Sleepy Boys

Techno is part piglin

Techno and Phil warmed up to each other because Techno likes gold and Phil's crows do as well.  That's also why Techno will address Phil's chat as well

Tommy and Tubbo tried to make each other flower crowns but they fell apart to easily.

Tommy doesn't like bees because he played in flower fields too often when he was super young, but whenever Tubbo is around he tolerates them.

Techno once thought that because Phil had wings so did Tommy, so he shoved him off a roof as a joke assuming he would catch himself and accidentally broke his leg.

Wilbur likes to take random walks in the woods but gets lost a lot.

Techno always has 20 million blankets because the over world is colder than the nether.

Techno and Tubbo aren't Phil's biological sons, but Phil treats them like they are anyway.

No one knows how old Phil is, he's just always been there.

Sally was actually an accountant, but Wilbur panicked when he was trying to tell Phil and said salmon for some odd reason.  No one lets him live it down.

Tommy has blown up more houses than the rest of the Sleepy Boys combined.  Sometimes it's not even their house.

Potions make the voices quieter, especially invisibility ones.

Oh, we voices exist btw.  No one really knows why, we just talk constantly and call for blood a lot of the time.

More than once, Phil has spoken bird and accidentally forgot to revert back to human and tried to communicate with Wilbur or Techno through chirps.

Tubbo also has an affinity for chicks and other yellow animals.

Tommy likes to steal everyone's glasses even though his eyesight is pretty much perfect.

Wilbur knits his beanies and tried to teach Tubbo, but Tubbo kept poking himself and refused to learn.

Tubbo was a bee for Halloween.

Wilbur has a really loose grip on things and will accidentally wave around say a pen, let go of it, and hit someone with it.  He got banned from the kitchen when he accidentally threw a pan at Tommy.

Speaking of which, Phil is the only one who can cook.  Tommy puts way too much everything and makes things disgusting.  Wilbur usually sets things on fire or accidentally throws things.  Techno gets easily distracted by things and all of a sudden the entire kitchen smells like burnt food.  Tubbo one day just stopped cooking and no one questioned it.

Techno remembers the story behind all of his scars and will tell them to Tommy and Tubbo when they're bored.  Tommy's favorite was the only one he ever caused, which included a throwing knife and a rubber duck.  Tubbo's favorite is a small gash on Techno's upper left arm that he got when he saved Tubbo from a polar bear he had accidentally hit.

Techno's favorite scar was one he gained from winning a battle against his first wither.

Tubbo is part goat and has tiny horns.

Sally and Wilbur used to live together but one day Sally kinda just disappeared and Wilbur never talked about her again.  Then nine months later Fundy showed up on their doorstep.

Fundy is trans.  I will fight anyone who tries to convince me otherwise, and I have been doing Taekwondo for 7 years and archery for 3.

Fundy is a free spirit and only stops by once in a while to check in.

Sometimes Tubbo  makes Tommy necklaces and bracelets when he's bored.

Tubbo can eat metals and tin, but he prefers not to because it messes up his teeth.

Wilbur almost shattered his spine trying to do a backfilp.  Don't know where that one came from.

Almost every single one of Tommy's teeth are chipped.  He just doesn't care.

Tubbo really likes the cold, so sometimes he'll sleep outside with a sleeping bag.  Tommy usually joins him.

Tubbo and Tommy carved their initials on the side of Phil's house.  

Techno dyed his hair pink because he kept complaining he looked like Wilbur, but the dye was permanent and stained his roots and through the power of plot he is forever stuck with pink hair.  He doesn't mind it.

Wilbur knows how to do the best eyeliner.

Tubbo is the most aggressive when being woken up.  He's been known to brutally attack whoever had the misfortune of shaking him awake, usually Tommy.

That's all I have, oh well.  I'll add more later probably. Or do a part two.
