
This is, hopefully, the beginning of my Doctor Who Fan Fiction series, and does not in any way relate to the previous series of the same name. It does, however, contain elements from my planned trilogy from last year. The events of the 50th Anniversary rendered this story redundant, as the saving of Gallifrey changes the Doctor's life massively. He now knows where he's going; home, the long way round. I hope to get this story completed by the end of this year, that is if everything goes to plan. And, if successful, the series will continue with the Twelfth Doctor and probably Clara (unless she leaves this year).

My previous story, Doctor Who: The Fan Fiction - Part One, is completely unrelated to this one. I had planned to follow the last one up with a sequel, but I chose instead to restart the story as a continuous triogy as I wasn't happy with it. It would have featured the Tenth and then Eleventh Doctor's, with my own companion, then Amy and then Clara. With the 50th Anniversary now ruling that trilogy out, I decided to restart with a single story. This way I can make one complete story which is self contained and won't be directly continued by a sequel, removing the need for any story-arc. And if this story isn't that successful then at least I'll know its done, rather than ending the story before its fully runs its course.

I started writing The End of All Things in late 2013, and I always intended for the Eleventh Doctor to be featured, as I'm familiar with his mannerisms and personality. I didn't want to use any of the previous Doctor's from the revived series as they wouldn't know they had saved Gallifrey, and Twelve is much harder to grasp personality wise at the moment (only 6 episodes into his run*). At this point in his life the Doctor is finally rid of his guilt over the Time War and is hopeful for the future. And, as we haven't seen any story featuring him after the events of The Day of the Doctor and before The Time of the Doctor, I felt that this would be the perfect place for my story to fit into the narrative. 

Whilst this story is completely separate to my previous story and my planned trilogy, certain elements have been recycled here. There are also some elements to this story that I added as a subtle nod to the 50th Anniversary, but I didn't want it to become another celebration. So while this story will feature certain things because of the half-centenary, the majority of it is completely stand alone. To start with I was considering naming this story The End of the Doctor, but I felt that this title was more suited, as there are already four similiarly name stories from 2013. This title reflects the type of story I'm writing, as it looks towards the end of everything, and the fact time catches up with everyone eventually.

Ryan Derbyshire

*at the time of writing


The first chapter will be uploaded in the near future. STAY TUNED! :)
