2. My Art Project Tries to Kill Me

Math was all the same. Me teaming up with Sam and Alex to beat every single kid in the class on a review game. Before we knew it, the bell to second period was about to ring. I put my stuff in my backpack easily, and got ready. Surprising enough, Alex's class was right next to ours. So, we all walked together to our classes, me and Sam went to art, Alex went to his orchestra class. I noticed he kept on getting more gittery As the day went on.
As we walked into class, I saw the canvas ready for us. We were also the first ones there.
"Her mother dropped off the canvas while you two were in first period. It's all set out for you to start your project on." she stated, which was quite obvious
"Thanks Ms. Lynn." I replied after she said that. Ms. Lynn was out art teacher, and she freaked me out. She is into occult, and other stuff, but I don't think she would be evil. She's too happy, and into anime. We sat down and transferred our background to the canvas, right as people started coming in.
We started painting our background, and out third partner came in: Rian. She sat down and pulled out her third of the project: the person to be on the horse, and how to do the snowy effect. She pulled out her small doodles of people, and they look good! Not professional material, but good. We had nearly finished the sketch in the canvas, when the room started shaking. We live in California, so it wasn't that scary, but it was surprising.
We ducked under the desk, and held our canvas tight for the three minutes it went on. When we came up, everything was normal, and nothing had broken. Everyone else got up too, and went back to work. We finished the background, when the teacher announced "Five more minutes left! If your work is unfinished, you have until the day after-" She didn't finish, because the sound of multiple galloping horses sounded outside, and the ground shook again. We ducked for cover, yet this went on for a prolonged period. As I looked to my side, I saw my horse sketch falling out.
It seemed to be smudged, but the smudge grew. As it grew, it went onto the floor in a dark mist, and seemed to form a human like body. It grew until it was six feet tall, then stopped. Then the mist fell back to reveal a Teen, probably would be a junior in high school, just 2 years ahead of us, and his electric yellow eyes scanned the room. He had a torn tank top on, and ripped jeans. His hair was a deep red, and his skin pure black, Almost like he had makeup on, which he didn't. His wings were a pure red, making a gradient into his skin, and he just looked in all, absolutely terrifying. And ugly, I forgot to add that. Even Sam gagged at the sight of him.
  "Where's Dami-" The demon didn't finish, seems to be a theme, because at that same moment, Alex crashed through the wall.
Alex looked different. His shirt was torn, His skin tone grew darker, and he had a determined look on his face. Not only that, he wasn't the usual jittery, but weirdest of all, he had black angel wings. I would've been weirded out if I hadn't seen Mr. Big-shot over here first. What I hadn't noticed on them both until they drew them, swords. They both had swords. This kept on getting crazier by the second. Alex saw where I was, stared at me, and I felt drowsy, but I didn't want to have this crazy scene end. Thanks to him, the other demon saw where I was, and lifted up my table. "Don't do it, Deviant. You know if you kill him, it will end... It will end hell. The fires will stop, the souls themselves will be free to roam earth, and chaos will break loose. You don't want that, do you?" This happened so fast, all I could process was 'Don't do it' and 'Kill him.' Wait... he want to KILL ME! I started hyperventilating, and could hardly breath.
I was slowly loosing consciousness, when I saw Rian next to me, slowly scooting up towards me and handing me an inhaler, and putting it into my hand. I put it up to my mouth, and pressed down on it. I was able to breath again. I had almost forgotten about my asthma, which was minor, but I still can't breathe if I get seriously scared.
"Wow, so this is the wimp that is destined to save us. They did not choose the right guy."
He semed to be talking differently, yet That didn't matter right now. I wasn't scared anymore. More than anything I was angry. This dude ruins my drawing, scares me half to death, and calls me a wimp? I just sat there saying nothing. He pulled me up, and right as he does that, I punch him right in the gut. I remember Houdini dying that same way. He stumbled back, startled as I was about the power of that punch. I gained my focus again, and saw him, on his feet, ready to charge. He got his footing, and I held my stance. He charged, ready to go to the right if I dodged, so I jumped. He got surprised at that move, and smashed into the wall. He got his head stuck, so we had just enough time to escape.
Alex, had been cutting a large hole in the wall while I fought, and now it was finished. I grabbed Rian's hand. "Rian, please come with me. I don't want to be alone in this." She didn't answer, the fear in her eyes too great, and pulled her hand away before collapsing. I heard Alex faintly yell, as the blizzard outside was drowning him out "Leave Her!" I dash outside with Alex, hoping Rian would be okay.
