Jan's Pov

" Jan! Jan! Quick~~ "

I quickly ran to open my house door to keep up with her hype,

" Woah Woah.. I'm coming! Calm down.. What's so exciting anyway? "

" Okay so take a deep breath and listen to what I have to say okay? "

I nodded eagerly, now getting really curious as well.
" You've been misunderstanding all along Jan, you've been misunderstanding Ssing all along. "

I paused when she mentioned Ssing's name. I haven't heard his name in quite a long time..

" M-Misunderstanding..? What do you mean? "

" That girl.. the one you said is his girlfriend.. she's not his girlfriend! "

My eyes widened and I looked at her with disbelief,
" Yeah right. I saw them with my own eyes you know. "

" I know you saw them with your own eyes.. what I'm saying is that you misinterpreted it! And you're so stupid.. you didn't even bother to ask him properly! You just assumed things on your own.. Goodness.. she's his sister!"

I still didn't want to believe her, I mean I know all his sisters


" I know you think you know all of his sisters.. I mean I thought I did too.. that's why I misunderstood him as well.. but actually, this girl is his older sister that has been living abroad ever since Ssing was young.. so that's why we didn't know.. "

I blinked repeatedly as I tried to process the information.

" So you're saying.. that all this time, I've been a drama queen and this was all just a misunderstanding? "

She nodded quickly.

" Oh my god.. what have I done? oh my god.. I'm so stupid! " I exclaimed as I clutched my hair.

" It's okay Jan.. it's okay.. just go tell him, he'll understand.. "

" I-I don't know.. I don't know where to start and how to tell him.. even if we get our friendship back..I'll still be in pain because I already have feelings for him! "

" And who says he doesn't? Why don't you try telling him first? "

" There's no way he could have feelings for me.. there's just no way.. he always says everything is just an act to him. "

I dropped down on the floor and just clutched my hair, almost as if  I was ripping the hair out of my head.

All this pain.. that we had to go through was all because of this stupid misunderstanding that I misinterpreted?

Oh gosh.. how am I supposed to face him now?

" Ugh Jan.. you're always so predictable.. I knew you would be like this.. so I called him for ya! He'll be here any minute! " Ciize said pretending to sound innocent as she smiled sheepishly.

" No! Why the hell did you do that? I told you there's no point.. I can't face him now.. I'm too embarrassed and.. what if he asks to be friends again? I can't be friends with someone I like so much-

" Woah is Jan saying she likes me so much? What an honor! "

" S-Ssing?! What the hell? Oh my god.. Did you hear that? "

I used my hands to cover my mouth as I  started running away.

" Hey! Where are you going? I haven't said my part yet! " He screamed running after me.

" No! Don't say it! I'm not ready for rejection! " I screamed back as I continued running.

Oh gosh I feel like this thing is so cliché right now.. why the hell are we even running if we're just going to scream at each other anyway?

With that thought, I stopped running.
" Okay stop. Stop running. "

" Finally! Stay there, I'll come to you." He shouted as he was still a bit far away.

" No! I meant stop running but don't come any closer. "

" Eh? Jan..what the hell are you saying? Just stay there and hear my part, I'm not going to reject you for christ's sake! "

" O-Oh..? " I blushed beet red and my legs suddenly fidgeted together.

When he got to where I was, he grabbed my hands firmly and smiled,
" Ahh.. I missed this.. "

My face went as red as a tomato..

I mean imagine your crush saying they missed you!

" I didn't know you could be shy too.."

" Well same here, I didn't know you could be serious. " I replied rolling my eyes.

" So.. when can I hear my ' not a rejection ' comment? " I said avoiding eye contact.

" Doesn't that speak for itself? Girls are so wordy gosh.. okay.. I like you too. Is that what you wanted to hear?" He said quickly as he rubbed the back of his head.

I blushed and giggled at his shyness,
" Well that wasn't too hard now was it? Since when? "

He nervously avoided eye contact and cleared his throat,
" S-Since the beginning. Even b-before everybody shipped us.. "

My eyes widened as I let out a little shriek,
" Eh?! I-Impossible.. Y-You've always friend-zoned me and said everything's just an act.. "

I looked away, remembering all those times he said it.

" ... "

" Don't tell me that's why you were acting all weird that day.. I said it so I could always be around you! I didn't actually mean it..! "

I immediately looked up as he said that, our eyes met for a bit before I let out a sigh of relief.

" Well then.. what a waste of all the misunderstandings and pain.. We both liked each other from the start.. How great! " I rolled my eyes, thinking back to how dramatic we were.

" Well you were being too dramatic. " He said in a matter of fact tone.

I glared at him and hit him lightly,
" Well who told you to take so long to ask me out? " I snapped back.

With that, he went silent. He looked around for a bit then he grabbed my hands,
" I'm sorry~ We're together now aren't we? " He looked at me with puppy dog eyes.

I decided to tease him a little,
" Eh? Who said we were? You haven't even courted me yet.. " I teased as I looked around playfully.

" We don't have to do that! "

" Of course we do, it's the courtesy of dating. " I stuck my tongue out to tease him even more.

He messed with his hair in frustration a bit because I was not yielding easily.

Ha! That's what you get for confusing me all those years!

" Oh come on Jan! Please~ " He begged, making cute faces.

" Ugh fine! I didn't know you were that desperate! " I laughed as I mocked him.

" Of course. If I didn't act that way, some guy would just take you away and I can't have that! " He said as he pulled my shoulders closer to his chest.

We stared at each other for a while before I broke it off sighing,
" I wonder how our relationship will be like honestly.. we've been friends for a long time and all you know.. " I said expressing my concern.

He laughed and stroke my hair,
" You're overthinking again.. But I get what you mean.. But also, then again, we've never really been normal friends, have we?"
He said as he chuckled at the end.

He's right.. We've never been just friends or just real life acting partners anyway.

We've always just been denying the love hormones that erupted between us, and that caused a complicated journey.

But that's alright, because that's what makes our story more special..

No love story is perfect and all flowers and blossoms anyway.

So thank you for the oxytocin that made me know this feeling, this feeling of love.
