Chapter - 30

Hello my dear readers....

Here is the next chapter. Hope you all like it

Please let me know what you think through your comments

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Mayura knocked the door continuously... She is getting restless

When Aman opned the door she immediately went inside and saw Adhiraj was sleeping on the sofa

" Adhiraj.... " She shouted and ran towards him

She sat on the sofa with Adhiraj's head on her lap...

Mayura touched his forehead which is burning because of fever

" God!!! He has high fever..." Shs said

" What happened Aman?? " Mayura asked

" Bhabhi he passed out because of weakness and high fever " Aman said

" What?? Let's go to the hospital then." Mayura was about to stand

" I have already called the doctor. He is on the way... " Aman said

Mayura nodded as ok

" Let's take him to the room" Mayura said

With the help of Aman she made Adhiraj to lie on the bed. She covered him in blanket and then moved towards the kitchen.

She bought a bowl of water with a cloth and started rubbing his face and hands with the cold cloth.

Adhiraj gained little consciousness and saw Mayura beside him

" Mayu... " He uttered

" Adhiraj... " She cupped his cheeks

" Mayura... " He again called her

" Are you ok now?? How are you feeling now?? " She asked

But Adhiraj again lost his consciousness that scared Mayura

" Adhiraj... Open your eyes .. Adhiraj " she patted his cheeks but he didn't that made Mayura to cry

" Aman What happened all of a sudden?? Why he is like this?? " She cried

" Bhabhi he generally gets fever when he won't sleep properly. And he would take sleeping tablets but I think he stopped it..." Aman said

" What?? He takes sleeping tablets?? And he gets fever when he won't sleep properly?? " She asked

Aman nodded as yes.

At the same time there was a knock on the door

" I think the doctor is here..." Saying this Aman left the room

Mayura sat there with the tears in her eyes. She looked at Adhiraj and caressed his hair.

Doctor checked Adhiraj and assured he is's then Mayura sighed in relief.

Doctor prescribed some medicine and left.

" Aman you too leave.. it would take care of him. And haa inform others " Mayura said

Aman nodded as ok

" Ok bhabhi... Call me if you need something " saying this Aman left.


It's almost midnight when Adhiraj finally woke up.

He opned his eyes and saw Mayura was sleeping leaning on to the headboard and was holding his hands.

When he tried to get up Mayura woke up

" Adhiraj... " Mayura immediately sat straight and touched his forehead to check the temperature

" Adhiraj how are you feeling now?? Are you fine?? Are you feeling any pain?? " She asked

But Adhiraj was stuck at her calling him " Adhiraj "

Adhiraj was still looking at her in surprise.

" Why are you not answering Adhiraj?? Are you still feeling dizzy? Let me call the doctor " saying this Mayura was about to take her phone when Adhiraj pulled her towards him that made her to fall on him

She gasped at the sudden pull and looked at him in shock.

" What are you doing?? " Saying this she was about to get up but Adhiraj didn't allowed her

" Stay... " Saying this Adhiraj hugged her tightly

She blinked her eyes but nevertheless laid her head on his chest and hugged him back.

Mayura didn't even realised that she was crying...

" Are you crying?? " Adhiraj asked

Mayura nodded as no and held him more tightly

" Mayu look at me... " He tried to make her look at him

Mayura nodded as no and started crying more

" Arey why are you crying like this??? You are making me worried. Look at me Mayu " finally he made her look at him

Adhiraj slowly sat on the bed leaning on the headboard,held her hands and wiped away her tears

" What happened?? " Adhiraj asked

" I... seeing you like that... " Mayura said in between her hiccups because of crying

Adhiraj smiled at her and opned his arms for her.

Mayura hugged him tightly and literally sitting in him.

" Don't scare me like that... what if... " She couldn't complete her sentence

" Iam sorry... I would take care here after " Adhiraj patted her head

" You always says this " Mayura cried

" Sorry na... Don't cry. I can't see you crying " Adhiraj tightened his grip

After a while Mayura got stabled and looked at Adhiraj.

She touched his forehead to see his temperature

" Thank God you are better now. And let me get you something to eat " saying this Mayura was about to go but Adhiraj stopped her

" It's ok. Iam not hungry " Adhiraj denied

" Adhi just shut up ok... Iam not gonna listen to you. You have been away from home for a week and look at you and your condition... Why don't you take care of yourself Adhi?? Huh?? " Mayura glared him

But Adhiraj was smiling sweetly looking at Mayura

" Why are you smiling now?? " Mayura frowned

" You are calling me by name... That too Adhi " Adhiraj smiled

Mayura blinked her eyes in shock and realisation hit her. She really started calling him by his name.

Mayura looked at Adhiraj who was smiling at her with a smirk. She mentaly rolled her eyes at him and decided to leave before he could tease her

" where are you going now?? " Adhiraj held her hands

" I will get something for you to eat... " Mayura said

" Iam not hungry. Let's just sleep " Adhiraj again pulled Mayura towards him

" No... You have to eat and take your medicine after that " Mayura said and stepped down from the bed

Adhiraj too was about to follow her but Mayura stopped him

" No... Don't step down. Sleep. I will wake you up when the dinner is ready " Mayura said

" But... " Before Adhiraj could say something she gave him a look that made him shut his mouth

" Fine... " Saying this he laid back on the bed

Mayura smiled at him and moved towards the kitchen.

She thought of making some kichidi

When she is busy in cooking Adhiraj back hugged her suddenly that startled her

" God!! " She screamed

" Shhh... It's me " Adhora whispered

" What are you doing here?? I asked you to take rest right " Mayura Said

" I can't sleep " Adhiraj Said

" Adhiraj you are weak... Go and sit on the chair " Mayura said

Adhiraj nodded as no. Mayura sighed at him and made him forcefully sit on the chair

" Now sit here like a good boy " Mayura turned back but Adhiraj held her duppata

Mayura turned towards him and raised her eyebrows asking what

Adhiraj gestured him to come close and when she did that he hugged her by her waist hiding his face in her stomach

Mayura looked at him in surprise... Nevertheless she caressed his hair and stood there silently

" Adhi... " Mayura called him lovingly

Adhiraj raised his head and looked at her still hugging her

" Let me complete the cooking fastly... Then you can hug me as much as you want... " Mayura caressed his hair

" Pakka?? " He asked like a child

" Pakka... " She assured him

Adhiraj nodded as ok and left her but didn't left her duppata

" Leave it " Mayura said

Adhiraj nodded as no. She sighed at him and removed her duppata and gave it to him that brought a smile on Adhiraj's face

Mayura ruffled Adhiraj's hair with a smile

" Don't do that... " Adhiraj frowned

" Why?? " She asked

" I don't like it " he said

" Really?? " Saying this Mayura again ruffled his hair

" Mayu... " Adhiraj glared him

Mayura laughed looking at his face and got back to her work.

Adhiraj pouted at that and laid his head on the table with Mayura's duppata in his hands near to his heart.

Soon he drifted in to sleep.

After a while Mayura completed cooking and served it in a bowl. When she turned back she saw Adhiraj was sleeping.

She found him so cute that brought a smile on her face

She placed the bowl on the table and slightly shook him.

" Adhi... Adhi... Get up " Mayura said

Adhiraj slowly opened his eyes and looked at Mayura. He sat straight on the chair and at once pulled her towards him that made her to fall on him. He made her to sit on his lap

" What are you doing?? " Mayura freaked out

" shhh.. just sit ok... And by the way you said that I can hug you as much as I want after you complete your cooking right " saying this he hugged her tightly

Mayura didn't know what to say...

" But have your dinner first" Mayura said

" Feed me " Adhiraj looked at her

Mayura looked at him in shock. He is being totally different today. Is it because he is sick

" What are you thinking??" Adhiraj asked

" You are different today... I mean... I don't know " Mayura said

" I just want to be myself infront of you... Get used to it" Adhiraj said

Mayura sighed listening him but she is liking this side of him

Mayura started feeding him with her hands

" You had your dinner?? " Adhi asked

" No. I will have it later " Mayura said

" No have it now " Adhiraj said.

" I will have it later " Mayura said

" No... Now " he was stubborn

" Why are you being so stubborn today " Mayura asked

Adhiraj looked away with a pout but was looking at her with the corner of his eyes

" Fine... " Saying this she too had a bite

" That's like a good girl " Adhiraj smiled and patted her cheeks

Mayura then started feeding Adhiraj and she too had her dinner in between

After finishing their dinner when Mayura was about to get up from his lap Adhiraj stopped her

" Mayura... " He called her

" What? " She looked at him

" I want you to feed me whenever we are alone..." Adhiraj Said

" What?? " She looked at him in surprise

" Yes... I want you to make me eat by your hands whenever we are alone. Atleast one meal a day I want to have it from your hands And atleast the first bite when we are in public" Adhiraj Said

" Are you serious?? " Mayura asked

" Very much " Adhiraj replied

Mayura looked at him to see if he was joking but no he is really serious about this

" But why?? " She asked

Adhiraj shrugged his shoulders

" Do I need any particular reason for asking you to feed me " Adhiraj asked

Mayura nodded as no

" Then?? " He raised his eyebrows

" But in public?? You know right those idiots just need a reason to tease me " Mayura said about her friends

" That's why I asked you to feed me the first bite... Just first bite " Adhiraj said

" See I will make you eat when we are alone... But not in public...not even first bite " Mayura Said

" No... You have to " Adhiraj Said

" Adhi... " Mayura called him

" No means no... " He was stubborn

" Fine... " She gritted her teeth

" Promise?? " He asked

" Promise... " She said

Adhiraj got a smile hearing her

" Thank you " saying this he kissed her cheeks

Mayura looked at him in surprise with her hands on her cheeks. She then chuckled looking at his face

" Now let me go... I will clean this up. Then we can sleep " Mayura said

Adhiraj nodded as ok and left her.

Mayura fastly cleaned the table and kitchen. They then moved towards their bedroom.

" Adhi have this medicine" Mayura forwarded him the medicine

Adhiraj silently had it. He then laid down on the bed and gestured Mayura to join him which she did

Adhiraj took her in his arms closing his eyes... Mayura too closed her eyes but opned them when she remembered something.

" Adhiraj... " She sat on the bed

" What?? " He turned towards her

" A while back Aman was saying that you would fall sick when you don't sleep properly and you take sleeping tablets. Is it true?" Mayura asked

Adhiraj too sat on the bed infront of her

" Yes. " He said

" Why?? I mean why couldn't you sleep properly?? " She asked

" I started having this problem since maa, Papa's death... And I do take medicine for that sometimes. " Adhiraj said

" But it's not good... " Mayura said

" I know... And I recently stopped taking it " Adhiraj said

" Really?? Did you overcome this problem?" Mayura asked

Adhiraj smiled at Mayura lovingly and cupped her cheeks.

" Yes... " Adhiraj said

" That's a relief... Don't take medicine for sleeping. Do something else if you ever face that problem again " Mayura said

" As long as you are with me I don't need those medicine " Adhiraj smiled

Mayura looked at him without blinking her eyes. Adhiraj smiled looking at her.

" Come here... " Adhiraj said

Mayura moved towards him. He held her in his arms.

" Mayu..." He called her

" Hmm?? " She responded

" Let's go to Udaipur in few days " Adhiraj said

" Why?? " She asked

" I need to show you something " Adhiraj said

" What is that? " She asked excitedly

" You have to wait to see that" Adhiraj said

" Ohh... Then when we would go to Udaipur?? " Mayura asked

" In few weeks... Actually it's maa and Papa's death anniversary in few weeks. Let's go then " Adhiraj said

" Done. " Mayura said

" Let's sleep now... " Saying this Adhiraj laid down on the bed with Mayura in his arms.

Mayura smiled at him and hugged him and closed her eyes...


Next-day Morning :

Mayura woke up and didn't found Adhiraj on the bed...

" Adhiraj... " She sat on the bed and saw him all ready and was doing working on his laptop.

" What are you doing?? " Mayura asked getting down from the bed

" You woke up?? " Adhiraj smiled

" What are you doing?? " She asked standing infront of him

" I have an important meeting Mayu... " Adhiraj said

Mayura glared him and closed his laptop

" Mayura... " He looked at her

" What?? You were so sick yesterday. You couldn't even stand and now you are getting ready for office. What's this Adhiraj?? " Mayura scolded him

" Iam fine now. " Adhiraj said

" Shut up... you are weak even now. " Mayura Said

" But Mayu... " Adhiraj was interrupted by Mayura

" No... Not a word. You won't step out of the house untill I say. " Mayura declared

" What about the meeting then? " Adhiraj asked

Mayura looked at Adhiraj and took his phone. She dialled Aman's number

" Hello Aman. This is Mayura. Adhiraj won't be coming to office for next two days. Take care of everything in his absence. And ask Mayank to attend all the meetings on behalf of Adhiraj. And haa I would send a leave letter to Manager please ask him to grant me leave. Ok?? " Saying this Mayura cut the call not giving a chance to Aman to speak

Adhiraj looked at Mayura without blinking his eyes

" Happy?? Now be a good boy and take rest " Mayura Said

Adhiraj smiled looking at her.

" Ok... " He surrendered

" That's like a good boy " Mayura ruffled his hair

" Oye don't do that " Adhiraj glared her

" I will... " Saying this she again ruffled his hair

" Mayu... " He stood to catch her but before he could catch her Mayura ran away from there and entered the washroom

Adhiraj laughed looking at her


After freshening up Mayura started preparing breakfast when she got a call from Mayank and others

" Hello bhabhi how is bhai??" Mayank asked

" your brother is is fine. Don't you worry" Mayura said

" Sure?? You even denied me to come there. " Mayank said

" Haa... Adhiraj is absolutely fine but he is little weak. And don't worry Iam here to take care of him right. " Mayura assured

" Ok bhabhi... " Mayank said

" Mayank Adhiraj was saying that he has an important meeting. Could you attend that on behalf of him. I already asked Aman to give you all the details and haa I have already mailed my leave letter to the manager so please take care of it" Mayura Said

" Sure bhabhi... " Mayank smiled

" Mayura I have a doubt " Kunal said as the phone was on the speaker

" What?? " She asked

" Since when you started calling bhai by his name instead of sir?? " Kunal asked seriously

" Right... She started calling him by his name " Rajesh Said

" So??? " Came there voices

" What so?? " She asked

" As far as I remember you addressed him sir yesterday then how come you started calling him by his name all of a sudden?? " Ishika asked

" Do I need your permission to call my husband by his name?? " Mayura asked

" Absolutely not... " Ishika giggled

" Then?? Now cut the call. I have to prepare breakfast " saying this Mayura cut the call before they could tease her

She sighed in relief and got busy in her work

" Adhiraj come and have your breakfast " Mayura called him

" Coming " came his voice

Mayura arranged everything on the table and she served Adhiraj as soon as he came

Adhiraj looked at Mayura without touching it

" Eat.. what are looking at me? " Mayura said

Adhiraj leaned back on to the chair folding his arms across his chest

" What ha.." Mayura realised about what Adhiraj said last night

She sighed looking at him

" Are you serious about what you said last night?" Mayura asked

Adhiraj nodded as yes. Mayura shook her head in disbelief and sat beside him taking the plate in her hands that brought a smile on his face

" You are behaving like a kid... Totally a kid " Mayura shook her head and forwarded a morsel to Adhiraj

Adhiraj gave her a wide smile and had his breakfast in between he too made Mayura eat by his hands.

After breakfast Mayura gave him medicine

" Now go and have some rest... " Mayura said

" What would you do then??" Adhiraj asked

" Iam thinking of going to grocery shop " Mayura said

" I will come with you " Adhiraj Said

" No... " She denied

" I will come with you " Adhiraj was stubborn

" No... " She denied again

" I will... " He said

Mayura gave him a look and sat on the sofa

" Are we not going to grocery shop? " Adhiraj asked

" No... I will order them online " Mayura said

" But why?" He asked

" Because you are being a stubborn kid " Mayura glared him

Adhiraj pouted looking at her and sat beside her

" I just want to come with you " Adhiraj said

" But you are sick and you need rest " Mayura said

" Iam fine now " Adhiraj argued

" Yeah I can see " Mayura rolled her eyes at him

Adhiraj just ignored her statement

" So what shall we do now?? " Adhiraj asked

" Means?? " Mayura asked

" Are we gonna sit like this whole day " Adhiraj asked

" No... Absolutely not " Mayura said

" You are gonna take complete bed rest whole day... " Mayura said

Adhiraj gave her a boring look

" Really?? " He asked

" Yes " she nodded her head

" No way... " He said

" Then what you want to do?? " Mayura asked

" Let's play something... " Adhiraj Said

" What?? " She asked in surprise

" Yes... " He nodded his head

" What you want to play??" Mayura chuckled

" You say... " Adhiraj asked

" Hmmm?? " She thought for few seconds

" Do we have chess board or caroms? " Mayura asked

" No... " He said

" Then let's play some mobile games " Mayura Said

" Done... " Adhiraj said

" Let me get my mobile " Mayura was about to go

" Here take my mobile " Adhiraj gave her his mobile

Mayura took his mobile with a smile.

She download few games and soon they started playing games...

" Hey wait wait... That's cheating " Mayura whined

" No that's called smartness... " Adhiraj smirked

" You... " Mayura hit him on his shoulder

" Ouch you are manhandling a patient " Adhiraj hissed

" Did it hurt?? " Mayura asked with concern for which Adhiraj nodded as yes

" Where?? " She asked

Adhiraj pointed his shoulders " here "

" Iam sorry... " Saying this she rubbed the area where she hit him

Adhiraj bit his lips controlling his smile and made his next move in the game that made Mayura to loose

" I won... " Adhiraj screamed

Mayura looked at the phone in shock and then at Adhiraj angrily

" Adhiraj.... " She started beating him for real this time

Adhiraj laughed looking at her. He didn't even tried to escape.

" Acha ok Iam sorry " He atlast held her hands

She tried to free her hands from him grip but couldn't

She looked at him in anger and thought " isn't he is the same man who couldn't even sit properly last night?? Where does he got this energy now?? "

" What are you thinking?? " Adhiraj asked that brought her back to the world

" Nothing... Leave me " she looked at him in fake anger

" Acha ok Iam sorry. Let's play another game. I won't do anything this time " Adhiraj sweetly

" I don't want to play with you " Mayura said with a angry pout

" Please na... " He pleaded

Mayura looked at him with the corner of her eyes who was looking at her with a cute face for which she couldn't say no

" But no cheating ok?? " She said

" Ok... " He said

" And I will hold the mobile... " She said

" Ok " he agreed

" Let's play " she said hiding her smile

" Great... " Saying this he pulled her in to his arms that made her to sit on his laps. He then sat comfortably on the sofa with her in his arms and gave her the mobile

She felt nervous for a second or two but relaxed immediately

They soon started playing the games with Mayura on Adhiraj's lap

Adhiraj has truly became a child with Mayura. He started enjoying each moment with her.

It might be the first time they both are spending a whole day with eachother after their marriage without any third person.

Adhiraj is loving each and every moment with his Mayura. He had always dreamt of his happy life with Mayura, he always dreamt of being a child infront of her whom she would pamper, and he had always dreamt of being himself infront of Mayura,the side which is only reserved for Mayura and when his dreams are turning true he couldn't be more happier.

He is just waiting to confess everything to her about his love,him knowing about her dreams everything and he couldn't wait to do that

And for Mayura it's still like a dream to her... She spending time with Adhiraj is still like a dream to her which she is loving to the core.

She really got scared like hell when she saw Adhiraj unconscious the other day... She slowly started realising that she couldn't live without Adhiraj.

Mayura too was thinking of confessing everything about her dreams to Adhiraj. To be frank she is little scared and nervous as what he would think or what he would say but this time she decided that she won't step back... She is just waiting for right time...


So guys how is the chapter??

Hope you all liked it.

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