>Part 1<


I woke up in a dusty, dark room which didn't had any windows. I tried to move my legs but they we're tied up. "Well, well, well, look who's up!.." said a familiar voice. I murmured "Where am I? Who are you?" I couldn't speak louder because I didn't had any energy to talk. "Oh, don't worry 'Kichi', you're safe.."


"Angie, make him stay there, when he gets enough energy, lock the door." I said. "Angie says okay, Saihara." "Thanks." I got out of my 'MASTERMIND ROOM', leaving Angie and my beloved behind.  .  .

"Nyeh, so, you're saying, M-maki killed K-kaito!?" said the red haired girl.
"I don't know, Himiko, it seems like.."
"N-no" said The Ultimate Assassin, "I-it c-can't be.."
"But, nyeh, h-how did she k-killed him!?"

"I guess with the.. poisoned arrow.." 
"B-b-but, n-nyeh, w-why?"
"To end the Killing Game." said the robot.
"Upupupupupupupu, iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit's, PUNISHMENT TIME!"

Maki's Punishmet: There was a big scissors which was coming closer to cut Maki's long hair. Instead of cutting her hair, it started to cut her fingers. After chopping her arms, scissors turned towards her legs. After chopping her legs, Monokuma throw Maki's body parts to a boiler to boil her parts.

Every one was crying, except me. It was full of DESPAIR. I liked the punishment. I covered my face to hide my smile.
