

8/24/21, 12:06 p.m.

"soooo," ashley said, stretching out the o as she sits across from jordan. "how was class?"

"awful," jordan said as finian said "boring" at the same time.

ashley frowned. "well, that sounds just lovely."

"sure," fin responded. "that is technically something you could say."

ashley lightly punches him in the arm.

"so," ash says a moment later, leaning on an elbow to look at jordan. "who's that girl?"

"what girl?" jordan asks, bewildered.

"that one," ashley gestures vaguely behind her in the direction of the green space near their table.

jordan looks towards the green space, but she already knows who's there. the redhead. the neighbor.

she's sitting with a bunch of popular girls. well, the nice popular girls. the girls who are well known because they're actually not to bad, not to mention pretty, friendly, and wayyy out of jordan's league. like these girls are even gay in the first place. most of them have boyfriends.

not that that matters, anyway.

jordan sighs, focusing back on ashley. "she's my new neighbor."

"ooooh," ashley says. finian narrows his eyes at jordan, then raises an eyebrow.

"don't look at me like that, finny," jordan responds.

"hey, you were literally looking at me like that thirty minutes ago!" finian retorts, crossing his arms.

ashley bumps his shoulder, saying "ooooh," as she always does. "was it that football boy? kit hopper?"

somehow, ashley always knows who's crushing on who. finian's the one who can predict who'll actually get together, who will ignore each other or just stay friends, and who'll break up. plus time frames, too, somehow. jordan was useless in the relationship department. honestly, they couldn't care less. why did it matter who was dating who when they would probably break up anyway?

"you should get his number," ashley was telling fin as she eats a potato chip. fin shook his head, then hesitated, eyebrows together.

"should i? do you think he'd like me back? or am i just crushing on a straight guy?"

"you'll never know until you try," ashley says.

"do you think i should sign up for football?" fin asks, fidgeting with his hands.

"now that's a stretch. too far, buddy." ashley pats him on the back, but he shrugs off her hand with a laugh. she laughs, too.

jordan is looking at the red-haired girl, who's laughing, too.

"oh, jordan, you're hopeless," ashley says, which makes fin laugh again.


8/24/21, 3:45 p.m.

"oh my god," ashley says to jordan as they walk to their cars after school. "look at this."

she hands jordan her phone. the red-haired girl's instagram page is pulled up on it. jordan frowns at ashley. she knew her best friend would occasionally stalk people on social media, but she didn't know she would find people on it too.

jordan scrolls through the photos, anyway.


going to the beach! @mikaylaearl

5.2k likes | 204 comments

gracie_kingsley see you there!

          embryholloway can't wait!

user0273 you're hot

          mikaylaearl mmm this grown-ass man better get outta here

                    gracie_kingsley fr tho          

so her name is embry, jordan thought. she must've lived near the coast of california and moved here, towards the california-nevada border.

she kept scrolling.


welcome to new york 🌃

3.6k likes | 78 comments

mikaylaearl i miss you!

            embryholloway miss you already <3

she's pretty, jordan thinks. she must travel a lot, too, because her photos are from everywhere.

jordan hands the phone back to ashley, who scrolls through the photos are little more. 

"girlie," ash says, stopping and grabbing jordan's shoulders to turn them towards her. "there's something you're not telling me. spill."

"i've told you everything," jordan says, sighing at her best friend. "there's nothing i'm keeping from you. i promise."

ashley cocks an eyebrow. "you sure?"

jordan nods. "yeah, i'm sure."

ashley turns, starts walking again. "oookay."

"what was that for?"

ashley smirks. "nothing... nothing at all..."

jordan rolls their eyes.

ashley doesn't know anything, because there's nothing to know. right?

—raven speaks!


finally, the next chapter. i added a little bit of social media stuff, bc why not ? i don't have any social media, so sorry if it's not at all accurate lol. 

i hope you liked it ! the next chapter will be out sooner rather than later :) also, sorry that i haven't been updating my books much. i'm upset ab it too.

love you !
