Chapter 10

Chapter 10: Trying to Tame a Dragon

"Fairy Tail" Regular Speech

'Fairy Tail' Regular Thoughts

"Fairy Tail" Flashbacks

"Fairy Tail" Dragon/Demon/Monster Speech/Names of Spells

'Fairy Tail' Dragon/Demon/Monster thoughts

Fairy Tail- Stating of the year or a place

Summary: I was told I was a world where NAKAMA were every person's desire. Then HE found me, he said he saw great potential in my small body and he raised me. Because of him I lived...I learned...and I finally found someone I could call nakama. Even if he didn't call me the same. That is why I will do whatever I can to live up to his name. As the son and dragonslayer of the greatest being I have ever met. Acnologia, the Black Dragon of the Apocalypse.

(A/N: It is not a simple matter to just add a MA rating and monitor it. It is ILLEGAL for there to be explicit content on this site, and they just got caught for having it. That's why there's a SUDDEN enforcing of the rules. Unless you want the site to get shut down all you've got to do is TWO things, keep your summary K rated and keep lemons out of your story. People aren't getting taken out because of blood and gore (Unless it's hellishly graphic. Like a SAW movie x2). If people want to write lemons they can put them on AFF and have the site address on their page or in the story, and if they're too young to put them on AFF they shouldn't be writting them in the first place. That's not a lot to ask for. They still let you write violence, gore (to an extent), implied sexual situations, adult themes, drug use, drug abuse, and allow you to curse as much as you want. Just make sure you do those two things and you're fine. This change has nothing to do with censorship. They aren't censoring the stories to cripple anyone's creativity. They're doing this to keep EROTICA out of minors' hands, stay out of legal trouble, and keep the site up. I'm telling you this because this site is losing some great authors because they're all taking this gossip how it's heard not how it actually is. Readers take your words at face value. Be careful about the situation because this is being blown WAY out of proportion. If you want to try to get them to create a MA rating via petition that's great, but don't give out false information and make people panic.

Now on with Chapter 10. By the way, what do you guys think of the picture I put up as the avatar for this story? Suitable, no? :D)

Lupinus Town, Year-X784

Lupinus Town is an old town said to have been around for over two hundred years. Lupinus Town was once a thriving kingdom, ruled by King Lupin, who was said to be a Lycan in old stories of the town. Its most noticeable landmark is the historic castle of the former King Lupin. The town was also comprised of a market area, a number of houses which are used as homes or apartments for rent and also a very large library said to contain nearly every book relating to the history of Earthland.

A figure walked through the figure looked left and then looked right. He looked up and then behind him. With a nod of what seemed to be approval, the figure walked towards the Lupinus Library and entered the building.

The figure walked into the depth of the library, the spiky blonde hair of the Apocalypse Dragonslayer shining in the light that the sun made. Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze, known as the Ogonna Fuujin, master of the wind and labelled a high class criminal by the Magic Council sighed in relief as he scratched his head. Atop those blonde locks of Acnologia's son was the crimson Exceed known as Kurama, but to others, he was recognized as a multi-tailed kitsune known as the Onibi Myobu, the name had given to Kurama.

In order to avoid detection, Naruto was advised by the crimson Exceed to shed his cloak, much to his chagrin, but the cloak was actually the thing that made him look like his alias, the Ogonno Fuujin. Besides, the cloak was old and torn from countless sparring sessions with Kurama. As a result, Naruto complied to release the cloak and change his outfit as well. Though Naruto complied, he didn't really change his look all that much. He wore a dark blue, long sleeved t-shirt with black flames lining the hem as well as the cuffs of the sleeves. Attached to the neck of the shirt, the face mask was attached. It had become a sort of a trademark for him to have the face mask. He wore a pair of black cargo pants and similarly coloured boots. He still wore the necklace he had gotten from Seiko for his twelfth birthday, the golden flame charm dangled as he walked. However, because he wanted to, he still bought a black cloak with a hood for whenever he would go into battle as a sort of a trademark to go with his mask. After all, a dragon takes pride in its appearance.

Naruto sighed as he watched the books on the shelves. Kurama wiped his eyes as he was previously sleeping before looking around.

"Naruto, why are we in a library?"

"I need to do some research on the Magic Council. Study them and know about what they do should they be able to find us." Naruto said as he looked at the numerous amount of books that lined the shelves. He continued to look around before he spotted the librarian of the establishment. The librarian was an old woman, probably in her late fifties. She had pale and wrinkled skin which was shown to be thinning as a majority of her veins were visible. The librarian wore a wine red dress which was coloured pale lavender at the cuffs of the long sleeves and at the hem of the dress. A pale blue, crystal cross was attached to the necklace she wore around her neck. She wore a large pair of spectacles and her silvery hair was tied up into a bun.

He noticed the woman was putting away a few books before walking up to the elderly woman. She was currently trying to reach one of the higher shelves, stretching her arm to its limit to place the book in its spot. However, the book slipped from her hand, landed on her head before falling to the ground.

The librarian muttered curses as she rubbed her cranium before looking down for the book, only to find in the hands of the blonde dragonslayer of Acnologia. He easily placed the book into its intended place. Naruto towered over the shorter woman who looked up at him with a grandmotherly smile.

"Well hello there, young man. How may I help you this fine day?" The librarian smiled. Naruto nodded.

"Yes. I would like to know if you have any books regarding the Magic Council." Naruto said. The woman tapped her chin in thought before snapping her fingers.

"Ah yes, I know just the book, but I'll have to put these books away first." Naruto nodded in understanding as he watched the elderly woman put away the books, helping her for when she had to reach one of the higher shelves.

"Ah, all done." She said as she clasped her hands together. "Now for your book. Right this way." Naruto and Kurama followed the woman. The woman then turned around, walking backwards as she led Naruto to the book.

"So, and I'm sorry if I come off as nosey, why do you want to learn of the Magic Council? Not many people want to research the council unless they wish to join it. Do you wish to join the council?" The woman asked. Naruto snorted at the thought of him in the Magic Council.

"Please. Those idiots are nothing but power hungry, old fools who try to hold a position of authority in a world where people wouldn't even listen to them. Fairy Tail, I've heard, is such a legal guild that they try to keep under their thumb, but fail to do so. The Magic Council speaks of freedom and equality when they themselves are doing the opposite of what they stand for. They create a hierarchy amongst today's society and threaten with the use of the Rune Knights should anyone try to speak against them." Naruto said. The old woman chuckled at the blonde's response.

"Does my response amuse you?" Naruto questioned.

"Actually, yes. Not many people speak so openly against the council and it warms this old girl's heart to know that there are people like you who see the council for what they truly are...and that's why I left it in the first place." Naruto and Kurama looked at each other with mild surprise before turning back to the woman.

"You...were once a member of the council?"

"Yes, but I was in the Rune Knight division. I was a rather skilled mage back in the day, however one day there was a time that my squad and I were to go come here to this very town of Lupinus. A Dark Guild had been said to make there base here and so we went to investigate. We proved that the Dark Guild did exist within Lupinus, but the thing was that they kept their members a secret so...the Magic Council came to the 'brilliant' decision of arresting everyone in the town." The old woman spoke with a slight hint of sarcasm.

"At first, I complied because well, orders were orders. I arrested people with the other Rune Knights." The old woman went silent as she stopped walking. Naruto paused as well, his ears still fixated on the woman's words. "I had come to a home where there were children present. The other homes I had entered didn't have children present, so I came to the conclusion that many people here weren't parents and it seemed as if some deity tried to show me the error of my ways. I hesitated to arrest because of those of youngsters. I thought, 'Children shouldn't have their parents taken from them.' I watched as they cried, holding on to their father and mother as I went towards them and so when I was about to arrest them, I tried to help them escape, but my commanding officer caught me in the act and thus he still arrested them, the children as well. I was then excommunicated from the Magic Council and now here I am. Just a simple librarian in the town where I had once caused pain."

"Humanity is a flawed creation is it not? How can you deal with living such a life. The life of a human." Naruto spoke. The woman nodded.

"Indeed. But it's the flaws in our creation that make us what we are and it's people who accept their flaws that are able to become one step closer to being perfect. A bit of a contradiction there, but it's the truth. However, you speak as if you are not human, why?" The blonde dragonslayer stared at her with fierce blue eyes.

"Because...I am not. My humanity is gone. Humans are imperfect and thus I live to be the thing my Tou-san raised me to be. Humans are insignificant worms who do nothing but cause the destruction of their own. You make weapons and laws to destroy and inhibit one are flawed." Naruto said. The woman chuckled at the boy.

"Well if you cannot accept your humanity then that means you are flawed as well, my boy." Naruto's eyes widened and Kurama held the blonde's hair and bent down to his ear.

"Do not harm the old woman. Do that and the people in this place might realize who you are since you instinctively use Wind Magic to attack." The Dragonslayer of the Black Dragon did nothing but look down in thought at what the librarian told him.

'Humans are what they are...because of their flaws? I am...flawed?' Naruto thought as he looked down at his hands, eyeing his sharp nails that gave him the image of having claws.

Acnologia's Den, Year-X770

A seven year old Naruto was busy trying to master the Mokushiryu no Kuro Kiba. Naruto swung his arms upward, the black and blue magic coating his arms.

"MOKUSHIRYU NO KURO KIBA!" He slammed his arms on the ground and just before the attack met the earth, the attack morphed into the shape of a dragon's head, its mouth wide open to reveal its black fangs. However, Naruto's magic suddenly began to twist and deform before blowing up in his face. Naruto gripped his arms in pain, the magic burns turning the skin a bright red. He looked back and saw the backlash of his attack crushed the earth and formed a rather decent sized crater. The Black Dragon shook his head in disapproval.

"A suitable attempt, however your magic fluctuates before you hit the ground. This causes your attack to become either weaker or stronger. Remember, Naruto...your magic is yours. It does not control you, you control it. You weak humans are such an imperfect species." Acnolgia growled.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Naruto asked. "Humans are imperfect?"

"Your species' weakness comes from the fact that the human race constantly makes mistakes. True that you learn from them, but it would be best if humans didn't make mistakes at all. The humans always create things that bring about destruction, your first and foremost flaw. You create weapons to kill one another. You create laws to prevent one another from doing what the people at the top of your hierarchy can bypass to make them seem as if they are above you when they speak of equality and democracy. You humans are unstable creatures."

"So what? You're not perfect either!" Naruto countered. Acnologia growled and slashed at Naruto, but the seal acted and the crimson shield protected him from his adoptive father's strike.

"Another imperfection. Stupidity. Dragons are the epitome of perfection. We know everything, we learn things that regular humans could not even dream to comprehend. Your pitiful human mind is something one such as I will ever be able to figure out because of it's feeble size. However...the thing that sets you apart is that you are part dragon. You are my son, thus you are closer to perfection that any other human in the world. I will raise you to lose your humanity and thus you will become closer to becoming a dragon. Humans are the epitome of imperfection, and I will not have my child be an imperfect whelp!"

Naruto stared in shock as he pondered the revelation Acnologia thrust upon him.

" humanity...holds me back?" Naruto asked. The Black Dragon smirked at his son.

"So you're not as stupid as I thought you were. Yes, your humanity is a restriction. If you let go of it all...only then will you achieve perfection. You will be stronger than any other being in Earthland. You will my true dragonslayer, the Dragonslayer of the Apocalypse." Acnologia said with certainty.

'My humanity is my is a restriction. That is what Tou-san told me. I let go of my human attachments...Sakura, Ino, Shikamaru, Chouji...I let them all go because they were restricting me and yet I broke it when I met Wendy and now I feel guilt when I think about leaving them all behind.' Naruto clenched his hands into fists as he began to feel confused. Human or Dragon?

'What am I?' He thought. The old librarian frowned as she saw the blank look in Naruto's eyes and then snapped her fingers in front of his face. Naruto blinked rapidly before eyeing the woman.

"Yes?" The old woman chuckled at the blonde's sudden mental lapse before she led Naruto to the book in silence. She handed him a book about the Magic Council's history from the beginning to the present day.

"That will show you everything you need to know about the council. It's one of the few books that tells of the Magic Council, but that is all it talks about. The history, the laws they've made and the divisions within them. If you want to know any of the dirty secrets..." The woman tapped her nose and winked at Naruto, "You know where to find me."

Naruto nodded as he took the book before the old librarian walked off.

"By the way, name's Minerva." Naruto was about to reply, but paused. Should he give his name to her? She was a former member of the Magic Council. She could secretly be a spy for them and she might recognise him from his wanted poster.

"Go with a fake identity." The Exceed atop his head said. He nodded in agreement to the cat and decided to go with a fake name. He paused for a few seconds in his choosing of a name before a voice suddenly resounded within his head.

"You look just Minato-kun, my little Naru-chan." Naruto's eyes widened in surprise before glancing around, but became a bit confused as he realized that there was no one there and the voice he heard was obviously a young, female voice so it couldn't have either Kurama or the old woman, Minerva, before him.

"Minato...Minato is my name." He spoke. He and Kurama were impassive on the exterior, but inside they were shocked when he spoke his fake name. Of all the names in the world...he chose the name of his biological father.

"Why did you choose that as your fake identity?" Kurama whispered to him. Naruto blinked.

"I...don't know. It just popped into my head." He whispered back. The woman smirked.

"A fine name, Minato. Well, if you need any more help, I'll be at the front desk." Minerva smiled warmly before turning around. Naruto stared at the book in his hand before walking over to a table and sat down. He opened said book and began to read, Kurama reading as well from atop his head.

A few minutes into his read, someone watched the young blonde from behind a bookcase. The figure walked over, a book was also in the figure's hand. As the figure neared the table, the figure gulped with slight nervousness. The figure reached out and tapped the blonde on his shoulder. Naruto and Kurama turned around in perfect synchronization.


Naruto and Kurama raised an eyebrow at the figure, "You're..."

(Insert Music: Fairy Tail-Magic Council Theme, Hanabara)

Magic Council-Fiore Branch

Within the Technician's Chamber of the Magic Council building located within Fiore, the council members, Org and Belino were currently observing the progress that the frog-like technicians were making in their search for the two fugitives or potential weapons as they liked to call them.

The technicians had managed to set up a link with the Satellite Square: Etherion. Though they were using the Satellite Square, they were not utilizing the giant, magic energy cannon aspect of its design. Instead, they were currently using its telescopic viewing capabilities coupled with its built in magic signature scanner. Each type of mage has a certain magic signature they give off and thus they are able to be located using the Satellite Square, however magics of the same type give off the same kind of energy signature. Since Earthland's population only had approximately ten percent gifted with the ability to utilize magic, the search in Earthland had narrowed down greatly. Also, given that they only had to search within Fiore had reduced the amount of time given into the search for Naruto and Kurama.

A numerous amount of green blips marked a large screen within the Technician's Chamber, representing the mages that were able to use Wind Magic.

"Sir, we have managed to find all the mages in Fiore that are able to use Wind Magic." A frog-like technician spoke. Within a matter of seconds, Org and Belino were flanking the technician and observing the screen.

"Alright, how many are there?"

"Two hundred mages are able to use wind magic within Fiore, sir." The amphibious staff member of the Magic Council responded.

"Alright, scan for those with high magic power levels." Org ordered as he stroked his beard.

"Yes, Org-sama." The technician typed away on the keyboard before a green line swiped itself vertically across the screen. The number of blips on the screen then rapidly decreased to only twenty.

"Where are those remaining twenty located?" Belino asked. The Technician typed a few more keys before looking back up at the screen.

"Alright, Belino-sama, it seems that there are only ten mages with high enough magic signatures to be considered as the Ogonna Fuujin. There are five located in Oshibana Town, two are within Lupinus Town, seven are located in Magnolia Town, three are in Freesia Town while the remaining three are in the Akane Resort."

"Where are the highest levels of wind magic coming from?" Org asked.

"Ummm...Oshibana Town and Lupinus Town are where the largest amounts of magic are located, Org-sama." The amphibian replied.

"Okay, good work." The two council members nodded to the staff member.

"Thank you, Belino-sama, Org-sama." The Technician bowed his head. Belino then turned around.

"CAPTAIN HAN!" The blonde Magic Council member barked.

(Insert Music: Naruto Shippuden-Jinchuriki Theme)

Suddenly a large, tall man appeared from another end of the room and walked up to Belino. The man was about thirty five years old and he was rather fit if the large muscles he had were any indication. The man was wearing a armoured plating across his body with a furnace on the back that emitted small wisps steam. The armour covering his arms and torso appeared to be plated. He had light brown eyes and his armour extended all the way to the bottom half of his face, covering it up. Underneath the armour, covering the bottom half of his face, he wore a white cloth which also covered both sides of his face and the top of his head. Aside from his red armour, he also wore a red, conical straw hat, also known as a kasa, over the white cloth and it seemed to be composed of the same material of his armour and furnace. Over his armour, the man wore a black gi with the sleeves appearing to have been torn off and a pair of black gloves. Over the armour covering his neck, he wore a bronze ring of some sort.

As the man walked casually up to the elderly woman he humming a tune before coming to a stop. He gave a salute to the blonde woman.

"What'cha got for me, Belino-sama?" Han asked. Belino pinched the bridge of her nose at the blatant disrespect he gave to her, but she, like the other members of the council, came to accept that it was part of who he was. Plus, given the fact that he was the Head Captain of the entire Rune Knight division and thus the strongest member of infantry in their arsenal.

"Deploy a squadron of Rune Knight at every single location on the screen. The highest levels appear to come from Oshibana and Lupinus We cannot let the Ogonna Fuujin and the Onibi Myobu run wild. You have permission to use excessive force to take them down." Han gave a salute to the woman.

"Yes, Belino-sama. I will personally go to Lupinus Town since those two blips seem to have the highest amounts of magic power." Han said. Belino and Org nodded before the armoured man walked off. He then tapped the large furnace on his back. "KOKUO!" The furnace rattled for a moment before it expelled a large cloud of steam. The steam then began to solidify, taking on a physical form. The physical manifestation of the steam was shown to be a white cat.

The cat was completely covered in white fur with dark brown fur covering its paws. A light brown circle was shown to be on the underside of each paw. The winged cat was wearing a white costume with a hood in the shape of a dolphin-like creature worn over its head. The dolphin-like hood had four horn protruding from its 'skull'. Two of the horns, which were placed behind the frontal horns, were longer and more curved than the frontal horns. Each horn was white, but tipped with a light brown colour. The underside of the cat's eyes were outline with red markings and snapped open to reveal the dark blue-green irises within. The cat hovered in the air by the pair of white wings sprouting out of its back, revealing it to be an Exceed.

"You called, Han-san?" The Exceed asked with a polite and respectful tone. Han nodded.

"Yes, Kokuo. We're going to Lupinus Town to combat the Ogonna Fuujin and the Onibi Myobu." He informed the white furred cat. Kokuo nodded.

"I see, and you are certain that this is the location of the two, Han-san?" Kokuo asked. The armoured captain of the Rune Knights nodded once more.

"Yes." Kokuo's voice then went down to a whisper.

"Well then, I must inform you that when you find the Ogonna Fuujin and Onibi Myobu, to lead them out of the town for you see when in combat, my brother tends to wreak widespread destruction even when he doesn't mean to. Yes, he is that powerful after all he is the strongest of us nine." Han nodded when Kokuo answered the unasked question.

"Alright, but we are ordered not to kill them. However, I find that disappointing seeing as I would to test myself to see if I can kill someone as powerful as the Golden Wind God." Kokuo chuckled at the man.

"As do I when I wish to combat my brother."

"If he is your brother, then do you not tell us his name?" Han asked. Kokuo shook his head, his aqua coloured eyes narrowing at Han.

"We may be ordered to take him down, but I will not reveal the identity of my brother. We are still family." Han nodded.

"I respect that, but unfortunately, if the Magic Council learns of your relation to the Onibi Myobu, you might be interrogated for treason." Kokuo nodded before dispersing into steam.

"I understand, Han-san." Koku retreated into the furnace once more. Han continued to walk through the halls of the Magic Council, unaware of the fact that Ultear had managed to hear the majority of their conversation, up until when Kokuo had dropped to a whisper. Though she would have liked to hear what they were talking about that Kokuo had to whisper so quietly, she needed to report to Master Hades about the Magic Council's activity. However, Ultear was unaware of the fact that she, the spy, was being spied on. A little, black devil-like creature cackled as it had seen everything it needed to see before vanishing in a plume of black smoke for its next destination.

(Insert Music: Fairy Tail-Dark Guild)

Skies of Fiore, Unknown Location

Master Hades sat in his throne, stroking his beard as he faced Caprico. Caprico was a tall, white individual who looked like a anthropomorphic goat. The goat man was wearing a black suit over a white shirt and green tie. A pair of dark sun glasses covered his eyes and a pair of brown horns sprouted out of his head. Caprico was also the strongest of the Seven Kin of Purgatory, seven of Grimoire Heart's most powerful members.

Hades smirked as he lay the cards in his hand out on the table, a smug look on his face. "Full House." He spoke, revealing his hand to contain three tens and two fours. Caprico bleated as he saw his Master's proud look and it pained him to do this, but it was the rules of the game and Caprico never cheated nor allowed defeat. Even in card games.

"I'm sorry, Maaaaaster Hades, buuuut I win...Royal Flush." Caprico bleated out the sentence as he lay out the entire set from ten to king in the suit of hearts. Hades gaped as he saw Caprico rise from his chair before moving aside the card table. Hades grumbled as he contemplated his loss before the dark purple lachryma on the post next to his throne began to shine.

Caprico noticed that Hades would require privacy and thus decided to leave the room. As soon as he did so, Hades picked up the lachryma and the image of the purple haired woman appeared to the one eyed man.

"Master Hades." Ultear bowed slightly. The master of Grimoire Heart replied with the same courtesy as he nodded to her.

"Speak my child." He said. Ultear cleared her throat before speaking.

"Master, the Magic Council has begun to make its move. They are sending in the Head Captain, Han and his associate, Kokuo, to apprehend the Ogonna Fuujun and Onibi Myobu in Lupinus. Should we continue with the original plan and send myself, Azuma and Zancrow or allow the Magic Council to move and wait for another chance to strike?" Hades stroked his beard as he contemplated the situation. He remained silent for a few moments, Ultear waiting patiently for his response.

Hades turned back to Ultear and replied, "Continue with the original plan and hope you get there before the Council does. You, Zancrow and Azuma will go to Lupinus Town and retrieve the two. Then...Grimoire Heart will be unstoppable." Ultear bowed once more.

"Understood, Master." Ultear cut off her magic to the lachryma and Hades was left with the dark purple lachryma once more. The aged man leaned back in his throne before pressing a button on the armrest.

"Zancrow, Azuma. Please come to my quarters, immediately." He spoke with an extremely serious tone. Within the minute, the two other members of the Seven Kin of Purgatory appeared before their master.

Azuma was a tall muscular man with dark tan skin, light brown eyes and dark brown hair which was shaped into rectangles making it look like confetti. His sideburns were long and connected his hair to the goatee he had. Said goatee was shaped into three triangles. A brown line was shown to pass along his left eye. He also wore a pair of silver earrings in the shape of crescent moons that faced downwards. His attire consisted of a skin tight green shirt that accented his defined abdominal and pectoral muscles. The shirt had long orange sleeves with a green ring on each sleeve, just above the wrist which was connected to a green stripe that extended to the cuffs of the sleeves. The sides of the shirt were a darker green and were sectioned off from the rest of the shirt by white stripes that outlined it. Resting on his shoulders were a pair of of shoulder pads of some sort that were a dark green colour and outlined in white. His pants were a dark orange which had green rings with golden circles on them. These rings lay just below his knees and were each connected to a single green stripe. A brown belt was worn around his waist and a series of white patterns on them.

Zancrow was a pale skinned young man, around seventeen years old. He had long, spiked blonde hair that extended past his waist. He wore an armoured skirt of some kind that was a dark blue, almost black, and yellow. it covered his entire lower body, except for a part of legs, and his upper body, except for the entire right side of his torso and his arms. A black shoulder pad was worn on his left shoulder. His left arm had an arm brace that covered his entire left forearm. His face had a wide grin plastered on it revealing the sharp teeth he had. His crimson irises revealed a wild, if not completely insane, look in them.

"HAHAHA!" Zancrow laughed as black flames encased his hands. "Master is it time to face the Ogonna Fuujin? I want to show this so called wind god how it feels to mess with a Godslayer."

Hades nodded.

"Yes, Zancrow. You and Azuma will accompany Ultear. She is in charge of this mission so you obey her commands. We are trying to recruit these two, not kill them. However, if Ultear commands it, you have my full approval to use excessive force to take him back here to the airship. However, note that if you do manage to kill him..." Zancrow and Azuma were forced to one knee as the old master stood to his feet, rising from his throne.

"You will feel the full extent of my fury...understood?" Azuma grinned. He always like when Hades showed off his large magical power. It reminded him as to why he followed the man in the first place and as a reason for him to get stronger. He turned to Zancrow and the blonde teenager nodded. The two rose up and left the room. Hades watched the two leave before his lone eye glanced off to the right. Hades walked over to the area and looked behind a pillar, but frowned, stroking his beard.

'I could have sworn I felt a source of magic here.' Hades' eyes narrowed. 'Someone is spying on Grimoire Heart...but who?' Unknown to him, Hades' assumption was correct as the spy was currently hovering above his head. The little, black devil-like creature gave a silent giggle before vanishing into black smoke.

Outskirts of Fiore, Unknown Location

On the outskirts of the kingdom of Fiore, there lay a rocky wasteland where nothing living appeared to be able to survive as there was barely any living thing within the wasteland. However, unknown to anyone within Fiore, the Dark Guild known as Raven Tail had made its headquarters within the area as the master, Iwan Dreyar, son of the Wizard Saint and Third Master of Fairy Tail, Makarov Dreyar and father to the S-Class mage of Fairy Tail, Laxus Dreyar, had created the guild within a large stony pillar. With the spikes of rock jutting from the pillar itself, it provided the guild with a natural form of defense as well as masking the guild's presence.

Within the guild of Raven Tail, one of its members was making his way towards the master's headquarters. The man entered Iwan's room and bowed to the man as he sat upon his throne.

Iwan was a rather tall and muscular man. He had black hair, a trait that set him apart from the his son and father who were both blonde, and tanned skin. Iwan sported a unique looking beard which appeared very shaggy. He wore a dark blue shirt and an ornate cloak along and a pale blue ascot.

The man remained silent as his round, beady black eyes stared at the man.

"Ah, Obra. What news do you have for me?" Iwan asked.

Obra was an extremely tall man with pale blue skin and round, beady, black eyes. Said eyes lacked a sclera making them look purely emotionless and also seemed comparable to that of a bird's or rat's. His long, pale blue hair stretched way past his shoulders and was tied into a ponytail. He had a fairly long neck and the upper areas of his face seemed to protrude forward. His nose was rather long and he had pink lips. Across his nose were two white belts with round studs placed upon them. His outfit consisted of a large, black, poncho-like cape which hid away the majority of his body and had a collar which seemed to cling to his neck and hide his chin from view. Three white bow ties were bound to his neck by straps in a vertical line. He wore a pair of long black pants which were shown as a part of his legs managed to extend past the length of the cape. A pair of black dress shows were worn as well. His outfit was completed by a black top hat which had two bronze coloured stripes encircling it.

Obra stretched out a long, arm from the confines of his cape and opened his closed hand. In a plume of black smoke, the small devil-like creature appeared.

"Luci has returned I see. Luci, what news do you have for me?" The black devil cackled loudly before exploding into a plume of black smoke. The smoke then twisted and turned to form a large ring in mid-air. In the middle of the ring, an image formed relaying the information it had recorded. Iwan stroked his beard before sighing.

"Though it would be nice to beat down the Magic Council and the three members of Grimoire Heart, we cannot risk the Magic Council knowing of our presence as yet. So we will let them play their little game of cat and mouse, however given the fact that I witnessed the Ogonna Fuujin's power first hand...they are most likely unaware as to the fact that they are the mice and are walking into a tiger's lair." Iwan chuckled.

"I will contact you for your next assignment later on, Obra. Till then, have Luci rest." Obra remained silent, but nodded before turning and leaving the room.

Iwan smirked. The pieces were on the board.

'And the game begins.'

Lupinus Town-Lupinus Library

"Hi." A familiar blue haired girl grinned at Naruto. The blonde sighed as he looked up from his book and Kurama was laughing inwardly at Naruto.

"You're...You're...someone I haven't met before." Naruto said causing Levy and Kurama to sweatdrop. The young seventeen year old had grown over the years. She was now bordering a C-cup and had a more definitive curve at the hips. Her blue hair was now longer, the orange hair band was still present in her hair since that day the two met four years ago. She wore an orange dress that ended just above her knees. She was short as ever though having only appeared to become a little more than five feet tall.

"Don't you remember me?" Levy whined. Naruto raised an eyebrow as he gave the girl a once over.

"No...should I?" He asked.

"It's me, Levy...Levy McGarden. I talked to you about Seal Magic, I'm a member of Fairy Tail." She informed him with clues to jog his memory. Naruto then nodded.

"Ah yes, the annoying girl who wouldn't leave me alone." The blonde's eyes narrowed as Levy stuck her tongue out at him. "So, Fairy girl, what are you doing here?" Naruto asked with a bored tone. Levy giggled as she sat down in the chair across from Naruto at the same table.

"Just a simple travelling mission. We're on our way to a nearby mountain range to fight a monster."

"Where are your useless friends?" Naruto asked as he continued to read his book. Levy sweatdropped as she scratched the back of her head.

"Well...they're busy glaring at the back of your head trying to burn holes into your skull." The blonde dragonslayer nodded as he continued to read.

"So any new seals you've tried out yet? Have you tried out the inter-dimensional travelling one we had discussed four years ago when we first met?" Levy asked. Naruto was about to answer when Minerva walked up to him.

"So, Minato my boy, have you found what you're looking for?" Naruto shook his head at the old woman.

"No Minerva-san." he replied. Minerva bent down to his ears and whispered into them.

"She's a cute girl. Is she your girlfriend?" Naruto's eyes twitched at the thought before he turned to the elderly woman. He clenched and unclenched his hands.

"Not in this life or any other." Naruto replied darkly. Minerva nodded with a warm smile before leaving him with Levy. Droy and Jet were still busy trying to burn holes into Naruto's skull with their glares.

"Yes, you were saying?"

"Yeah, the travelling seal spell we discussed. You try it out yet?" She asked.

"I have."

"And?" Naruto remained silent and that was enough to give her her answer. "It failed, huh?" Naruto remained silent as he turned another page in his book.

"Don't you have a mission to do?" Naruto asked as he buried himself into the book. He had attempted the spell to travel through the pocket dimensions, but when he performed the tests with rocks and some of the bodies of the people he would kill along the way...well let's just say, they never made it out in one piece.

'I wonder where the other half of that guy's body ended up.' Naruto thought. A few minutes had passed with Levy and Naruto conversing about Seal Magic as they both read their chosen books at the same time. However, during a moment of silence when he realized Levy was still sitting with him, observing him read, he noticed her calculating gaze.


"I've just been wondering where I heard the name Minato before. That librarian called you Minato..." Levy then tapped her chin. "Where have I heard that name before?" Kurama chuckled inwardly.

'Oh I love the situations the kit is put into.' The fox costume wearing Exceed thought. Levy snapped her fingers as the name came to her.

"Ah right, I remember!" Naruto raised an eyebrow as he looked up from his book. "Minato...Minato Namikaze, a member of the Ten Wizard Saints. I never thought you would look so...young though." The Solid Script mage said. In the background, Jet and Droy had been busy trying to pick their jaws up off the ground as they thought the man before them was in the same league as their master.

The son of the Black Dragon looked up as she mentioned his biological father.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I am not Minato Namikaze, the Yellow Flash. I am merely someone who bears the same first name as him." He halve lied. The brown eyed girl frowned.

"Huh? Really?" Naruto nodded.

"Now run along now, Fairy girl. You have a mission to do." He said. Levy nodded.

"Bye, Minato-kun. JET, DROY, WE'RE LEAVING!" Jet and Dory hurried after the object of their affections, turning back only to glare at Naruto. The blonde was oblivious to them as he continued to read.

"She liiiiikes you." Kurama rolled his tongue as he said that. Naruto rolled his eyes.

"Please, she's not worth my time."

"You gave her plenty just now. Admit it, you like to talk to her."

"Conversing with her is amusing, but she is not one I would look to call a mate." Naruto said as he continued to read. Kurama shrugged.

"Meh, true. Now hurry up and read, I want to feel the sun again." The Exceed whined. The son of two Wizard Saints rolled his eyes at the cat before continuing to read.

'Annoying feline.' He thought.

Once he finished reading, he left the library, thanking Minerva for her help in finding the book.

"Return any time, Minato-kun." Naruto shook his head at how the old girl had actually bought his lie.

The Dragonslayer of the Apocalypse was currently traversing the town, observing the area for anything that would interest him. Kurama rested atop his head as he always did.

"But it's only been one week since we were labelled as the 'Ogonna Fuujin' and 'Onibi Myobu'. Honestly they couldn't come up with a better name for me?" Kurama complained. Naruto chuckled at the red furred cat and took him down from his head and scratched behind his ears causing the Exceed to purr in satisfaction.

"Who needs a name when your original name is more badass." Kurama purred slightly as he focused on that thought.

"I guess you have a point there. By the way, shouldn't you buy some new clothes, these ones smell horribly and you should change since people might make assumptions that you are your alias, even though they would assume correctly." Naruto raised his arm and sniffed, his dragon-like sense of smell kicking in. His face contorted into an expression of disgust.

"You're right, but where am I going to get clothes?" Naruto asked. However, as he was walking, something small and blue raced past him, a rushing wind following after the object that flew past him. However as he and Kurama were busy trying to understand what had just passed them, they felt a force meet them before the owner of that force fell to the ground. Naruto and Kurama, who was rubbing his, now sore, muzzle, watched as a young girl got up from off the ground.

The girl was around Naruto's physical age of twenty and hence she had a rather mature body. Naruto raised an eyebrow at that as he looked her up and down. The girl had mint green hair which stopped just below her neck, with an orange hair clip in it. She had deep orange eyes and extremely tanned skin showing that she was either naturally born that colour or she spent a lot of time in the sun, most likely the former. She wore a fishnet shirt beneath a white short-sleeved blouse and a white miniskirt. A pair of black, skin tight pants that extended past the skirt prevented her modesty from being visible. She had on a pair of white wristbands. The girl wore a pair of white sandals. Two red pieces of cloth were worn over her chest area which intersected at one point and made an x-shape.

"Agh, sorry about that." The girl said before looking past the blonde and sighing, placing her hand on her hips. "Great, she's gone. How many times have I told her to stop running off whenever she smells food?" Naruto blinked in confusion at the girl before placing Kurama back atop his head and continued moving along. However, he was stopped by the green haired girl.

"Hey, wait!" The girl exclaimed as she jogged up beside the Dragonslayer. Naruto sighed and turned to face the girl.

"What?" He said in an annoyed tone, "I have no time for your games, girl. Now run along and go chase after...whatever it was that you were chasing." Naruto said. The girl narrowed her eyes at Naruto.

"Oi, who the hell do you think you're talking to? I'm not some bitch you can just tell off, now apologize and I met let you off with a warning..." The girl then paused as she looked over Naruto, her angry expression turning a bit flustered. A slight tinge of pink formed on her cheeks as she took in Naruto's image. "Or you could buy me dinner and there won't be any hard feelings between us?" The girl winked at him.

"Could have fooled me." The Apocalypse Dragonslayer said with a shrug as he started walking again, "Besides, I'm not interested in having a relationship at the moment and if I wouldn't be with you." Naruto said coldly. The girl looked like she had just gotten slapped across the face, recoiling from the verbal blow. She growled as she held up her hand and clenched it into a fist.

Kurama sniffed the air and his crimson eyes that were currently closed, snapped open before turning around.

'Magic!' He thought.

"NARUTO!" The blonde's eyes narrowed as Kurama warned him of the incoming attack. He turned around as he felt the sudden gust of wind that impacted with his body. The girl was standing with her arm outstretched, a small trail of wind flowing from her knuckles indicating she was the attacker. Naruto looked at himself before looking up at the girl.

"That all you got, girl?" He smirked. The people in the middle of the town watched the girl with a shake of their heads.

"Another fight?"

"I pity that boy."A woman shook her head and sighed. "Remember the last time a boy tried to hit on her or made her angry"

"Did those three get out of the hospital yet?"

"Nope and it's been three weeks already." Naruto and Kurama's ears twitched as they took in the conversation regarding his green haired assailant.

"Hmmm, three weeks alone?"

"We could make people stay there for the rest of their lives." Kurama chuckled. Naruto observed his female opponent and smelt the air as he got a whiff of her magic's scent.

"Wind magic, a rare art even among elemental mages." Naruto said as he watched the girl. "Now you've piqued my interest, girl."

"I feel so happy." She said with obvious sarcasm before unleashing another blast of wind from her fist.

(Insert Music: Fairy Tail-Main Theme)

Naruto's eyes narrowed as he watched as the wind seemed to oddly take on a physical form, even if it was for a second.

'Are those...claws?' Naruto wondered as the wind blast finally made contact with him. A large dust cloud formed from the attack and the girl grinned in satisfaction.

"That should teach you!" She exclaimed. However, as she was about to go and look for the object that zoomed past Naruto and Kurama earlier, the dust cloud parted causing wisps of smoke to form arcs around him. Naruto scratched his cheek as the barrier that the seal his mother and father had placed on him would form, vanished in a flash of red. He looked at the girl with a bored expression.

"Are you done?" The girl gritted her teeth before rushing towards Naruto and jumped, performing a straight kick as she lashed out at the air. The grey-green magic seal formed beneath her kicking leg and it sent a powerful blast of pressurized air. Naruto tilted his head and the attack narrowly missed his body and the blonde dragonslayer smirked before twisting and grabbing the girl's leg when she tried to perform a roundhouse kick to the skull.

"Interesting." He mused, however even the Apocalypse Dragonslayer was not able to foresee his opponent's next move as the girl twisted, freeing her leg from Naruto's grasp and then rotating to go into another spin kick. Naruto ducked underneath it only for the girl to suddenly halt her leg and send it down upon his skull. The axe kicked crashed down on Naruto as Kurama had leaped off of Naruto's head and the blonde fell to the ground as gale force winds followed after the kick, further injuring the son of the Black Dragon. The girl retracted her assaulting leg as the townspeople shook their heads in pity towards Naruto.

"Poor boy must have a splitting headache now." One man muttered before moving on. It seemed as if this girl attacking people was a rather common thing. Naruto blinked as he continued to lie on the ground. The kick had some power in it, enough to send him to ground and give him a bit of a bruise on his scalp, but the Five Point Elemental Seal his mother and father left on his person would make quick work as it granted him a healing factor as one of its side-effects. Also, over the years, Naruto had managed to have the seal inspected by himself when he finally mastered his Seal Magic arts over the four years he spent training with Zabuza in the art of the sword. He had come to realize that the seal would react to his own thoughts at times, only activating when he wanted it to activate and form the shield. In other words, Naruto could now choose when for the seal to become active by mere thought.

The girl stood back from Naruto, watching as he slowly stood back up and dusted himself off.

"Why won't you stay down?" The girl roared as she lashed a straight kick to Naruto's stomach. Naruto grunted slightly as he was hit in the solar plexus from the girl's elbow before she slammed a palm strike to his lower jaw. His head snapped upwards from the blow before she leaped at him, wrapping her legs around his neck as she did so. Naruto's eyes opened to get a view of what was below the skirt she was wearing and although it was covered by her skin tight, black was still a rather interesting sight for the blonde dragonslayer.

Naruto as he suddenly felt a tug on his body as the girl used the muscles in her abdominals, hips and legs in conjunction with one another to heave Naruto off the ground as she seemed to move her body in a back flip-like movement and slam Naruto head first into the ground. The blonde gritted his teeth as he felt the strain on his neck muscles. The girl was definitely strong, he would give her that, however...

"If you are done playing around...I think it's my turn." Naruto voiced. The girl was caught off guard when the wind suddenly impacted with her side, sending her off of Naruto's downed form. The blonde rose up and twisted his neck, cracking the stiff joints in his neck. Before going after the girl. He sent a wind dragon her way causing her to fly into the sky as a result of the attack. He then forced her to ground as he caused the wind to increase in the pressurizing aspect and a small crater from the girl's impact with the ground.

The townspeople stared at Naruto with looks of surprise at how he beat back the mint haired girl.

"Hey doesn't he look like the man from the poster?" One man whispered.

"Yeah, but he doesn't look much like him. I mean this guy has slightly longer hair and there is no kitsune by him. I mean how does one conceal a kitsune?"

"You got a point, but his ability to bend the wind. He must be a strong wind mage. The poster said he had high levels of skill in the use of wind magic."


The gathering crowd remained silent at that note before departing to do their own thing.

"So, does she hit hard?"

"As a matter of fact, yes." Naruto replied to Kurama as he scratched the spot where the girl had kicked him once before. The red furred cat stood next to Naruto, looking up at the boy with a hint of amusement.

"Is she a potential mate for you?" He grinned in fashion similar to his vulpine form. Naruto shrugged before twisting to the side as an arc of wind was sent his way and lashed out with a kick, sending his own arc of wind at the girl. Said green haired female suddenly inhaled and Naruto and Kurama's eyes widened as the arc of wind was eaten by the girl.

'She's eating the wind? It must be Cyclonus's daughter!' Naruto realized. The girl growled before channelling wind magic into her feet, the magic seal forming there, and she took off like a shot. Used to moving at such speeds, Naruto was able to keep up and thus he simply raised his arm and wrapped it around her neck when she got close enough. He raised her struggling form and choke slammed her, causing the brown earth to crack from the impact she made with the ground. However, as Naruto was about to continue, he suddenly gripped his ears when a high pitched sound reached them.

He cried out in pain as he felt his ear drums would burst. Kurama felt the same thing, howling like the fox he could become, but he looked around and his hearing, since it was less affected by the attack due to him wearing his fox head-like hood, managed to pinpoint the source. Kurama ran off and performed Aera. Shaking his head to try and reduce and somehow reduce the effect of the high pitched sound waves, he took off towards a nearby roof and looked to see a small, dark blue coloured figure.

The figure was about two feet tall, the same height as Kurama, and had a single dark blue tail that was tipped with light green swishing behind it. A pair of insect-like wings that had orange-yellow membrane attached to a pale green exoskeleton-like material, sprouted of its back. Kurama then noticed there were four tattoos below the wings. Two on either side, each one in the shape of a wing similar to that of the ones the figure was now flapping furiously to create the high pitched sound as the wings rubbed together.

Kurama struggled to move forward as the closer he got to the figure, the greater the intensity of the sound wave on his paining hearing organs. After a few more, slowly made steps, he reached his objective. He then sent his paw ablaze and slammed the flaming paw down on the blue figure, which he then realized, was a cat.

The cat fell to the ground, clutching its paining cranium.

"Ouch, what the hell is wrong with you?" The cat said as it turned around. With its wings no longer buzzing, Kurama's hearing was slowly returning to regular levels. As he shook his head to rid of the ringing sound, he looked back up and his red eyes widened. The blue cat stared at Kurama with pure black eyes.

"No couldn't be!" Kurama whispered loudly. His eyes then drifted downwards and then settled on the cat's stomach. There is black, a tattoo of the kanji for the word 'Lucky' next to a tattoo of the number seven, was present. Kurama's eyes widened to an even greater extent.

"It's really you!" Kurama exclaimed. The blue cat stared at the fox costume wearing Exceed and tilted its head in confusion.

"Who are you?" The cat asked in a feminine voice. The red eyed cat looked flabbergasted.

"I'm hurt. How could you not recognize me?" Kurama pulled back his hood to give the cat a better look at him and the blue cat's eyes widened before her mouth opened to speak.

"Kurama?" The cat's eyes widened as she saw Kurama smirk.

"Hey." Kurama gave a lazy wave.

"NII-CHAN!" The blue furred cat slammed into Kurama as she embraced him in a hug. Kurama chuckled as he was tackled to the ground and patted the small, blue cat on her head.

"Nice to see you too, Chomei."

Naruto shook his head as he was trying to get the ringing out of his head. Apparently his opponent wasn't affected meaning that he was now being beaten back by the green haired girl as she bombarded him with wind attacks, punches and kicks. Naruto continued to clutch his ears in pain as a wind blast struck him in the chest sending him skidding backwards. The girl then appeared above him and slammed an axe kick down on his head, forcing him to bend over from the force. She then landed and went low to appear beneath his form and rapidly crashed a series of uppercuts to his face. Wind swirled around her fists as she performed said uppercuts sending him even higher into the air and finally, she stretched out her arms. Wind spiralled around her arms before she clapped them together.

A shockwave of wind crashed into Naruto, but suddenly the ringing sound stopped just as Naruto was hit. Naruto shook his head before grinning, stopping in midair as he applied his wind magic to fly. The daughter of Cyclonus could only stare in shock before Naruto raised his arms and suddenly he slammed them down. The force of the wind applied itself in a downward direction and she was sent to the ground, unable to move as the wind continuously forced her to stay face down.

Naruto flew down and removed the wind from her body. He clutched the girl by one of the red pieces of cloth as it went all the way around her back as well, and hoisted her up. He stared at the orange eyed girl, his blue eyes meeting them. The girl snarled at him, baring her sharp canines. Naruto reached out and placed the tip of his finger against it, feeling its sharpness as the girl turned away.

"What the hell is wrong with you? Don't touch my teeth!" Naruto watched the tip of his finger, noting how that even that soft touch had caused the tooth to break his skin and make him bleed. He watched the huffing girl as she tried to free herself, but Naruto used his other arm and his legs to block all of her attacks and since he was a master of wind magic, her attacks were not doing that much to affect him.

"Oi, blonide! Why do you keep staring at me? Are you a pervert? I hate perverts and let me go! These red cloths are not something you can get for a cheap price you know..." Naruto smirked at the girl as she continued to rant. She reminded him so much of Ino with her tomboyish attitude and her never ending mouth, though that aspect he could do without for even without the screeching sound from earlier, his ears were still being assaulted. Naruto frowned a bit as he remembered the platinum blonde girl. He then rested the defeated girl on the ground when she stopped talking and dug his hands into his pocket.

"So what do you recommend?" He asked out of the blue. The girl blinked in confusion as she stared at him.

"Huh?" She replied with the utmost intelligence. Naruto sighed, planting his face in his palm.

"You wanted to go out for dinner right? What do you recommend?" The girl stared in shock before grinning and grabbing Naruto by his hand.

"Oh, cool. I know just the place. It's my favourite one in the entire town!" Naruto then paused in his walking causing the girl to stop as well since she was pulling him along.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"Where's my cat?" He wondered. Naruto scanned the area for Kurama, sniffing the air before catching his scent. Naruto flew up to the top of a building and landed as he spied Kurama with another Exceed. This one being a dark blue colour with a similarly coloured tail that was tipped with a pale green colour. As he was staring, he turned upon feeling a presence appear beside him and he looked to see the girl had flown up next to him as a pair of wings made entirely out of wind had formed from her shoulder blades. As she landed, the wings dissipated and she watched as the two cats were hugging each other.

"Kurama?" Naruto asked. The fox costume wearing Exceed looked up from the other Exceed he was currently hugging and let her out of his embrace.

"Oh hey Naruto. Did you beat her yet?" Naruto nodded, but then pointed a finger at the blue Exceed next to him.

"Yeah I won, but...who is that?"

"Yeah, Chomei! Why are you hugging another person's cat?" The girl asked. The blue cat, now identified as Chomei, let go of Kurama and smirked.

"Well, Fu...this is my brother, Kurama. Kurama, Fu. Fu, Kurama." Chomei introduced the two. The red Exceed nodded to the girl, now identified as Fu.

"And you are?" Naruto looked at Kurama for advice as to whether or not he should give out his real name to her. Kurama flew up to Naruto and whispered in his ear.

"She's like you. I think those are the kinds of people you can afford to trust, besides you trusted Wendy with it." Naruto's eyes narrowed before turning to the green haired girl and sighed.

"My name is Minato." Kurama rolled his eyes at Naruto's response. The boy was paranoid, but he had a right to be especially with Raven Tail and the Magic Council both hunting for him and who knows who else could be trying to come after him. Naruto and Fu then left with their Exceeds and the two followed Fu and Chomei to the place that the orange eyed girl recommended they follow her too.

Fu and Naruto sat down at a table in the small restaurant with Chomei and Kurama resting atop their respective partner's heads. The restaurant was a place that had a mixed menu so it had a lot of variety in terms of things one would want to order. The waiter walked up to the pair and Naruto ordered the chicken platter which was simply grilled chicken seasoned with different herbs and spices and served with garlic bread. Fu had ordered a bowl of wanton soup and some fried rice with shrimp. Two bottles of fire whiskey came for the Exceeds.

"So, Minato...tell me about yourself. What kind of mage are you?"

"Wind mage and Seal mage." He replied as he took a bite of his chicken. Fu's eyes widened in surprise.

"Seal Magic, huh? That's a pretty rare art, so rare it could almost be declared as a Lost Magic." Naruto nodded as he continued to eat.

"How long have you been able to use wind magic?"

"All my life. That's why I am able to use it such a high degree. I taught myself how to use it and made my own techniques. The style of wind magic that I use is my own...what about you? You ate the wind attack I used so I'm assuming you're a Dragonslayer. One of the wind." Fu nodded.

"Yeah, but not a lot of people here use magic so they tend to dissociate me from them. I sometimes feel like I'm cursed to be able to use magic at all, let alone be a dragonslayer." She said with a frown. Naruto shook his head.

"And this is why I despise humans." Fu blinked as Naruto looked up at her. "You never take pride in what you already have, you're never satisfied. There's always something more you want. The greediness of your humanity is a restraint on your powers." He said as he flicked the girl on the head.

"Ow, what was that for?" She whined. The Apocalypse Dragonslayer stared at the daughter of Cyclonus.

"I've seen people like you before. You're probably an orphan and and it's sort of a given considering you were raised by Cyclonus." Fu's eyes widened as she was about to ask him the obvious question as to how he knew her adoptive father, but he raised his hand telling her to wait and so she remained silent. Naruto took a few moments to eat, Fu doing the same, before continuing.

"But one thing a dragon always tells their to take pride in what they are. My Tou-san taught me to recognize those with strength. You have the determination, the drive and the power. You are the daughter of Cyclonus and the Wind Dragonslayer. Take pride in your magic and your draconian blood. Having met Grandine's daughter, I know a thing or two about the uses of wind magic."

"Grandine? Isn't that Papa Cyclonus' younger sister. He said how that though she and he share a common element, they utilized the different aspects of the wind." Naruto nodded in agreement.

"Yes, Cyclonus was said to have focused entirely on the offensive aspects of the wind while Grandine went into the healing arts, also known as Sky Magic,only knowing a few offensive moves such as the iron fist, wings, tail, talons and of course, the roar." Naruto explained. "Your Wind Dragonslayer magic is entirely offensive and so your move set is much more diverse than Grandine's."

"But it's because of it being offensive that people tend to fear me. Though the fear has decreased with me getting older and better at using the magic, they still see it as more of a curse than a blessing."

"From what I've heard from the townsfolk, it's safe to say that you have a short temper and thus when someone tries to flirt with you or makes you mad, you manage to put them in the hospital." Fu blushed slightly at that.

"Yeah, my bad."

"I support that level of thinking."


"As I have said before. A dragon must take pride in its appearance as well as its abilities. As a Dragonslayer, you have been gifted with the ability to do things normal, human mages cannot even begin to comprehend. The way I see it, humans hate and fear anything that they cannot comprehend or control."

'That is why the council is after me.' Naruto gritted his teeth. He looked into Fu's orange eyes. "If you don't like how someone sees your magic as nothing, but a blessing...end them. Do not let them decide what is a curse and what is a blessing. You are a dragonslayer, take pride in that." Naruto's pupils went slitted for a brief millisecond before becoming round once more.

"End them? You mean..." Fu gulped, "Kill?" Naruto nodded.

"Or just injure them really badly, which ever works for you. I kill." He said. Fu and Chomei sweatdropped as Kurama laughed at the blonde's response.

Fu and Naruto continued to eat in silence. Meanwhile, Kurama and Chomei were communicating through a mental link they shared. It was a trait shared among the nine to be able to to communicate with one another when they wished, but they had to be in range. Said range was rather slim too so it wouldn't work over long distances.

'Is your partner always like this?' Chomei asked. Kurama nodded.

'Yes. Why? I like this guy, he kills without regret and he can switch his emotions on and off at the drop of a hat.' Kurama replied.

'It's just that...he seems so...distant. Like he's hiding something from us and by us, I mean Fu and I.'

'When he thinks you are worthy to know that information...he will give it to you, but until not bring it up again.'


'CHOMEI! I said, no.' Chomei nodded to her brother before downing another mouthful of fire whiskey like Kurama.

"So how do you know of Papa Cyclonus?" Fu asked. Naruto drank the glass of water he was given before answering.

"I know many legends relating to the dragons. I'm an avid researcher into the past of Earthland and I managed to learn the names of all the dragons as well as their elemental affinities. But that is all I know." He lied. After all, Acnologia taught him everything there was to know about the dragons. Fu leaned over the table and flared her nostrils as she sniffed him.

"The scent of wind magic as well as your pure magic power is overwhelming..." She started, "But you smell like as if I met you before, your scent seems...familiar. Why?" Naruto pondered the question. She was obviously detecting his dragonslayer magic and he cursed his lack at being able to realize she could bypass his wind natured magic and see through to his dragonslayer magic. Being highly attuned to wind magic, Fu could be able to spot the differentiation between Acnologia's magic as well as the Wind magic.

"I don't know." He lied. As he finished his meal, he stood up and took out a slip of paper from the backpack he had gotten for his thirteenth birthday. A gift he had never let go of since the day he got it. He took out a small slip of paper and Fu watched as he performed Seal Magic: Release and unsealed his bag of money. He rested two emerald and a silver coin on the table.

"There, that should cover it. Kurama, we're off." The red Exceed nodded before waving to Chomei as Naruto re-sealed his money bag and put it away.

"See ya, Chomei." Chomei and Fu gaped at how they leaving.

"Wait! Minato, I have more questions." Naruto turned to face girl, wondering at the same time just how gullible people were to not realize he was lying about his name.

"If you want to know about where your father went, then you have come to the wrong person. However, all I can tell you is that the dragons left the world on July 7th of the year X777 to take part in an event that had caused them to leave you and the other dragonslayers I have met along the way."

"H-H-How do you know all this?" Fu stuttered. Naruto dug his hands into his pockets and walked off.

"When I think you are ready, I will grant you that information. The truth is that you've probably figured it out already, but you probably can't believe it. You've gained the scent of my magic...elaborate on that." Fu and Chomei looked confused before Naruto walked outside and then vanished into the wind with Kurama.

"That looked really cool, I should learn how to do that." Fu said as she saw Naruto perform Shunpo no Kazejin. Chomei then tapped her partner on the head.

"Fu, what did he mean when he said you gained his magic's scent and to elaborate on it." Fu remained sitting as she contemplated on what Naruto said.

'His magic smelt if I had met him before. What does that mean? What did Papa Cyclonus tell me whenever that happened?' Fu tapped her head and she tried to conjure the memory before it got to her.

Unknown Location, Year-X773

"Papa?" A young, nine year old Fu ran up to her father. Cyclonus turned to face her and Fu stopped to bask in the majesty of her draconian parent.

Cyclonus was covered with emerald green scales and had a eggshell-white underbelly. The dragon was massive and was in fact much larger than Grandine, but that was a given considering he was the elder sibling. He had small spines running from the base of his skull to the tip of his thick, heavy tail. Unlike most dragons, Cyclonus had two pairs of bat-like wings. This allowed for the Wind Dragon to be able to perform much better in aerial activities should be just regular flying or aerial combat. The wings were attacked to the bone and muscle which was covered in emerald green scales like the rest of his body and the membrane of the wings was a lighter green. His teeth and claws were as sharp as any blade and were a startling white. His eyes were a deep golden yellow and a vertically slit pupil bisected the iris.

"Yes, Fu?" The great Wind Dragon bent down to his daughter's level.

"I was just wondering...are there any other mages out there like me?"

"Why yes, Fu. There are many wind mages in Earthland." However, he tilted his head in confusion when Fu shook her head.

"No, Papa. I mean like ME...a Dragonslayer." Cyclonus nodded in understanding.

"Yes my daughter. There are more dragonslayers out there in the world, however there are not many as only a bit more than ten dragons have chosen to take on a student like I have."

"Papa, will I be able to meet them? How I can know when the people I meet are Dragonslayer? Will they be strong? Will they be ugly and stupid? I don't want to meet a weak Dragonslayer." Cyclonus sweatdropped as his daughter bombarded him with questions.

"Okay, Fu calm yourself. Your natural hyperactivity will be the death of you if you don't breathe." The dragon chuckled. Fu nodded before taking in a few deep breaths to displace the carbon dioxide in her system and replace it with the sweet nectar that was oxygen.

"Are you ready to listen to my answers?"

"Yes, Papa." Fu grinned widely, displaying the sharp canines found in a dragonslayer. Cyclonus nodded before giving off a small growl as he contemplated on how to word his answers.

"Well my daughter, yes you will be able to meet your fellow Dragonslayers, but not until I have finished teaching you. The levels of strength in a dragonslayer are unknown because they can either be weak or they can be strong. However, due to this it will be based on you judge them. I would not know anything of their physical and mental characteristics so I will not know if they are ugly and stupid." Cyclonus laughed a bit. Though it was a mere chuckle, to Fu the laugh had resounded through the forest they had made their home in. Fu giggled at her father.

"I'm gonna beat'em up if they are though." Fu grinned. Cyclonus gently stroked the girl with the tip of his tail.

"I'm sure you will. Now as for your final to recognize your brethren. When you meet people that are dragonslayers, you will get a feeling that makes you fell as if you have met them before, a feeling of familiarity. Their magic power will also give off a unique feeling and scent only noticeable to other dragonslayers. If you ever have that feeling, it means that you would have met one of your kin."

"Oooooh. So all I have to do is sniff them? But what if they didn't shower and they smell gross." Cyclonus let out a loud laugh at that.

"You humans say such idiotic things sometimes." The great wind dragon laughed.

Fu shook her head as her memory left her. Her orange eyes widened before running out of the restaurant and looked around.

"Crap he's gone!" Fu said as she tried to see if Naruto was among the crowd of shoppers seeing as they were in the marketing area of Lupinus Town.

"Why do you want to look for Minato and my brother?" Fu sniffed the air, trying to catch the blonde's scent. After a few minutes, she finally managed to separate it from the numerous amount of other smells and she turned to Chomei.

"Chomei, fly. I need to find Minato." Two of the tattoos on Chomei's back glowed before the insect-like wings sprouted from her back and the two took to the skies as Chomei held on to the red cloths wrapped around Fu's body. Fu then gave Chomei directions as they began to search for the blonde.

"Why are we looking for them?" Chomei asked once more. Fu's orange eyes narrowed as she scanned the area below.

"Becuase...I think he's like me." Fu said. Chomei's eyes widened.

"You mean...he's a..."

"Yes." Fu replied. "He's a Dragonslayer."

Unknown Location, Outside of Lupinus Town

Naruto was currently leaving the old town and was hiking up a small incline. He had flown a good few miles out of the town's edge before settling at the base of said incline. Once he had landed, he reached down to the neck area of his shirt and pulled up the face mask before walking up the incline. As he quickly made his way to the top of said incline, he came to the edge of a forest. He sniffed the air along with Kurama.

"I smell...danger." Kurama muttered as he lay atop Naruto's head. The blonde agreed with his Exceed partner.

"Keep your guard up." Naruto warned his partner. The fox costumed cat nodded as the two entered the crowd of vegetation. After walking through the forest for a while, Naruto and Kurama paused before sniffing the air once more. Naruto then spun in a circle, the air distorted around his arm as he formed Kaze no Yaiba. The trees encircling him fell to the ground as they were cleanly sliced through their trunks and Naruto and Kurama looked up to see a woman standing there.

"Hehe, so you were able to detect my presence. Well done, Ogonna Fuujin." The woman giggled. Naruto's sapphire eyes narrowed as the woman walked up to him, putting a sway in her hips as she did so which caused his eyes to involuntarily stare as she moved. Naruto observed the woman as she walked up to him. Her body was very...appealing to the eye as she was very voluptuous. She wore a very revealing white dress which was patterned with black tiger stripes. There was a slit along the length of the dress from her thigh down which revealed much of her right leg. The dress revealed much of her impressive cleavage and Naruto couldn't help, but attempt to hold back the nosebleed he was certain he would have gotten. She also wore a pair of black boots and her dark purple hair was tied into lengthy ponytail. Looking into her eyes he could see mischief in them and an exceptionally high level of magic power that caught his attention.

(Insert Music: Naruto Shippuden-Pein's Theme)

"Who are you?" Naruto growled as the woman stopped right in front of him. Ultear chuckled as she looked up at the taller man.

"My, my so demanding."

"You're wasting my time, wench." Naruto snarled before turning around before going to leave only for the dark purple haired woman to grab at his arm.

"Now hold on there, handsome. I have a proposition for you."

"If it's to join that guild of yours, Raven Tail..." Ultear's eyes widened at that, "Then I'll say it again, I'm not interested." Ultear's eyes narrowed.

'So Raven Tail is after him as well...along with the Magic Council, this could prove troublesome. I have to get him now.'

"Oh no, I'm not a part of Raven Tail."

"That's nice to hear." Naruto said before trying to leave once more, only for Ultear to spin around and suddenly appear in his face. She was dangerously close to him, her finger running up and down his chest as she pressed her breasts up against him. The action for some reason sent a shiver running up his spine.

"Now, the proposition I have is not to join Raven Tail, but to join a much...better and powerful guild. Grimoire Heart. Our master has been keeping a close on eye on you, Fuujin and he thinks you are strong enough to deserve the right to help him in his plans."

"Well, I don't give a rat's ass about your master. Now get out of my way before I make you." Ultear tip toed up to his face and her eyes became half lidded as she whispered in his ear.

"You're making a big mistake if you continue to deny me what I and my master want." Naruto snarled as Ultear's hot breath tickled the inside of his ear.

"Listen here, woman. Fuck off, as I told Raven Tail...I'm not interested in joining any guild." Ultear frowned.

"Please, Fuujin-kun...I'll be sure to grant you a nice 'reward' if you join us." She whispered seductively as she traced her hand on his cheek and a very soft manner like if her touch was a feather. Naruto restricted the urge to shudder as the woman's chest was pushed further against his, but he knew this was all just a ploy to get him to join. He pushed the woman away forcefully and his pupils became slits as he looked at her.

"What are these plans that your Master has?" Ultear smirked, thinking she finally caught his interest.

"Well, the master plans to find the hidden keys and use them to bring about the resurrection of a great and powerful mage." Ultear blushed at thought of seeing such a powerful wizard in her presence.

"And who is this mage?"

"Why, Zeref-sama of course. Zeref-sama will bring about the age of magic and destroy all those who are able to use magic. He will create...the One Magic." Ultear said with glee. The Dragonslayer of the Apocalypse bared his teeth beneath his mask at hearing that name.

Pocket Dimension, Year X776

"Tou-san, who is Zeref?" Naruto asked. The Black Dragon of the Apocalypse snarled at the mention of the Black Wizard.

"Naruto, where did you hear that name?"

"Well, I heard you while you were mumbling to yourself in the den. You said something about a guy named 'Zeref'. Is Zeref even a person?" Acnologia growled as he tore up a tree and snapped it with his tail.

"Zeref is the Black Wizard, the one who was said to have nearly destroyed the entire world of magic with his ability to summon monsters and demons from the very depths of hell itself. He was a powerful mage able to use Living Magic and Death Magic. Living Magic allows one to summon forth creatures from the earth while Death Magic does as its name implies. It kills instantly."

"But what did Zeref do that he makes you so angry, Tou-san? I mean, I have seen you when you are angry, but this type of anger seems...different from the one you feel towards me when I do something wrong." Naruto said. The Black Dragon stared at his son before snarling, his tail knocking down another set of trees with a single flick.

"Zeref is a pathetic human, even more pathetic than the Dragon King. one of the things that managed to do something to my mind and brainwashed me...HE..." Acnologia paused. "He is one of the things that resulted in my exile from Alagaesia."

"Fuck off...If you want to resurrect that piece of shit, then you will have better luck than any other cult did. You will fail and you should burn with the bitch." Naruto growled before turning away, his patience was thinning and so he began to walk away from the Time Magic user.

"That's a shame. I was hoping we could have done this like civilized mages, but I see you're not one who is convinced by words." Kurama then watched Ultear before he noticed Ultear's hand make a single motion. And that was all he needed to see before he grabbed Ultear by her hair and hoisted her up before crashing her down on the ground. The woman released a cry of pain before he picked her up once more and held her up, hand wrapped around her throat to choke the life out of her, but Ultear slammed a kick into Naruto's gut. Naruto grunted as Ultear caused his grip to loosen around her throat before she continued to strike him in the stomach with the sharp toe of her boots before grabbing his arm and flinging him over her shoulder. Naruto twisted in midair and landed on his feet before sending a blast of wind her way.

"FUUTON: DAITOPPA!" Ultear was sent careening through the air. She managed to right herself and skidded along the ground kicking up dirt and grass before she sent her teal orb at him. Naruto's eyes widened as Ultear yelled out the name of her attack.

"Arc of Time: Infinite Sphere!"

"A Lost Magic?" He and Kurama exclaimed before they were sent skidding backwards as the orb crashed into his sternum. Naruto righted himself before the orb suddenly struck him in the back, and then his left side, his right knee and many other locations on his body. Naruto was then sent flying as the orb crashed into his back, sending him forward. He flipped in the air forming a dome of wind around himself as the orb crashed into it, shredded by the high velocity air currents.

"Arc of Time: Restore!" She cried out. Naruto then watched as the orb seemed to suddenly reverse its movement, its shards joining together before flying back into Ultear's hands.

"Interesting. So you know a Lost Magic. The Arc of Time. I've heard about that, it is said to be able to control the many futures as well as reverse the effects done to objects, but it cannot work on living things like humans and animals." Ultear giggled.

"You're quite smart, aren't you Fuujin-kun." The blonde then saw Ultear wink at him before snapping her fingers. "You will come with us to Grimoire Heart...even if force is required." Azuma and Zancrow then appeared behind Naruto, both set to punch him, but Kurama turned around and let loose a blast of red flame sending both of them back, however as they were sent flying, Zancrow opened his jaws and the feline could only stare in amazement as his flames were eaten by the Godslayer.

"I'm all revved up!" Zancrow grinned as he finished eating the flames.

'He's copying the Fire Dragon's catchphrase.' Naruto sweatdropped. He then turned to Azuma who had ripped off his burnt shirt.

"Ultear-san, we will take it from here." Ultear nodded with a serious look on her face.

"Till we meet again, Fuujin-kun." The time mage said before she winked at him and blew him a kiss as she waved goodbye. A purple magic seal then formed beneath her feet and she vanished in a column of light.

"I have no time for the likes of you two." Naruto said before slamming his hands on the ground. A large twister erupted in front of him and made its way towards the two Kin of Purgatory. Azuma raised his arms up as if he were lifting something and two tendrils of wood burst forth from the ground and crashed into the tornado. Azuma was surprised when he saw his tendrils were suddenly shredded.

'Impossible, my trees are invulnerable!' Azuma thought before grinning. 'Finally, an opponent worth my time.'

"Great Tree Arc: Bleve!" However when Azuma conjured up the explosion to end the tornado, but when the smoke cleared, he and Zancrow looked to see their targets has disappeared.

"He got away! The little fucker." Zancrow cursed. Azuma placed his hand against a tree before sinking into it.

"I will find him, and you try to keep up." Azuma then disappeared into the tree's trunk with Zancrow using his enhanced senses to follow the Great Tree Arc user. The Fire Godslayer cackled maniacally.

"THIS IS GONNA BE SWEET!" Zancrow howled as his fists erupted into black flames.

Naruto and Kurama appeared in another section of the woods within a swirl of wind.

"Why are we running?"

"We're not running." Naruto said.

"Then what was it that we're doing seeing as were retreating from our opponents?" Kurama growled, "You are never one to abandon your opponents. You always stand and fight. So why are you not fighting now?" Naruto raised his hand and the Exceed was silenced.

"Because...there is someone else here." Naruto said before he turned around and clapped his hands together. A grey-green magic seal appeared in front of him before a giant tree trunk that was headed for him, became nothing but splinters. The dragonslayer and Exceed watched as a large man garbed in red armour and appeared to have a large furnace on his back appeared from the brush. On his kasa, the crest of the Magic Council was emblazoned in gold.

"Who is that?" Kurama asked. Naruto took his mind back to the book he read in the library.

(Insert Music: Naruto Shippuden-Jinchuriki Theme)

"The books described this man as Head Captain Han, the leader of the entirety of the Rune Knights." Naruto informed his feline companion. Kurama snarled before jumping off of Naruto's shoulder and changing into his kitsune form. Han was accompanied by an entire squadron of Rune Knights and the brown eyes man raised his head to stare at the two criminals.

"Ogonna Fuujin and Onibi Myobu, you are to come with me to the Magic Council as you are under arrest for performing the taboo of all mages. You have killed through the use of your magic. Come quietly and you will be given a fair trial. If not..." Han smashed his fist against his palm. "Things might get a little messy."

The furnace on Han's back rattled slightly before a cloud of steam erupted from the furnace and took on physical form. Kurama snarled as he watched the white furred cat float in the air.

"Kokuo!" The kitsune snarled as he allowed five more of tails to form, giving him a total of six tails.

"Six tails? Kurama, who is that?" Naruto asked with mild surprise. Never had Kurama had to go more than four tails in any fight, but to go six was just unheard of unless it was a fight with him or Acnologia when he was forced to use all nine tails.

"" Kokuo said as the white furred feline became shrouded in white steam. The costume clung to his body and Kokuo suddenly became the size of a large wolf like Kurama and five tails sprouted from the cat's rear. His paws suddenly elongated and became hard, changing into hooves. His body structure morphed into that of a horse's, but his head became similar to that of a dolphin's. Kokuo stamped his hooves on the ground and released a cry that sounded like a mixture of a dolphin's whistles and clicks and the whinny of a horse.

"Kokuo, what are you doing?" Kurama asked, obviously angry with his brother. The dolphin-horse stared at his brother and bowed.

"I am sorry, Kurama nii, but I am a part of the Magic Council with Han-san. We are ordered to bring you two into custody." Kokuo said with a respectful tone. "You are asked to come with us."

"And if I say no?" Kurama snarled. Kokuo sighed.

"Please, Kurama, I do not wish to hurt you. You may be the strongest of us nine, but even if you know that I am able to put up a fight against you. After all, I was very close to defeating Gyuki." Kurama remained silent. Han then looked at Kokuo and the two nodded to each other.

(Insert Music: Fairy Tail-Released Power)

"RUNE KNIGHTS...TAKE HIM DOWN!" The Rune Knights charged forth and Naruto raised an eyebrow as they ran towards him, staffs glowing in their hands. They slammed them on the ground and the earth rose up and a large hand rose up from the confines of the earth and flew towards the blonde dragonslayer and the Exceed. Naruto raised his leg up and brought it downwards sending an arc of wind at the fist, slicing the object completely in half. The attack continued and ended the lives of four members of the squadron. The Rune Knight then sent blasts of flame at the two only for Kurama to inhale them and then spat them back out as raging spheroids of burning oxygen. Five more Rune Knights were burnt to ashes before Naruto waved his hand lazily and Han and Kokuo stared in amazement as there was a distortion in the air and suddenly the remaining eleven members of the squadron were easily cut down. Han then felt his armour being hit by the strike, but there was no damage done. His armour was made of the strongest metals and elements and was also protected with a few defensive runes.

Han and Kokuo stared at the dead bodies of the Rune Knights before the sound of cracking wood was heard. The Rune Knights, Kokuo, Kurama and Naruto turned to see the trees behind them shatter as a blast of black flames destroyed them. Zancrow and Azuma walked out of the flames unharmed, per Zancrow's will.

"You will come with us to Grimoire Heart as Master Hades demands, Ogonna Fuujin and Onibi Myobu." Azuma said.

"Grimoire Heart?" Kokuo pondered the name. "Han-san they are a Dark that has eluded us for quite sometime." Han smirked as he crackled his knuckles eagerly and Kokuo stamped his hooves.

"Well what do you know, two birds with one stone. I might get a big fat pay raise at the end of this." Han chuckled as he got into a battle stance.

Zancrow's fists became encased in black flames as he cackled. "Bring it on!" Azuma did the same as Zancrow and caused three large, whip-like roots to spring forth from the ground as they bent to his will. Naruto and Kurama watched the two parties before they sighed.

An aura of fire surrounded Kurama and the wind swirled around Naruto.

The dragonslayer raised his hands and the members of Grimoire Heart and the Magic Council felt the increase in magic power in the air. Wind and fire swirled around the two fugitives before their eyes snapped open. Naruto's, a shining white and Kurama's were an even more evil looking crimson. A large shockwave of wind and fire erupted from both of them. Zancrow quickly ate the flames, but he was sent skidding backwards as the force of the winds met his body while Azuma shielded his body with his roots. Han slammed his hands into the earth and pulled up a piece of the earth and used it as a shield to protect him and Kokuo.

When the flames and the wind died down, Han let down the earth wall, while Azuma moved his burnt roots aside, having turned to ash from the flames' intensity. Zancrow was busy removing himself from the trunk of a tree. They were all staring in amazement as the entire area within a ten mile radius was burnt to nothing. It was like a forest fire had started and only chose to burn out everything in the area. A few embers were still present, but they were quickly snuffed out by the howling winds.

'Such amazing strength.' Han commented.

"I told you my brother has a knack for widespread destruction." Kokuo said. Han nodded in agreement with the dolphin-horse.

"I can see why Master Hades wants these two in our guild." Azuma smirked before cracking his joints. "This man and animal are surely strong."


Naruto and Kurama then slipped into fighting stances.

The kitsune bared his teeth, his eyes focusing on his five tailed brother. Naruto's eyes literally shone as he observed his opponents. Everyone then watched as the images of a dragon and a fox appeared in the air, their killing intent and magic power being manifested in those form.. The two manifestations snarled as Naruto and Kurama spoke.

"You want to fight?" The kitsune asked.

"Then we will give you a fight and we will show you why they call us the Ogonna Fuujin and the Onibi Myobu."

The manifestations roared before enveloping Naruto and Kurama in grey-green and red auras, respectively. Naruto's aura of magic power then began to shift between grey-green and blue-black and Kurama noticed this.

'The Sleeping beginning to stir.'

(A/N: Well that's chapter ten. Hope you guys liked it. I know I took a while to update this, but I was actually having a bit of trouble trying to come up with the entire situation for this. I hope you guys like how I made Fu a dragonslayer of Cyclonus. And for those of you who don't understand the difference between Sky and Wind Dragonslayer magic. Here it is:

It's sort of like how Water and Ice are of the same element, but different. Ice is water given solid form, but it is still seen as a separate element. Now Wind Dragonslayer Magic is based completely on the offensive capabilties of wind thus Cyclonus's magic is purely based on combat, while Sky Dragonslayer Magic though of the same element in which it requires wind and air currents to be used, focuses mostly on the healing aspects. Grandine is therefore only able to use the iron fist, wings, tail, talons and roar as her offensive moves which are not a lot. Of course, until I know what Milky Way and that Drilling Air Wave that Wendy received from Grandine, I will not know if Grandine possesses anymore offensive moves. However, I will plan to use my imagination and make these two spells Wendy's Metsuryu Ogi spells, the Secret Dragonslayer Art attacks.

Note, Kokuo is the five tails and Chomei is the seven tails. Chomei, in the manga, referred to its as 'Lucky Number 7, Chomei' which is why I had the tattoos on her chest be the kanji for 'Lucky' and the number 7. Her wings are tattoos while her tail is based off of the Seven Tails' actual tail.

Now all the jinchuriki are not going to be dragonslayers as shown by Han being present with Kokuo. Do not whine about it because I will not care. I mean honestly, I can't see people like Killer Bee or Utakata being dragonslayers.

Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter, and Review, Review, REVIEW!-K.D)
