Telling the Fans

Mika and Noah have been together for about  a year or two now. They said they were gonna tell their fans about a year ago. It never happened, but today was the day. Noah and Mika were now living together. Noah has been busy talking to his mods and friends to help with chat if anything goes bad. Mika was getting ready. She was wearing a white crop top with a black jacket and some black jeans. She put on some jewelry and fixed up her hair. 


Noah walked in and wrapped his arms around Mika's wasit. She smiled and Noah kissed her cheek. 

"You look amazing" 

"You say that everyday" Mika chuckled. 

"Because it's true" Mika turned around and kissed Noah. Noah kissed back and pulled away. He started to brush his teeth. Mika walked out and into their shared office. She sat down at the desk to see that Noah never left the call. She put on her headphones and unmuted. 

"So, Karl, George, Dream, Corpse and Luke. You all are gonna be mods in chat for the stream? Correct?" Everyone hummed out a yes and Mika spoke up. 

"You sure we need all those people?" 

"Mika!" She heard Karl yell. "How are you feeling?" 

"Nervous but excited" She chuckled. "I hope it goes well and people are fine with it" 

"If anyone gets mad at you for being with Noah, they aren't someone who supports you or really cares about you yourself" George said. 

"Wow, that's something I didn't think I would hear from George" Luke said. Everyone laughed and Noah came in. Noah sat down in the chair next to Mika and put on his headphones. 

"Are we all ready?" Everyone in call said yes. Mika stayed silent. Noah turned to Mika and muted. "Darling, do you want to do this?" Mika looked him. 

"Yes, I'm just nervous but I want to do this. Trust me" Mika said. Noah smiled and unmuted. 

"We'll mute and start stream in about five minutes." He muted and went onto OBS. He set up the starting soon screen and hit the 'Go Live' button. They muted on stream and looked to make sure everyone was in chat. He tilted stream 'Big News..'. Mika looked at chat to see everyone piling in. She took a few deep breaths and Noah unmuted. "Hey chat" He switched the screen to 'Just Chatting'. Mika looked at Noah as he sighed. "I got big news for you all" Chat was asking the typical questions. Is Mika pregnant? Are you quitting? Are you moving? Noah looked at chat then at Mika. 

"Hi chat, It's big news for sure" Noah chuckled. 

"You all have been talking for a bit about my relationship status and have questioned some things" He looked at chat then forward. "My current status is taken" Noah then looked at Mika. 

"And I'm taken as well" Mika said. 

"If you haven't caught on, me and Mika are dating" Chat went by so fast. There were a lot of hearts and 'AHHH's. Mika chuckled and kissed Noah's cheek. Noah turned beet red and chuckled. "All I ask chat is that you be respectful and don't ask weird questions" 

"Also, don't label people as blank's partner. Like, don't label me as Foolish's partner. I'm QuestionMika. Not just Foolish's partner" Noah nodded. 

"Yes, that applies to me too chat. Just be kind and respectful about us." Noah looked at chat and saw that it was mostly supportive. Nothing bad really. Noah looked at Mika. Mika looked at Noah and smiled.

"Anyways chat, let's do a you laugh, the stream ends for today" Chat was full of 'YESSS' and 'LETSGOO' Noah started up the media shares and clips came in. They had three lives. The stream was over in about an hour.

"Well guys, we are gonna end stream now. You all have been great. Love you all" Mika said with her hands in a heart. Noah waved bye and ended stream. Mika kissed Noah's cheek and smiled at him. "Can't believe this all happened cause of coffee."

"I can't believe it either" Noah said with a smile. Mika rested their head on Noah's shoulder and closed their eyes, thinking back to the day they met.

an it's over now! omg. one more book to finish then I'm gone. so if you don't know, I'm finishing up this book and one other one then i will not be writing anymore. if you want the full thing, it's on my page. love you all and thank you so fucking much for reading this book and make sure to check out my other ones. bye bye :)
