part 6: who knows fr

hey peoplez so it's really 3:00 am right now and i have school tomorrow lolz

i have a science test, a french project that i need to present, i also have a rugby game rip

i spent the last 4 hours doing my nails because why the fuck not. and i didn't even get to finish my right hand and clean up my mistakes because my machine set on fire.

deadass crying right now but it's ok:)

but to be honest with you guys, i honestly have no clue where i'm going with this but whatever lolz

i lowkey just want to finish it but then i won't have anything to write and then i'll be upset tehe

but i have run out of ideas fhsnnngsdz

oh! also idk why i just want to say this but a boy in my school, found my tiktok rip and i have links to all of my socials there so he might be reading this so hi if you are i have embarrassed myself enough now cvdhevgbekja

okay  byeeee thank you for reading :)))

i'm actually going to continue the story here because uhh i just want to tehe


so y/n and duke text for awhile when duke asks y/n if she wants to facetime

a/n: if you don't know what facetiming is, it's video-chatting but with effects and such

yes i'd love to facetime!

y/n says as she jumps up and rushes to change into something more presentable for duke when she gets a message from duke saying okay, hold on one sec tati's calling me it'll be quick don't worry.

y/n replies with okay, no worries take all the time you need while quickly rushing around to change her clothes, do her makeup, make her hair look nice


i wanted to facetime so bad but i didn't know how to tell her so i just awkwardly asked her:
"hey wanna facetime?" UGH EW 

i made up an excuse to buy me some time to go get ready 
and by "ready" i mean get dressed, fix my hair a lil bit, brush my teeth, etc.

i don't think she bought it but whatever, at least i have SOME time.

i go back to my phone to facetime y/n when i see that she just posted on her instagram

damnnn you are seriously SO beautiful! i comment and wait about 5 minutes and text her and ask if she's ready to facetime yet.

"what do you mean by "ready to facetime? you think i would take the time out of my day to "get ready" for a stupid facetime call?"


okay peoplez it's 3:35 goodnight i need SLEP
