Dollhouse #3

Warning! kinda bad. has death. that sort of stuff.

Dipper's POV

(Y/N) cursed under her breath and I just stared. The police officers walked over to Mabel and handcuffed her.

"No, Mabel!"

I yelled.

"Let her go!"

(Y/N) yelled. They didn't listen to her and dragged Mabel over to their car that nobody noticed come in. (Y/N), seemingly instinctively, ran over to her brother and pulled something out of his pocket. She had a gun.

"Let her go, or I shoot!"

She yelled again, aiming the gun at the police officer.

"She's bluffing! Officer! Take her!"

One of the officers walked over to (Y/N), but she shot him. She actually shot him. He collapsed onto the ground, dead. Or at least on the verge of death.

"I warned you. Now let her go."

"She's crazy!"

The female officer yelled.

"Oh yeah! I'm crazy! Did you not just see me murder that guy?"

She asked.

"(Y/N), you need to calm down."

"Back off Dipper!"

I took another step back. She was actually scaring me now.

"For the fourth time, let my bestie go!"

The officer slowly took the handcuffs off Mabel and she bolted for me.

"There, now lower the gun."

Her father ordered.

"Why? So you can take me back and abuse me? I don't think so."

"(Y/N), I am your father-"

"Oh really? Some father you turned out to be. I'm pretty sure most fathers don't rape their daughters."

He took a step forward but (Y/N) shifted and continued to hold the gun, now aimed at his head.

"What are you talking about? I never did such thing!"

He lied.

"Fuck you!"

She yelled. (Y/N) doesn't swear.


"You can't tell me what to do!"

That just made him laugh.

"Actually, I can. I am still your legal guardian. Therefore, you are coming with me."

"I think you're forgetting that I'm the one holding the gun."

He pulled out a gun, and they just stood aiming at each other.

"But I know how to use one."

He smirked.

"Mabel, I need your ring."

I whispered to my twin.

"What? Why?"

"I know how to stop him."

She handed me the small silver ring and I put my plan into action.


I yelled. All eyes were on me as I ran over to (Y/N). I got down on one knee in front of her.

"(Y/N) (M/N) (L/N), will you marry me?"

I proposed to the (H/C) girl. At first she was completely confused, but she put the pieces together in her head.

"Yes, Dipper Pines, I will marry you."

I put the ring on her finger and turned back to her father.

"Now that we're engaged, you can't take her anymore. So long as she lives with me, it's legal."

I told them. 

"What? That's preposterous!"

Her father yelled.

"Actually, it's the law sir. We can't take her without breaking it."

One of the policemen told him.

"Well, what about the fact she killed an officer?"

"He's still alive. Get him to the hospital quick and you can't press charges any more than a fine. But, because I'm under 18, you have to pay. Because you are the closest adult member of my bloodline."

(Y/N) explained. He looked at one of the officers and the officer nodded.

"Fine, get them and take them to the hospital. I've got lawyers to talk to."

And they all left, leaving us in our front yard. (Y/N) dropped the gun and basically went limp.

"I just shot someone. Never thought I do that."

She muttered under her breath.

"I'm rocking so much adrenaline right now, my blood is basically Red Bull."

 I said (Anyone get this reference?)

She stated.

"At the age of 16."

I continued. (Y/N) stood up straight and pulled me in. She smashed her lips against mine and I didn't resist. We broke apart moments later.

"What was that for?"

I asked.

"What, am I not aloud to kiss my fiance?"

Yay, very long one-shot done!
