
[Events of this book happened after the manga ending. This will contain major spoilers of the manga so if you haven't read or know the events until the end of the manga, I recommend reading it before starting this book.]

"Hmmm... So this is the cafe?" Y/n asked himself as he went inside.

"L/n-san! Over here!" A man in an office attire called, gaining Y/n's attention.

"There you are, Yamabuki-san." Y/n said as he sat on the seat across from the guy he referred to as Yamabuki-san.

"L/n-san, I'm very thankful that you're the engineer I hired, the house was beautiful. I'll recommend you to some of my friends if they have something upcoming." Yamabuki-san said to the young engineer.

"I'm very flattered, sir. I'm open to have future projects with you." Y/n said, flustered from the compliment.

"Me too. Now if you may excuse me, I still have a meeting to attend. The payment is in this briefcase, don't lose it. Goodbye." Yamabuki-san said as he stood up and left.

"This cafe looks nice..." Y/n said to himself as he took a glance around the cafe.

"Maybe I should get a cup of coffee..." Y/n continued as he stood up and went at the back of the line.

"Welcome to our cafe! What would you want, sir?" A girl with hair past her shoulders asked Y/n.

"How about a medium sized cappuccino and one piece of croissant?" Y/n told as the girl took note.

"Would that be all, sir?" The girl asked.

"Yes." Y/n said as he gave the exact amount needed to buy the food."

"Thank you for ordering! Please wait for your order as it will be brought to your table shortly." The girl said as Y/n went back to his seat.

After a few minutes, Y/n's order arrived, brought by a girl with bangs.

"Here's your order." The girl said a bit more coldly than the one in the counter. Y/n also noticed that they looked familiar.

"Miss, I ordered a medium one. This one looks a bit too small." Y/n said, making the girl turn around.

"Huh? I'm pretty sure the food I prepared is correct." The girl retaliated.

"But it Isn't." Y/n said, making the girl irritated.

"Sir, if you don't like it here you can just leave." The girl said, surprising Y/n.

"Oh ho? A cute girl like you shouldn't be irritated easily. Anyways, I'll take this order. Here's the extra payment." Y/n countered, making the girl somewhat flustered with Y/n calling her cute.

"Get out!" The girl shouted, getting attention from other customers.

"Fine..." Y/n said as he sighed in defeat, leaving the cafe and started walking home.

As he was walking he took a sip on the coffee and was amazed by the taste.

"Damn, I haven't had good quality coffee in a while." Y/n said to himself, still amazed by the taste.

"But that girl... She's cute but damn." Y/n continued and took a bit from his croissant, seeming to be infatuated at the girl that kicked him out of the cafe.

~Few days later~

Y/n was overlooking one of the buildings he was contracted in as it was being built.

"L/n-san, the foundation of the building is complete. Also, the materials needed just came in today. We're probably gonna finish this faster than our expected time." Hayato, the lead construction worker, said to Y/n.

"That's great! Our client would be happy to hear this-"


"Oh? Would you wait a minute?" Y/n said to Hayato as he looked at his phone to see who was calling him.

"Nakano-san? I haven't heard from him for a while." Y/n said as he walked to a quieter place.

He answered the phone call and waited for a response but silence was the only thing he heard.

"Nakano-san? Hello! It's been a while!" Y/n said, breaking the awkward silence of the phone call.

"It has been a while... How's the job doing for you?" The man who Y/n refers to as 'Nakano-san' asked.

"I'm doing fine. I still owe it to you, Nakano-san. If you hadn't helped me back then when I was still at the university." Y/n said, reminiscing about his college days.

"You can only thank yourself for that, Y/n. I saw your potential so that's why I helped you." Nakano-san said to his former scholar.

"Anyways, why did you call me, Nakano-san?" Y/n asked.

"I have a new project- Well, my daughters have one. You see, two of my daughters own a cafe and they've decided to relocate in a few months and I think you're the perfect man for the job. I've heard that with you being the engineer incharge, the work's done very fast but also in a very good quality. Besides, I'd call you over any engineer. Now, if you can come right now here at the hospital, I'd gladly appreciate it." Nakano-san told Y/n.

"Yes! I'm free right now, I was just checking on a building. I will be there shortly." Y/n said as he ended the call.

"Hayato! I'll be going now, bye-bye!" Y/n said as he waved goodbye to the construction staff.

Y/n went inside his car and started to drive.

"Better not let Nakano-san wait." Y/n said as he continued to drive.

As he was driving, he again once sought the cafe he got kicked out of.

"Ah... I hope I wasn't banned there. The coffee there is great but that girl who served me my coffee was a tad bit hot-headed. But I'll forgive her for it, she's cute so I don't mind." Y/n said to himself while still driving. After a few more minutes, he reached the hospital.

"Hello, I'm here to meet Dr. Naka-"

"Ah, Y/n... Didn't expect for you to arrive so fast." A man said, interrupting Y/n as he was still asking the nurse where Nakano-san is.

"Nakano-san! Of course, I can't let you wait." Y/n said.

"Let's go to my office. My daughters are already in my office and would like to talk with you about it already." Nakano-san said.

"Nakano-san, we've known each other for quite a while now yet I haven't seen or heard anything regarding your daughters." Y/n said, trying to make small talk before they reach the office.

"You will now- Well, the two of them, at least." Nakano-san replied.

"At least? If it's ok, how many daughters do you have?" Y/n asked out of curiosity.

"There's five of them... They're quintuplets." Nakano-san said, making Y/n shocked.

"Woah, I never expected it to be five and also that they're quintuplets." Y/n replied.

"You're not the first one to say that. Anyways, we're here." Nakano-san said as he opened the door.

"Girls, meet Y/n L/n, the engineer who will help us with the new cafe building." Nakano-san said as Y/n and another girl widened their faces with shocked expressions.

"Ni- Nino, it's the guy you kicked out." A girl said, seeming to be the cashier who served Y/n. This has been taken note of Y/n as he now knows the name of the girl who kicked him out.

"Out of all the people, why is it you?!" Nino said, clearly irritated.

"Oh, the hot-headed cutie from the cafe!" Y/n said as he chuckled.
