end note + second one-shot book

I have made it to forty parts so I decided it was a good time to end this one-shot book.

One-shots have helped me improve my writing and I am so proud of this book. I can see how I've improved, where I've made some not-so-good one-shots, and where I can make some next steps.

I highly recommend having a one-shot book for anyone wanting to improve their writing. It's a great way to test ideas and work on things you need to improve on in your writing.

My books still aren't perfect but I've had so much fun thinking up new ideas for one-shots!

Now! This isn't a total goodbye!

I still need a book for the new prompts I have received! I'm not done making random one-shots yet!

So, I've made a new one-shot book. Hopefully, I will post it soon!

It's called Serendipity and this is the cover:

Yes, it looks exactly like the other one just pink and with new fanart. The fan art was not done by me but it is very very beautiful and I want to say to the artists that I absolutely LOVE them.

Please let me know if you know if an artist didn't want their art reposted or placed on a cover. I tried to investigate them but came up with nothing. My computer has been really weird and doesn't load everything so I'm also waiting for that to improve. I'll try and look into it again later.

I'll try and post the new one-shot book today! Then I'll get working on the requests!

I really hope you enjoyed reading my one-shots, I certainly loved writing them!

Have a nice day!

LuckyBugBooks 🐞
