
The second Sohye got to the hospital, she was ushered quickly towards Mingyu's room. On her way, she had contacted Mingyu's manager, who apparently did not know that Sohye and Mingyu broke up, and the manager arranged for her to come into the hospital. She got to the room and met the manager outside. Mingyu's manager looked stressed.

"Oh, good, Sohye. You're here," the manager sighed. "Mingyu's condition is stable like I said earlier, but something is definitely wrong with him. He's going to go under some tests later, but I think it's great that you're here before he goes through those tests."

"Can I," Sohye swallowed- her throat was very dry. "Can I go in?"

The manager nodded and opened the door for her. Cautiously, Sohye entered the room. Her shoes clicked on the ground as she walked to Mingyu's bed. Mingyu's eyes were closed, but the second she entered the room, his eyes shot open. He sat up quickly and said, "Sohye..."

"Hi, Mingyu," Sohye forced a smile on her face.

"I," Mingyu didn't know what to say. He looked away from her face as he said, "You shouldn't have come here."

"I had to. You need someone to be with you," Sohye was about to start crying.

She sat in a chair right by his bed and hesitantly placed her hand on his. There was an IV drip attached to his hand. Mingyu looked at her hand. Sohye really thought he was going to push her hand away, but instead, he lifted his hand and placed it on Sohye's. Sohye turned her hand so that she was holding Mingyu's hand, and she looked up to see tears streaming down his face.

"I'm so glad you're here," Mingyu blubbered. "I'm so scared."

Immediately, Sohye stood up and started hugging Mingyu. Mingyu hugged her back, but rather than his usual tight grip, his arms were weak. Sohye's eyes widened. Mingyu buried his face in her waist and cried like a child. Sohye had never seen Mingyu like this before, and it scared her. She knew something was definitely wrong with Mingyu, but she didn't know what it was. She patted Mingyu's back and let him get all of his tears out before she sat back down and held Mingyu's hand again. Mingyu wiped the tears from his eyes before speaking again.

"I lied," Mingyu started.

"About what?" Sohye asked.

"About the other girl. There was never another girl," Mingyu confirmed.

"Then why did you lie?" Sohye frowned.

"I didn't want you to know the truth," Mingyu said after a moment of silence.

"What is the truth, Mingyu?" Sohye leaned forward.

Mingyu held Sohye's hand a little tighter. He exhaled slowly. He took his time, and Sohye let him take his time. He was fighting back tears and gritting his teeth. He had to tell her.

"Sohye, I have lung cancer. I was gone for so long when we first started dating because my father was also dying of lung cancer. After he passed away, I didn't think to get my own health checked, but about a couple weeks ago, I noticed the same symptoms my father had," Mingyu explained. "They told me I was in the final stage of my cancer and that there was nothing they could do. They told me I didn't have much time. So I decided to get as much done with my career as possible, and then I told you I wanted to break up because," he started to cry again. "I knew that you would be in less pain if I dumped you than if I died while we were together."

"Mingyu, I don't care. I don't want you to be in pain. I will be here for you, even if you don't want me to," Sohye said as she placed her other hand on Mingyu's thigh. "We will fight this."

"What if I don't make it, though?" a tear slipped out of Mingyu's eye.

"You will make it, Mingyu," Sohye promised. "I will make sure you make it."


lol this is so dramatic
