1. Cartoons and ice cream

"Just tell her that you love her."

"I can't."

"So pretending to be straight or not interested in her, seeing her every day and swallowing that bitter pain down is better?"


"Cornelia! You are impossible!"

"What else I'm supposed to do?!"

"Tell her that you like her!"

"Shelia, she will reject me! She wouldn't want to have that kind of relationship with me."

"And how do you know that if you don't confess to her?"

"I have been classmates with her for over two years now. This won't happen. Besides, maybe it's just another stupid crush. It will go away."

"Crush that you have had a year and whom you don't stop talking about? Yeah right."

I sighed. She was right. Of course, it wasn't just a crush that lasts for like a week or month. But there was no way I could tell Ruby how I really feel about her. Even if she would stay polite, I couldn't possibly believe she would want to hear about me anymore. I covered my face with my hands and put my head on the table.

I heard Shelia let out a sigh. Then I felt her hand on top of my head.

"Come on now. Let's eat ice cream and watch cartoons."

I raised my head and looked at her. Shelia was smiling and I did my best to smile back. We took ice cream from the freezer and sat down in front of the TV. Ice cream made me feel better but I couldn't focus on the cartoons. My mind was still thinking about the conversation I just had with Shelia.

Why couldn't I be completely straight? Why do I like girls too?
