Christmas Break

The next few weeks passed by without anything interesting truly happening and before they knew it, it was time for Christmas. Everyone was excited and ready to go home and see their parents. All but that Granger girl that Druella had noticed was hanging out with Potter now. When someone would ask her what she was doing for the holidays she would duck her head and continue on her way. Druella didn't pay attention to it too much, but she knew something would come up and she would know what it was.

"Drew, we have to board the train now." Draco whispered. She turned to him, smiled and went to Hogsmeade to board the train. They rode the train back to King Cross Station and played Exploding Snap a bit, but when they got there all Draco saw was Druella take off running and jump into her father's arms. They had no idea he would be coming given the fact that many still feared him.


"Hey sweetheart. Let's go home before they send aurors." He whispered as he smiles at his daughter. She knew break was going to be fun, but also tiring.

When they got home they all sat down in the sitting room and Tom started going over the holiday. "Now, Drew, Draco. You have most of the holiday to yourselves, but don't forget the annual yule ball we host every year. The only difference is this year you must have a date. You're eleven and that is the age you start to bring dates to balls."

Druella let out and grown. "Daddy, why? You know how much I hate going with a date."

"I'm sorry darling, but you have too." Tom said as he smiled at his daughter reassuringly.

"Oh fine."

The next few days passed by quickly, but when it was time for her to go to dinner one day aa house elf called her down early and when she came down she walked into the room and saw just Draco standing there and he walked forward and pulled out yellow roses. Her favorite. He seemed really nervous and stuttered a bit when he talked. "I know you still need a date to the yule ball and.....well... I-I was wondering if you would do me the honors of going with me?"

She just smiled at him and hugged him. He seemed surprised and happy when she said yes.

Before they knew it. It was time for the ball. Draco was waiting downstairs as his mother messed with him hair and then, Druella came down stairs. She was wearing a dark purple dress the flowed to the floor and matching lipstick. Her long, dark brown hair was pulled back and curled still flowing down her back. He couldn't stop staring and she just rolled her eyes. "Y-you look great." He finally managed to stutter out.

"Thanks. I'm going to go get the tables ready with Pansy." She replied smoothly.

Tom came up to Draco and said, "You love my daughter at the mere age of eleven don't you?"


"Relax you would be better for her than anyone else."

And with that, people began to arrive. After the party had been going the Potter's showed up as ordered by Dumbledore and they expected to be welcomed, but no one paid them any mind. They saw Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy and walked up to them. "We are pleased to be here." Lily said, calmly.

"I'm glad you could come." They heard behind them and they saw none other than Tom Riddle.


"Oh please like we would want anything to do with that weakling. Why, his magic level is near that of a squib." Druella said as she approach. "You were invited as this is an event for Ancient and Noble houses, which The House of Potter happens to be. She just rolled her eyes.

"Hey Drew! Care to dance." Draco interrupted to prevent a fight her at the party."

"I'd love to." They danced and the Potters left. The rest of the Party went uninterrupted as did their Break. It consisted of homework and a lot of quidditch, but mostly it passed uneventfully.
