9- Good to be back

I find the name of the chapter fitting for both the chapter and my situation more about that at the bottom⤵⤵

You laid in the bed of your barrack looking at the cuts on your hands from the branch, from the past day. Observing them while also a little lost in your thoughts, in which you didn't notice when your crew member had slipped into your room.

"you doing okay?" Benn asked earning your attention and bringing you back down to earth. "...Yeah." you didn't really know what to say, you were relieved to be back and in one piece yet you were also worried for not only yourself but your crew, you could be putting them in harm's way as well.

"it's good to have you back, safe and sound." he said with a smile, you gave a small yet somewhat sad smile. It was all you could muster at the time, "it's good to be back, thanks." you said, he chuckled a bit.

"I'm sure Shanks would like to see you, he's been worried... I mean so has everyone else but-", you rose to feet getting out of bed.

"yeah, I understand." you walked out, the fresh, bright sunlight welcomed you as you emerged from the dark shadows. The sunlight wasn't all that you were greeted with, your crew mates flooded you with hugs and high fives and the always welcome, "glad your not dead!" that seemed to sound so cheery.

"Where's shanks?" it was something you found yourself saying a lot now a days. You heard a deep chuckle come from behind you and the circle of happy crew mates, "that worried about me?" such a sweet voice for troubled ears and just what you needed.

You could feel as relief over took your troubles, in that instant.

You turned only to meet his gaze with yours, as his cheery brown orbs met your distraught one's, he wrapped you up as tight as he could with his arm.

"You really gave me a fright, last night." he said, you wrapped your arms around him, hugging back, tightly just as he was. "...sorry." you whispered, "(y/n)... Ya got nothing to be sorry about. Your back, your safe and unharmed... well, mostly." he kissed the top off your head.

"Thank you." you said, pulling away to meet his gaze once more, "For...?" he seemed uncertain of what your gratitude was centered around. "For going out and looking for me, for not giving up and moving on, for trying your best." you smiled, he wiped a tear that you hadn't even noticed you'd shed.

"Trying my best?" he laughed, "and let me tell you, I wouldn't be able to move on. Not from you. I'd never forgive my self if I left you in the hands of danger. So, that was a given." he said taking one of your hands into his.

"R-Really?" you asked, he nodded and smiled, the men behind you were laughing and making ether gagging sounds or Kissy ones basically mocking the two of you.

Shanks cleared his throat and the whole of them jumped and just stopped, like they hadn't done their previous actions. You laughed and let out a sigh, "I'm glad I'm here and not on my way back to the celestial Dragons." you looked to shanks who answered with, "me too.".

A little time passed and the ship had set sail again, you had been talking to various crew mates as Shanks was moving along from various tasks from drinking to conversing the crew to setting the course and making plans.

You watched him, as well as the birds flying in the blue sky and the white waves on the blue sea. It was the little things you took pleasure in, the things that anyone else including your crew mates took for granted. It was these sights that ensured your theory, freedom was golden.

"It'll be a while before we can stop on any islands for supplies, hope you don't need anything." shanks stopped beside you and put a hand on your shoulder. "you didn't, right?" he asked, you shook your head, "Not that I can think of." to that he smiled, "great!" he pecked your cheek.

You watched once more as he walked off to talk to Benn and Roo, to your surprise, Yassop then took the place beside you. "You seem a little distant, everything okay?" he asked, you looked at him and nodded, "Yeah. Got a lot to think about." you said, he took a seat beside you.

"Yeah, I bet. Must be hard even thinking about going back to that life style." although you did have more on your mind then that, you agreed. "yeah, it's scary that it's a possibility, I don't think shanks would allow it to happen though." you said eyeing him.

Yassop laughed leaning back in his seat, "Oi! Yassop, come look who made his way into the papers!" one crew member shouted, Yassop's eyes went big and he jumped up and bolted to said man.

"His bounty's gone up!" Yassop yelled surprised, "Shanks! Luffy's in it too!" he yelled as the scarlet headed man rushed to the crowd to see of the young boys achievement.

Yassop was proud of his son and Luffy was like a son to shanks, who was proud of him. It struck you, are all fathers like that? ...and would yours be proud of you or disappointed that you fell into the same kind of life he did?

922 words

Yeah. I know this was a REALLY short chapter, but it's feeding into the idea for the next one... Yada Yada excuses excuses. But, anyway yes, it's belated... Sorry I've been under a lot of stress lately and I'm not doing so well mentally nor physically because of it. I'm trying to get everything settled out but, Jesus does everything want to attack me, but it's good to be back *laughs because it's the name of the chapter* and my apologies for disappearing.
