The Cat And The Mouse

You walked around the house, spinning around as you thought of the book you just finished. The romance of two lovers that were never ment to be, the book laid on your bed as your mind wandered off when you walked away. Oh, how I wished I could have that! You thought, grabbing a candle and spinning around like the ball of the royal family. A knock kept you from talking to yourself, followed by a hurrying Riddle running down the stairs. You walked over to the door opening it as he walked over to you. Grabbing onto your shoulder out of breath he saw an angry look on your face.

"Go away! We don't want to donate, thank you!" You said with a firm tone, he laughed at you ridiculous look on your face looking a bit to happy of what you did.

"N/N (Nickname) those weren't people asking for donations, they were my friends." His smile grew at your confusion, but you nodded. He walked out, waving goodbye. You closed the door and you flopped onto the couch, resting your arms under your chin.




"N/N can you open the door I forgot the keys!" Riddle yelled through the door. You got up opened the door again and passed him the keys.

"Don't be out to long, mother will find out if you don't come back before dark."

"I will be back before dinner don't worry!"

A few hours passed it was now dinner. He still wasn't home, every minute he wasn't home for dinner she got angrier and angrier.

"Y/N where did your brother go?" She asked as her face grew red "It's a simple question, I shouldn't be so hard to answer."

"I don't know, mother. He never told me." You said eating your food as you replied.

"Go to your room, you've said enough."

You nodded as you placed your plate on the counter, heading your way to your room.

Riddle came home a little after, your mother was scolding him telling him how she found out about his grades and how if they didn't get better she would stop him from going out with his friends. Ridiculous really, how a C+ wasn't good enough for 'her sons' it was never about us. Just her raising the perfect son. He walked into the room with some tears falling a little, he stood there for a second then sat on his bed. You stood up walking over to him sitting there.

"Riddle, I told you this would happen. Why didn't you listen?" You said trying to soften your tone. He didn't say anything, he just hugged you. "Oh dear, don't cry now we don't have time for meaningless tears." You pat his back as he cried into your shoulder knowing how he could lose his friends. His tears stopped at your words but his voice remained silent. You looked at the sleeping big brother in your arms, trying to pull him off but his arms were stuck to you body.

You let out a sigh, laying down on the bed aswell, still patting his back as he slept hoping that if he woke up it would put him back to sleep.

"Such a baby." Not a problem though no, not at all.

A swish of the wind filled the room, causing your eyes to open. The sound of pages flipping was what fully woke you up, looking at the noise you saw a tail swaying on the edge of your bed. You pushed you body up, fixing your sight. You looked at the noise again and saw a boy with purple hair and yellow eyes sitting on your bed.

"Who are you?" You asked snatching your book back.

"Someone." He looked up at you a little angry you took the book away. "Now can I have that back?"

"Someone isn't a name and no it's mine." You folded you arms on you chest "Now answer. Who are you?"

"Fine, I'm Che'nya Pinka. I was here to talk to Riddle but it seems he's asleep." He looked at the young boy on the bed.

"So? He's asleep why are you here?" You said placing the book on Riddle's bed.

"I don't know genuinely thought he was faking." He replied with a slight smile looking back at you.

"Well you can go now." You said pulling him off your bed.

"I don't want to go!" He whined

"Leave. We don't need another person here." You hit him over the head with a book. He grabbed his head in pain, frowning. You countiued to hit him till he grabbed the book.

"Okay, I'll go just stop hitting me!" He smiled and slowly started to disappear. "I'll be back to visit him tomorrow though." He was now thin air.

"How annoying." You sighed crawling into bed hoping to get a normal night's rest. The book was now on you counter a little ruined on the pages from the boy's reckless flipping of pages. But atleast it was still in okay condition, that was what was important. You fell back to sleep as the endless abyss ate at your mind.

In the dream

Your eyes forced themselves open, as you sat up. You were in a blue suit with a white trail skirt behind it, strange plants were keeping you in place. You ripped your body free of the vines and weeds wiping off your ankles.

"Where am I?" You asked to noon for you were the only one there. You looked to the left and saw an exit and started to run towards it as a growl of a beast was right behind you. The growl filled noting but the endless walkway to the escape. Clawing at your ankles and back was only making you slower and slower as you were getting closer. You finally reached the end of the run and saw a field of giant mushrooms.

"Oh dear." You walked through the field giggles and laughs made it feel offly like home. Well what it used to be like at least. The mushrooms started to close in on themselves as you thought of what it used to be like. When you noticed you immediately started running. Where? Only God know, the giggles and laughs turned into screams and yelling. The loudness made you head pound in pain as you fought off the falling mushrooms, the running was making your legs go numb. When will this end you thought to yourself as if you knew it was a dream. Keep running Y/N! You got this!

The end was so far yet so close, you turned to see if there was another way but the monster from the cave was still chasing. You ran even fast ducking and weaving as you ran. The last thing was the arch of the fallen mushrooms that had fell before you got there. "You can't climb fast enough can you?" The monster purred as it got closer. You faced the wall and started climbing. The creature clawed at you trying to make you fall, as you got closer to the top. You saw a hole on the other side. The hole or instant death?  You jumped off the wall into the hole. As you fell you saw tea parties with mice. The creature followed again this time catching you. "CAUGHT YOU!" was it's words at it swallowed you whole causing you to wake up.
