're crazy, Bellingham."

"Can't help that the ladies love me," Jude replies with a chuckle. He glances at a blonde who had been eyeing him and sends her his signature smile, "And I love them."

"I bet you can't even stay with one for more than a week."

He turns to Gio with a raised eyebrow. "Are you testing me right now, Giovanni Reyna? Because you know I never lose a bet."

"Woah!" The American loudly exclaims, setting down his stack of cards. "Full government name, Jude Victor Bellingham. I'm just saying, I've never seen you commit to a girl."

"I'm 19."

"Yet you have a new girl on your arm each week."

"I can stay with a girl for more than a week."

"More than a month?"

"Oh, I definitely can."

"Okay, sure." Gio snorts in response as Jude gives him a glare.

"Do you not believe me?"

"Not really, no."

"Mate, I definitely can stay in a relationship for more than a month."

Gio looks at him with a raised eyebrow. His lips curl into a smile as he leans back, "Then I bet you can't stay in a relationship for more than a month."

Jude chuckles at his proposal. He raises his eyebrow at him before responding, "And I bet that I'll win."

"Except, you can't date any of your fan girls. That'd be too easy."

"Fine, deal."

The American laughs loudly at his confidence. Out of the corner of his eye, he sees a girl dancing by herself by the bar. She's one of the only girls who hadn't been trying to get all over Jude the whole night. "Her." He says, pointing over to her.

The English player follows his line of sight and sees a tan girl dancing with a drink in her hand. Her friends were next to her and laughing while they watched her.

"She's cute." He quietly says before turning to Gio, "Alright, fine. Come back to me in a few weeks when I win then."

"Sure you will, Bellingham!"

Jude lets out a loud laugh as he makes his way to the dancing girl. Her friends notice him coming up to her and left her alone. He decided to take their spot and leans against the counter, immediately catching her attention.

"Looks like you're having a great night."

She chuckles, copying his movements by leaning against the counter also. "It's Mykonos, duh. I'm going to be dancing all night, every night." She replies, taking a sip of the cocktail in her hand.

He raises his eyebrow as an entertained smile made its way onto his lips. "Well, you're a good dancer."

"Wish I could say the same. Haven't seen you dance yet."

"Well, if you give me your number then maybe you'll be able to see my sweet dance moves."

She raises her eyebrow. She holds her hand out and smiles, "Emilia."

"Jude." He replies, taking her hand and pressing a kiss on the back of it. "It's a pleasure to meet you."

"Like wise."

Emilia reaches towards her bag that was slung over her shoulder and searches for a pen. Luckily, she managed to find one at the bottom of her bag. She gently grabs Jude's wrist and writes her number on his arm in small lettering.

"Call me later then." She smiles at him before grabbing her cocktail and leaving him behind to go back with her friends.

"I definitely will." He calls out. He chuckles as he watches her leave.

Gio was watching their interaction from afar when Jamal sat down next to him while Jude and Emilia were talking. "Nice seeing you here." The German says as they dap each other up.

"Yo, Jamal!" The American loudly exclaims, clearly already starting to get drunk.

Jamal gestures towards Jude, "What's his plan with her?"

"What? Are you guys dating or something?"

"No, we're just friends. Trust me. I was wondering because of who her father is."

Gio looks at him confused with squinted eyes and an open mouth. "No? Am I supposed to know?"

Jamal's eyes widened as he lightly slaps his arm. "Her father is Toni Kroos? Jude's future teammate? A legend at Real Madrid?"

The American gasps at realization and his eyes widened even more. "Her father is Toni Kroos?"

"Yes. Tell Jude I said good luck with that. He can be very protective." Jamal chuckles before getting up and leaving him dumbfounded.

Gio glances over at Jude and sees Emilia write her number down on his wrist. "Oh, shit." He mumbles.

bi speaks ! ☆彡
ik gio wasn't w him in mykonos
but lets pretend ok shhhh
