Trip To Mars With Elsa

-Sailors fighting in the dance hall.

Oh man! Look at those cavemen go!

It's the freakiest show.

Is there life on Mars?

I could see her silhouette up there.

On that stage.

Silver screen backdrop.

And her hair fell to her shoulders curly and golden.

-It's a God-awful small affair.

To the girl with the mousy hair.

But her mommy is yelling no.

And her daddy has told her to go.

But her friend is nowhere to be seen.

As she walks through her sunken dream.

To the seat with the clearest view.

And she's hooked it the silver screen.

A loud cello and violin sound filled the weird gaps in the tent.

A Spotlight's rays lighted above my head.

Then another on the stage. I could see the strings of hope make their way through the cold rigid air, caressing her fair skin.

Pink blush and blue eye shadow matched perfectly with her sky blue suit.

A microphone in hand she sang this marvelous song.

Awe-inspiring my jaw dropped.

The curtains flew open exposing the most touching scene ever.

Freaks were playing instruments behind the amazing Miss Elsa Mars.

She then sat on a stool and raised her dress revealing 2 plastic legs.

The singing and music continued.

She detached them from her knees,

As I find myself at the bottom of that ditch in the dark.

I could only hear the touching words.

But I could not see the touching view.

Tears rolled down my face as I imagined that even with their great flaws, they were able to make a family much more greater than any of ours.

Message from author:
Excuse all my spelling mistakes I've wrote that story in less than 30mins.
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