In Nanyanghoufu, news of the Peony Garden has always been the fastest.

After the fact that Tang Cheng left the two mothers sent by Mrs. Zhenguo soon came out, everyone in the Nanyang Hou Mansion was incredible. It seems that Miss Fourth should be the child of Wen Shizi, who secretly wanted to see Those Tang Cheng continued to die were disappointed.

It's just a little bit...a little bit...

this coral is too weak.

Mrs. Zhang of Nanyang Hou, who lives in the main courtyard, listened to his confidant Mother Chen's report to the Peony Garden. Regarding Tang Cheng's behavior of leaving behind two mothers without permission from her head wife, her expression remained unchanged. For a moment, Zhang would still be angry and unwilling to do so earlier, but later wanted to open it. A girl without a mother, still a concubine, can't threaten her status as a pair of children. Sooner or later, she will get married. Why bother, Hou Ye Just pet it.

Therefore, in addition to not observing Hou Ye's instructions, Zhang made Tang Chengji a prostitute under his name, and closed his eyes at Tang Cheng's every move. Her actions made Hou Ye very satisfied. Sons and daughters, it is an unexpected joy.

Zhang is a wise man, and since then, he has followed Hou's wishes, and even more does not care about Tang Cheng, she never embarrassed what she wants, even the servants of Peony Garden let Tang Cheng choose by herself.

The hatred of everyone in the backyard of the mansion was concentrated on Tang Cheng, and even secretly helped her block many calculations, making Tang Cheng a dazzling target.

When attending the wife's party, Zhang was still very helplessly'complaining', but Madam Hou was not able to discipline a concubine. Everyone sympathized with the wife of Nanyang Hou, Zhang.

Nobody in the capital now knows that Nanyang Hou spoils a savage and willful concubine to heaven.

On the side, Tang Xin listened to his mother's confidant talking about the Fourth Sister, and the plot in the book could not help appearing in his mind. The fourth sister was just a miserable cannon fodder by the rebirth heroine.

Obviously he grabbed a good hand, and there was a grandfather Hou who spoiled her, but he just died. He didn't end well in two lifetimes. The heroine of this life was reborn and the end was even more miserable.

Not to mention the fourth sister, the original owner of her body later embarked on the path of being an enemy of the heroine. The husband who married was an infatuated male partner who wanted to be born again, and helped the heroine torture her, and her fate was not much better. .

Fortunately, she was wearing it at the right time, and she has not yet matched the rebirth heroine and the infatuated man.

She wanted to be low-key into the ancient times, but she didn't want to be low-key to marry the rebirth daughter's husband who was mediocre except for her family background.

Tang Xin pursed his lips.

When she first read the revenge of the heroine's rebirth, she liked the Wen Shizi in the book very much.

In the book, the fourth sister knocked out Wen Shizi's child under the instigation of her host maid, Shanhu. This was the beginning of her tragic fate. It would be fine if she was wearing the fourth sister.

Wen Shizi is a man of male god level.

I really don't know what the author thinks. In order to make readers share the same hatred, such a plot was specially arranged. When she first read the book, she wished that Tang Cheng, who had defiled her male god, was killed by the rebirth heroine earlier.

Thinking about it this way, Tang Xin immediately wanted to meet the fourth sister. Speaking of it, she has been through it for more than half a month, and she hasn't seen this greedy, vain, coquettish and domineering fourth sister.

"Mother, I'm going to see Simei in Peony Garden."

Tang Xin twitched his eyes when talking about the origin of the name of the yard in Peony Garden. It was mentioned in the book that the name was taken by Simei himself, because peony symbolizes wealth. Si My sister liked peonies, and she learned how to raise peonies in an arty manner, but she just kept a pot of peony to death, and was seen a lot of jokes.

Hearing this, Zhang couldn't help frowning, and his tone was serious to stop: "Xin'er, you and Si Yatou have always been at odds. This is not the time when you are showing your sister's affection. When something goes wrong , all the dirty and smelly will be splashed on you." Tang Cheng is pregnant with the grandson of Zhen Guo Gong, unless she is secretly slamming her to death, otherwise it is best not to do it by herself. The anger of the Lord will also face revenge from the Lord Zhenguo, and the gain is not worth the loss.

"Madam is right, Miss, look at the other masters in the house, who would go to the Peony Garden to see the Fourth Miss, and it would be too late to avoid it." Madam Chen also echoed Zhang's words.

In the Peony Garden now, I don't know how many eyes are paying attention, and there are constant small actions in private, especially Wen Shizi's next-door cousin, who is staring at the title of Zhen Guo Duke, wishing that Wen Shizi will have no heirs in his life, and adopt their son, otherwise the town. Where does Mrs. Guo Gong need to send two mothers to guard the children of Miss Fourth?

An unmarried concubine of the Hou Mansion who became pregnant first was notorious and her character was unsatisfactory. Apart from the piece of meat in her belly, who would miss her?

The Zhang family explained the stakes one by one, and Madam Chen also added.

Tang Xin is not stupid either. Hearing this explanation from her mother and Grandma Chen, she almost didn't get into a cold sweat. She was really too young and had plot gold fingers. She only knew that the four sisters were obsessed with the four princes and killed them. The child of Wen Shizi, but I don't know that there are so many black hands in it.

So even if the fourth sister decides to keep Wen Shizi's child, she is still thrilling, and if she is not careful, her child will not be able to keep it.

Tang Xin now faintly sympathized with the fourth sister. He dispelled the thought of visiting the fourth sister. He obeyed Zhang's words and stayed in his yard to care for the flowers and plants.

Tang Xin's yard is full of flowers and full of vitality, all of which are due to Tang Xin's golden finger-the plant system ability.

This is Tang Xin's confidence and greatest secret.

"Miss, Miss Fourth sent someone in the morning to say that she wants the three-color peony you just cultivated."

Tang Xin's maid, Jin Shu, hesitated for a while, and cautiously stepped forward to convey the words of Miss Fourth.

Tang Xin's pretty face sank.

Four sisters fluttered and wanted to get rid of the mutated tricolor peony that she had bred for half a month with plant powers. She was not used to her because of her big appetite.

"Who spread the news that I cultivated the three-color peony?"

"The slave and maid don't know."

"Go check it out!" Tang Xin looked down. It was a secret that she cultivated the three-color peony, but she didn't expect it to be spread out. Maybe the rebirth heroine already knew it.

Hope it didn't arouse Liu Jintong's suspicion.

Tang Xin didn't want to confront the heroine at all. Tang Cheng was the only one in the entire Nanyang Hall of Fame and the heroine, and Tang Xin didn't want to get involved.

"Yes, miss."

Jin Shu left in response.

At this time, Tang Xin didn't have the mind to use the plant system supernatural powers to conceive the precious flowers in the yard. She decided to hide the three-color peony and make an accident to send Tang Cheng away, so as not to get the sometimes eccentric grandfather Hou to ask for it.


Tang Cheng, who just changed the core, is full of heart and eyes on raising a baby. He has forgotten the bad things the original owner did in the morning, leaving Tang Xin as an enemy.

At this time, Tang Cheng was eating fresh fruit while planning his future silently. Regardless of his past and present, Tang Cheng was a spoiled and grown-up eldest lady, who lived arrogantly.

However, publicity must have capital. Tang Cheng squinted his eyes and decided to regain physical surgery after giving birth to the baby.

It's too insecure to have no strength.

This body has a good physical talent, which is comparable to her original talent, and Tang Cheng is very satisfied.

I really don't know what the original owner thinks. After reading her memory, she can practice physical skills, but she was dazzled by the imperial technology and civilization fans in her memory, leaving behind her pampering grandfather Hou and the baby in her stomach to reincarnate happily. .

Tang Cheng couldn't understand.

But before practicing body surgery, first strengthen your physique.

Tang Cheng did it as she thought of it. After eating the perfect and fresh melons, she immediately asked Pearl to pick up the paper and calligraphy. Pearl was stunned when she heard the words, but she didn't say anything and took the things that the young lady had displayed to Tang Cheng. before.

"Miss, do you want to practice calligraphy?"

Pearl asked curiously.

I am embarrassed to say that the young lady has studied with the female master for so many years, except for the complete recognition of the characters, the writing is not as good as that of a six-year-old child, let alone other talents.

Outside, no one knows that the fourth young lady of Nanyang Houfu is not educated and skillful, and is a spoiled and willful sloppy beauty.

Now the young lady who hates studying the most on weekdays suddenly asks for paper and calligraphy. Pearl couldn't help but wonder if the young lady is going to be motivated.

"No, I suddenly thought of a particularly useful medicine prescription. I will write it down later. Go to the drugstore to grab the medicine. I will make the medicine."

Tang Cheng replied casually, mentioning the crooked writing brush and writing out the medicinal materials to be used. I'm not used to this weak body at all, because the mother's weak body will affect the baby's aptitude.

This potion for strengthening the body is the only potion Tang Cheng can refine. In the interstellar empire, the potion for strengthening the body is the most popular and best-selling potion, and it is also an essential potion for pregnant women.

Tang Cheng was fortunate that he had learned how to refine potions for strengthening the body because of his curiosity.

Now it comes in handy.

When Pearl heard that the young lady was about to toss again, she was almost frightened to make medicine with a strange prescription she had gotten from nowhere, and her face turned pale.

Mother Cao and Mother Gao both changed their faces. They knew Tang Cheng's temperament very well before they came. Finally, this tossing master decided to keep the son of the son. They rarely breathed a sigh of relief. Arrived in the throat.

Sure enough, I can't hold out much hope.

"Miss Si, the prescriptions outside are mostly unreliable. If you want to learn pharmacy, you can find a doctor with good medical skills to study." The

two mothers did not dare to persuade Tang Cheng, the master's son, to raise a baby in peace, for fear that she would suddenly change her mind. Abortion.

"Don't worry, this is the medicinal material needed to refine the potion for strengthening the body. My body is too weak now. This potion is good for the body."

"With the potion for strengthening the body, I will definitely be able to give birth to a child smoothly."

Tang Cheng dried the ink on the paper, full of confidence, ignoring the ugly characters on the paper, she had never written the calligraphy with brush, the original owner's characters were also ugly, and Tang Cheng did not feel embarrassed.

Grandma Gao and Grandma Cao were anxious.

"Fourth Miss..."

What kind of ghostly potion, they have never heard of it, wouldn't it be a deceit by those who traveled?

With the temperament of Miss Tang Si, it is not surprising to be deceived.

I'm afraid I'm afraid that Miss Tang Si will take care of it, not only tossing and refining by herself, but also planning to practice it out and drink it by herself.

Isn't this dying?

Can't stop a bit?

If it wasn't for her to be pregnant with his son's child, who would care about her.

She gave birth to the child smoothly, and she was afraid that the child would be lost by her.

"Needless to say, I know in my heart, Pearl, it's getting late, go get the medicine."

Tang Cheng interrupted the two mothers directly.

She was such an arbitrary, overbearing and self-willed person, and she had the same temperament as the original owner.

Pearl was angry and anxious, neither answering nor not answering, and she was caught in a dilemma.

The quiet as a chicken on the side of Coral rolled his eyes, and hurriedly stepped forward and said: "Miss, the slave and maid will grab medicine for you."

"Coral, do you...do you know what you do?"

Seeing Coral intervened, Pearl glared.

Coral cheeky glimpse of Miss enduring heart feel pleased but, quite the effort to discredit pressure Pearl:. "Pearl, you are not forgotten we are slaves Miss, Miss, then you dare not listen, in the end who is the master."

This is Don't miss a good time to do tricks.

Based on Shan Shan's understanding of the young lady, once she said these words, even if she could not regain her trust, she would be disgusted by her.

Coral glanced at the whitish pearl ill-intentionally, waiting for it in time.
