십사 : the proposal plan

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./づᡕᠵ᠊ᡃ່࡚ࠢ࠘ ⸝່ࠡࠣ᠊߯᠆ࠣ࠘ᡁࠣ࠘᠊᠊ࠢ࠘♡ chapter fourthteen



Since what happened, I didn’t dare to see Prince Thyme or go back to our house. I sleep with Klaharn here near the seashore. I'm lucky he let me sleep with him.

"Klaharn, aren't you lonely being here all the time?" He shook his head. It's too cold here for him, I'm worried.

"Why? Are you hoping that your parents will come back?" He just sat beside me and looked outside the window.

"Klaharan, sleeping here is dangerous, and it's also too cold; you might get sick. What if one day your parents come back? Do you think they would be happy if they found out that their precious son is sleeping here?" He finally made eye contact with me. I slowly patted his head, seeing if he would react or not, but surprisingly, he didn't push me away.

"Let's sleep in my house, if your parents come back,  I'm sure that they will find you on this whole island." I waited for his answer, but he didn't respond. Magi is right. He doesn't like sleeping in other houses except here.

"Okay." Did he just respond verbally?

"Okay then, get ready, and I will come with you to school."

Actually, there is a security station near his residence that monitors the boats that come and go from the island because not all schedules are the same. So there is a good probability that a boat will return sooner, but it will not sail back to the city as soon as they arrive since they need to gather items to sell in the city first, and it will take them days to organize the village's produce. But having security near him can’t monitor whatever may happen to him inside the house, so I’m relieved that Klaharn trusts me.

Every morning, he’s the one who goes to the village chief's house for him to eat and take a bath because he doesn’t want to bother other people who always deliver food to his little  house. As usual, Madame Gawao greets us with a warm smile and warm food. He’s even more happy to see me wearing the clothes we got from him. Klaharn let me help him get ready for school, such as getting his food and taking him a bath. We went to school afterward, and the other kids are now getting along with the kid and not bullying him.

“Thank you for helping out today, Khun; the lessons became more lively because of you.”

“No need to be thankful, I’m just bored at home waiting for the ship. I should be the one giving thanks to you for letting me hang out with you guys here.” I actually want to be busy, I don’t want to see Thyme today.

"You're always welcome here; you should bring Thyme with you next time." Dr. Akk shows a devilish grin; he's now teasing me, huh? I just laughed.

"Then I'm heading out now; I need to go to Madame's house." Magi waved to us as she went out with the kids, including Klaharn.

"Then, I'm also heading out then."

“W-Wait, Kavin!”

“Yes?” Dr. Akk checked if there were still people in the classroom. After checking that no one would hear us, he walked closely towards me.

“In a few days, my boyfriend will come home again.”

“Really! That's great news.” That also means the second prince and I had a chance to get home.

“That’s why I want to ask for your help. I want to surprise him that day and…”

“And?” Why is he blushing?

“You should help me first to buy what I need.”

“For what?”

“I will tell you later,  come on, let’s head to the market.” He’s now pushing towards the door, but I almost held my breath when I saw Thyme’s confused face then become serious.

“You must be having fun.”

“A-Ah, yes. In fact, we are heading into the market. See you later.” Dr. Akk answered.

“I'm coming too, then.”


“Tell me, is there something between the two of you?”

“Excuse me?”

“I’m just curious what’s going on between the two of you.”

“He’s just a friend of mine.”

“Why did he look so annoyed?” Then I followed his gaze to the back. Thyme is walking alone while looking back at us. Because he insisted, Dr. Akk let him go with us here in the market. It's a good thing he insisted because we bought a lot of goods that I still don’t know what to do with. Is there an upcoming birthday or other celebration that we don’t know about?

“Just ignore him—”

“Hey!” The second prince immediately assisted me in getting up, but the items I was holding and my bag were scattered. Our heirloom!

“Do you have a problem, ha?!”

“Stop it, Thyme, you’re scaring the kid.”

“I’m sorry, my kid is really careless. Are you okay?” The mother of the kid asked about me.

"I'm okay, it's nothing." I quickly bent down to fix my things, especially the heirloom. I always make sure that I have this with me whenever I am outside the palace in order to get help if I am in an emergency situation. Since no one knows the real face of the crown prince, they can recognize me by showing the royal family's heirloom, so this is more important than my life!

"Teach your kid to be careful then." The mother apologized and then left quickly. After that incident, we went home immediately.

"Thyme, can you help me bring this to Madame's house?" Dr. Akk asked while putting down the goods we bought in the market from the pick-up truck. I saw how he rolled his eyes, so I gently tapped his shoulder.

"I'll help you instead." The car can't go up anymore, and we have to walk from here up to our houses.

"Fine, I'll bring it."

"Thanks!" We watched Thyme carry a few boxes and walk away.

"Are you sure he didn't like you at all?"

“Please, Dr. Akk, stop it." I was about to carry some boxes, but Dr. Akk stopped me. I looked at him with a confused face.

"Kavin… I actually want to throw a big surprise party for Book because of this." He slowly pulled out a velvet box from his pocket and showed me the shining ring inside. I can't help but be haunted by my past.

"H-Hey, are you okay?"

"Oh, sorry. I just, I just remembered I was like you back then."

"What do you mean?" I also pulled out something from my pants and showed him the jade ring.

"Y-You already have someone else!?"

"I had one before, and like you, we're also on the point of getting married. But, on the day I was supposed to put this ring on her finger, I discovered she'd been cheating on me for a long time. She is the reason I was here in Thailand—to find and heal myself." Akk rested his hand on my shoulder.

"I didn't know you were having a hard time now. It must be confusing, and you might be blaming yourself right now. I hope you will find happiness once again."

"Thank you, and don't worry, you have my full support in your proposal."

"Thank you, Kavin." I don't know if I'm the only one who feels that someone is watching us.


thank you for suppoortt
good night, muah
