Don't look back- Chapter 14

Chapter 14-

I opened my eyes then closed them quickly trying to adjust them to the darkness. Every inch of my body felt like it weighed 50 pounds, and my head was pounding. I tried lifting my hand and it fell the bed with a loud thump.

I layed still and listened to the beeping of a machine.

Wait, a machine? Where the heck was I?

I opened my eyes again and this time I tried my hardest to keep them open. I looked around and saw I was in a reasonably sized room with light blue walls and white trimming.

I tried to move my hands up to rub my eyes but one of them wasn't moving. I looked down and saw another hand on top of mine holding it tightly. I looked beside the hand and saw someone sleeping it was still pretty dark and I couldn't see who it was.

I lifted my other hands and moved it to touch the figures face gently but right before I put my hand fully on it's side of the face it moved and sat up.

“Justin....” my voice came out huskily and I cleared my throat. He looked at me with his eyes open wide, and he squeezed my hand tighter.

“What's wrong, where am I?” I speak in a low whisper not entirely trusting how my voice will sound.

“You're in a hospital,you hit your head then passed out.” he moved his chair closer to my bed. I tried to sit up but he forced me to stay laying and I wasn't objecting due to the fact that my head was spinning like crazy.

“How did I get here?” I turn my head to look at him slightly confused.

“I brought you here, don’t you remember?” I thought back to the night of the party and I remembered everything that happened to me; Jessica being drunk, dancing with Justin and how he sang in my ear, finding Chase and Aimee in bed together, and finally me running out after my breakdown and Justin coming after me.

I nodded to show him I remembered. “Thank you.” I mumbled as I intertwined our hands.

He looks at me surprised and I blush deeply wondering if I should have done that or not. He lifts his other hand and rubs my cheek and I feel the heat of his fingers as he traces patterns.

All of a sudden the lights turned on and I squeeze my eyes shut tightly.“Is she awake yet, oh um I guess she is and if you want me to come back I will.” after Jessica got done rambling she backed up to the door.

Justin dropped his hand from my face but still had a hold of my hand.

“No, Jessica stay.” she walked over and jumped on my bed moving me around. I grimaced and she looked at me and mouthed sorry.

“So sleeping beauty how long have you been awake.” she turned her body towards me.

“Um maybe twenty or thirty minutes.”

Justin stands up and pulls his hand away from mine. I look over to him confused and he smiles at me.

“What's wrong?”

“Nothing, I’m just going to let you guys talk for a while.” he looks at me hesitantly before walking out of the room.

“So, whats up with you two?” I look at Jessica confused, and then I blush when I remember how she saw us holding hands.

“What are you talking about?”

“Are you guys going out, you know stuff like that.” she shrugs her shoulders.

“I don't know I doubt he likes me or anything plus I just broke up with Chase last night.”

“Last night?” she looks at me like I’m crazy.

“Yeah, you probably didn't know yet because we had to take you home since you were drunk.”

“Alexa, how long do you think you were unconscious for?”

“One day?” I look at her confused.

“Alexa, you were out for a week and a half.”

My eyes go wide and my mouth drops open.

“A WEEK AND A HALF?!” I yell a little louder than necessary.

She nods her head and I close my eyes.

“Okay, so back on topic, what's going on with you two?”

I sighed. “I don't know he just confuses me I mean one day he's sweet and nice and then the other he's a jerk.”

“Well, if hes such jerk why would here stay by your side the whole time you were here?” I look at her not sure that I herd her right.

“Wait, what?” she rolls her eyes at me.

“I said-” I cut her off.

“No, no I heard you, but are you sure, I mean what about school he wouldn't miss it for me?”

“Don't tell him I told you I don't want him to get mad at me.” I nod my head a signal for her to continue. “He skipped the first three days of school and then he had to go back, but he stayed here till about 11:00 each night.” I blush and smile biting my lip, it was sweet that he did that but I didn't want him to get in trouble for it.

Jessica smiles at me and I sit there thinking till I hear a knock on the door.

“Come in!” Justin walks in and he smiles at me, I blush, of course. Damn Jessica for telling me that!

“I gotta go call my mom and tell her you're awake.” Jessica winks at me before leaving and I blush even more.

Justin walks over and takes a seat where Jessica was, except unlike Jessica he sits down carefully and doesn't jump on it.

“Why where you blushing like that?” he looks at me amused and I blush more, by this point I have a feeling my face is red.

“N-no reason.”

“Right.” he smirks at me.

“You know, if you're going to be mean to mean to me then you I'll just fall asleep and then you'll have to leave.” I put on my sad face and crossed my arms across my chest. He uncrossed my arms and took my hand in his and it sent instant tingle to my spine.

“Okay I’ll be nice to you but I want you to tell me why you were blushing.”

“Well, Jessica told me about how you basically never left my side.” my voice became a whisper and he looked down and I saw his cheeks heat up. I hold his hand tighter.

“You know, I find it really sweet that you did that but you shouldn't have missed school for me.”

He looks up at me and sighs.

“I didn't care about school, I only cared about knowing if you were okay or not.” my mouth hung open but it quickly changed into a huge smile.

“Justin, can you answer a question for me, and don't be smart and say 'I just did.'” I look at him still smiling.

“Sure.” he looks at me waiting.

“Do you like me?” he looks away and then back to my face.

“I'll answer your question if you answer one of mine.” I nod my head.

“Yes, I do, a lot I think.” he looks into my eyes smiling and his cheeks have a small blush. “Now answer my question, do you like me?”

“Very much.” I mutter quietly.

He leans over to me and kisses me on the lips lightly, he tries to pull away but I bring my hand to the back of his neck and pull him back to me not wanting it to end just yet, he slips out his tongue and gently traces my bottom lip but I keep my mouth closed. He let's out a groan of frustration and I smile still kissing him. He places his hand on the back of neck and brings me closer to him and he gently grabs my bottom lip before pulling away.

We look at each other for a minute or two and he quickly kisses my lips gently before standing up to leave.

“I think I should go to school now, even though I really don't want to...” I pout and he kisses my bottom lip. “Plus, you need sleep, you look tired.” he traces his hand under my eye and kisses my forehead lightly before walking to the door.

“Justin wait.” he stops and looks at me. “You're coming back after school right?” I bite my lip waiting for an answer.

“Of course I will, sweet dreams Alexa.” He turns off the light and shuts the door behind him, I lay back down on my pillow and close my eyes, I touch my lips with my hand and sigh,falling asleep smiling.

[AN: Aww, they kissed, officially and told each other their feelings! Haha, this chapter took me all day after school yesterday to write this and I know it probably sucks but I had a mini case of writers block and dumbness mixed together, lol.

Anyways I have spring break now and I’m so happy because that means I have extra time to write.




