Link was in awe at the use of the Master Sword in someone else's hands, colliding effectively against his shadow counterpart. While it seemed to mimic a lot of his own moves, it couldn't predict Sora, nor could it keep up with his impressive speed.

He decided to focus on his role in this battle. Sora was more of the offensive type, so loaning him the sword was their best option, while he himself still had his shield and a few arrows left.

The moment the shadow's attention was completely off of Link, he bashed into it with the shield, knocking it back, and allowing Sora to get more aggressive with his barrages.

They finally managed to knock it on its back. It was clearly frustrated as it attempted to stand.

"HAH, had enough yet?" Sora pointed the tip of the blade at the opponent with a cocky smirk. Its eyes met his once again, but it wasn't with a look of defeat.

Slowly, its body began to lift off of the ground, and stopped just as it was hovering above them. Before they could question its sudden movement, everything around them changed in an instant. It was like a flash, so quick that it was over in less than a blink.

Sora's eyes became wide, glancing across the familiar beach, the bright blue sky now above them, and the sea that went on for miles. Link noticed this, and questioned where they were taken.

"No way..." Sora muttered. "How can we be on Destiny Islands?!"

The creature made a strange groaning sound, gaining the boy's attention. Its shadowy shape then suddenly began to mold. It grew larger, new limbs of darkness sprouting from its body. It now had four arms, and was unrecognizable, an amalgamation of sorts. It now had one large eye in its center, which stared back at the pair with anger, and impatience. Its body sunk into the ground as if it were dug into the sand, leaving only its midriff and above exposed.

"What kind of test IS this?!" Sora got into battle position, Link following suit.

The strange creature then began to summon weapons in each hand, both all too familiar to the fighters. On its left, a hollowed, shadow version of the Keyblade, and on its right, the master sword in a very similar state, though they were both much larger than their own weapons.

Link turned to Sora, asking him if this thing was a Heartless of some sort.

"No, I don't think so. It doesn't have a symbol." The brown haired teen pointed out. "It doesn't matter though, we've gotta beat this thing!"

Link nodded in complete agreement, fully aware that it was that thing, or them. Test or not, they had no choice but to fight, no matter how big the enemy appeared.

It readied a swing, its arm moving a bit quicker than they both anticipated for something of its size, making its following attack all that more crucial to dodge.

They both gained their bearings after evading the enemy, and began to charge at it. Sora moved in under its arm, and made a leap, the master blade gliding through the shadow in quick succession.

Sora looked back to their opponent, who had already healed it's inflicted injury.

"No way!" Sora barely had time to shout before it retaliated at him with another swing.

While it was occupied with the magic user, Link proceeded to shoot multiple arrows at it, all of which burst on impact leaving a cloud of smoke in their wake.

The boys both stopped for just a moment, waiting to see if it had any effect. Their question was quickly answered once the beast cut through the smoke, both of them blocking an attack that knocked them off their feet.

"This guy's a problem." Sora shook the sand from his hair as he stood back up. "we gotta end this in one go! Keep him distracted for me!" Sora instructed his blonde friend. Link agreed, and quickly took aim at the creature's eye with his bow.

Three arrows left the string, on a straight shot toward its eye. Only one of them managed to inflict some sort of damage while the other two were blocked by one of its two free hands. It seemed more irritated than anything as it glared at Link. He'd succeeded in his goal, but immediately put his guard up as he witnessed a familiar glow emanating from the creature's eye. He'd recognized the sound emanating from it, and placed his shield high up to cover his body.

A thin but powerful beam was released, and Link awaited its impact. When he felt the moment was right, he used the shield to parry the blast, deflecting it back toward its user. When it made contact, the beast flinched, making it clear that the attack dealt some form of damage this time.

Link nodded toward the spiky haired teen, who began rushing the creature down its center. With the blade in hand, he cut through, this time making sure to completely disconnect the center of the body from the end that was jammed into the ground.

It roared, loud enough to pierce both ears of the fighters.

It reconnected its body as quickly as it could manage, its screech keeping Sora and Link at a distance as the winds it caused were strong enough to push them away.

"THIS THING WON'T GIVE UP! ITS GONNA KEEP HEALING ITSELF!" Sora yelled out toward his battle partner.

Link suggested that they attempt to keep it from fixing itself, but he's not sure how to do that. Sora seemed deep in thought as the roaring finally died down, their opponent now ready for the next round. He then looked toward Link with an outstretched hand, and a confident smirk was now planted on his face.

"Do you trust me?" Sora suddenly asked.

Link was taken aback by the question, but nodded quickly, as he hasn't had a reason not too so far.

"We can beat this thing, but I'm going to need your power. Now that a lot of my magic is back, I think I can try something." Sora kept an eye on the beast, who seemed to be patiently awaiting their next move.

The hylian hero wasn't entirely sure what he meant by 'his power', but he decided to follow along, as he was out of his own ideas on how to beat this thing. He then quickly raced toward Sora to take his hand. The monster took notice, and this time quickly shot a beam toward the otherworlder, who didn't move from his spot, not taking his eye off of the rushing hero.

Before the beam could reach him, Link took Sora's hand, and the both of them were enveloped in a bright light, one that the beam seemed to slip right through. The light was blinding enough for even the beast to squint.

It finally dissipated, and only one of the boys remained.

Sora floated down, planting his feet gently on the sand below. He proceeded to survey his new clothing. His usual array of dark, reds and yellows were now replaced with an array of blues and tans. The master sword in his right hand felt more comfortable than before, and the strangeness of holding a shield quickly faded as he tightened his grip on its handle. The weapons were both glowing, coated with the magic of the transformation.

"A new drive form. I KNEW it would work!" Sora chuckled "Thanks Link, this guy should be no problem now!"

The creature took a moment to study Sora. Clearly something had changed, but it wasn't entirely sure what of. To make up for this unknown change, it decided to put everything it had into its next attacks.

Fortunately for Sora, the newfound power granted him a speed that easily allowed him to swiftly evade every swing and slam that came his way, almost gliding like he did in another form he had.

He took a page out of Link's book, and summoned a bow, made completely of light, and aimed it directly at the creature's eye.

"Weird, I've never even used one of these things before. But it feels normal right now!" He drew back the bright string. Upon release, multiple arrows shot out in bright rays of light, shining brightly toward the enemy much like golden beams.

The shots honed in, every single attack landing, sending the beast into a violent recoil. Sora took advantage of its diverted attention, and summoned something of a sword. It looked much like Link's master blade, but once again, in this state, it was coated in a mystic flare. Regardless of its form, Sora tightened his grip on its handle, once again feeling a familiarity, almost as if he had his Keyblade again.

"It's about time we wrap this up." He smirked as he held the blade up toward the bright blue sky. He then snapped his fingers, summoning a familiar green lightning down directly toward him, utilizing the bright blade as a rod to guide its trajectory. The blade was now dressed in electricity, sparking dramatically to showcase its new power.

Sora launched himself, both hands on the handle, and the blade's tip pointed at his opponent. In a flash, he disappeared, only appearing in quick instances as he slashed at every inch of the monster's body. He was cutting so quickly that it didn't have enough time to regenerate before another slice met its body. The amalgamation could only catch glimpses of Sora as he appeared in flashes. Its final glimpse was the boys back turned towards it as he gently landed on the ground. Its vision split in two, and with it, the rest of its body as well.

"Sorry, but we can't be stuck here with you." Sora seemingly grieved for his enemy. As it dispersed into a shroud of particles, he felt his energy drain in a similar fashion. He had released the magic giving him his form, bursting into a bright light for just a moment.

Link reappeared next too him. He patted his body down, making sure he really was in the flesh once again. The whole transformation for him was a strange sensation. He was present the whole time, and yet it was as if he were simply watching the battle from the perspective of Sora. Everytime Sora moved, he felt it. Everytime he tightened his grip on the master sword or his bow, it was almost as if they were in sync, as if his battle knowledge was flowing directly into Sora's mind.

"Don't worry, you're all you." The younger boy read his mind with a wide smirk. "The fairies that gave me my clothes put magic in them, so I could use that little trick. It's called a 'Drive Form'. I did it with Donald and Goofy all the time!"

Once again, Link ceases to be amazed as the boy has pulled yet another trick out of the hat. At this point, that magic he uses appeared limitless. He wondered what else Sora would be capable of at full power.

He pondered for a short time before they noticed their surroundings transform once again before them. The sky was back to its dark, mucky form, and they were once again standing on the reflective water. Their attention was back on the tree in the waters center, the copy of Link standing next to it. Thankfully, It didn't appear hostile any longer, offering only its hands outstretched toward them. They boys looked toward each other for a moment in unease, but then decided that nothing else was likely to happen if they did nothing, so they decided to move in. Cautiously, they both extended opposite hands, and the shadow took both of them in a gentle grip. It looked at them with a gentle nod, and a bright light slowly began to emit from its chest, immersing them into complete blindness. They covered their eyes, their tired arms covering the bright but gentle brightness that they were used too at this point.

"I see you've completed your task." The deep and familiar tone hit their ears, leading them to finally get a look around. Everyone was back in their respective spots. The Great Deku Tree looked down upon them with something of a smirk, or as close as it could get to one.

"Welcome back, that fight was crazy." Riku patted both of them on the back.

"What? You saw us?" Sora seemed shocked by his comment.

"Yes. It was as if we were...floating in some state of limbo, unable to reach you with our words, but able to watch the battle." The brown haired princess explained. "Your magic is unlike anything I've ever seen before." She seemingly studied. Link chuckled at the familiarity, and then turned his attention toward the leader of the hidden forest, asking if they had passed their test.

"I would have gathered that you found that answer for yourself." The old tree chuckled. "You feel it, do you not?"

The deku tree was right, something felt different within his chest. Link described it almost as if it were a subtle flame, a hungry flame, waiting to ablaze.

"Wait, you feel that too?" Sora chimed in, patting his chest. "Ever since that light, it's like my body has been...searching for something? I'm not sure how to explain it."

Despite his lacking description, Link had a very good idea of what the magic user meant. It was almost as if his body was waiting for something. He just knew that if he got close enough to it, he'd know exactly what it was.

"If that is how you feel, then it is evident that you have succeeded in your task. The power of reconnection is yours."

"Good job you two!" Riku cheered. "I guess I should have expected that you'd be wrapped up in this somehow." He turned to Sora.

"I didn't even think about it. When I was there, I just wanted to help Link." He looked at his hands.

"Your arrival in this world was quite unnatural after all. It comes to no surprise that you had to participate for the ability as well." Deku tree spoke as if it was expected, which suddenly made Sora uneasy.

"So...now that we have this power. What will it do?" He questioned.

"The power itself is meant to re-cement the outliers of time back into their proper places. Once you've done this, you will have rekindled a power once familiar to each of you."

"So for Link, that would obviously be those OTHER Link's, right? So for Sora..." Riku put a hand to his chin. "I guess that would mean Roxas, and that one that looks like Sora."

Sora groaned, earning raised eyebrows from the surrounding.

"I know what you're thinking. But you may not have a choice." Riku read his friends mind.

"But shouldn't THEY have a choice?" Sora worried aloud. "Roxas...he deserves better to be trapped in my heart again."

"Fate usually leaves little option. I understand." Zelda chimed in, earning a concerned look from the teen due to her compliance. "Our being here...it's proof that this world is in danger, and we can't...Ganon can't have that. I won't allow it."

Link nodded. It was frustrating, but they weren't left with too many options. He wondered how he was going to explain this to the others when they got back.

"Worry not." Deku tree grabbed their attention once again. "You are merely making corrections. You will not be wronging anything, as it's likely nothing pertaining to these events will not be remembered once the worlds are back on their respective paths."

The group looked amongst one another after his comment, even gaining looks from the Koroks. "Wait, what does that mean?" Riku asked the same question they were all considering.

"Our paths, our worlds, were never meant to connect in this way. It shouldn't be too strange that things will slowly make their way back to their usual standing, including the memories of the events involved." The tree informed them.

The shared looks between them all appeared regretful. All of this time they spent protecting this world's inhabitants, fighting together, getting to know one another, would all be gone just like that? Riku and Link both noticed that even Sora couldn't argue back. As much as they wanted to keep the memories of these times, sacrificing the realm couldn't be further from an option.

"So...what do we do?" The youngest looked at the blonde in hopes of some wisdom. Even Riku turned his head in anticipation for a possible answer.

Link was once again at a loss for words. He had nothing else to suggest, as they did not have any other options. Zelda placed a gentle hand on the hero's shoulder in understanding.

"As a leader of my own kingdom, I understand more than most the sacrifices necessary to keep it safe. This beautiful world doesn't deserve to suffer, and I refuse to let it." She stood ground on her statement. Link gave a subtle nod, one that was a very clear 'thank you'. Riku looked to Sora, who seemed to still be settling on her words before finally letting out a sigh.

"Ok...ok. I get it. Things aren't right, and we gotta put them back the way they were." He said reluctantly. The group finally seemed to be on the same page, and decided that for now it was probably for the best that they continue on their plan of action to stop the collision of their respective homes.

"Alright, we should get back to the lab and tell everyone what's going on." Riku suggested.

The boys nodded. They waved their goodbyes to the residents of the first for the time being as they allowed a handful of the Korok children to guide them out of the mist shrouded forest.

As they walked out, the sky appeared even brighter than when they walked in, blue with a beaming sun.

"Geez." Sora groaned as he covered his face. "How long were we in there?"

Riku shrugged, and tossed out the capsule containing their ride. Once it manifested, and the thick cloud of smoke dispersed, the four of them made their way inside.

As the lighting inside flickered on.

"This is...quite the contraption." The princess gaped as she wandered the ship with her eyes.

"I keep forgetting that you guys don't have this stuff here!" Sora chuckled, taking a well needed seat.

Link grabbed their attention, and pointed at the flashing red light up front.

"A message? That shouldn't be possible." The silver haired magic user tilted his head as he approached the light. After a few keystrokes, the screen revealed a panicked scientist on the other end of the call.

"GUYSSSSSS!!!" Purah whined with her face covering a majority of the camera.

"Purah? What's wrong?!" Riku sounded worried in his response.

"What's wrong with-" She backed away, an offended look on her face. "We should be asking YOU that!"

The boys all shared questioning looks toward one another before turning back to Purah.

"We were only gone a few hours, nothing to worry about!" Sora attempted to reassure her as he waved his hands.

"Hours? You can't be serious..." She slammed a heavy palm onto her forehead.

"You guys have been gone for 3 DAYS!"
