
Norah had qualified in second place right behind the only boy she couldn't seem to out-qualify. Her dad had been on her back for that lately so she felt she had to prove herself by overtaking the said boy and winning the race. The championship was tight and the end of the season was getting closer by the second. She was currently in second place, a couple points behind the Brit and was determined to beat him.

So once the man waved the flag indicating they could start she sped away as fast as she could. She had a much better start than the two year older boy in front of her. She immediately overtook him in the first corner, but it didn't took too long for the boy to catch up with her. She could already hear her dad scolding her for letting him get so close, but didn't let it faze her, on the contrary really. She took a glance behind to see where he was and was pleasantly surprised to see he wasn't even that close. A relieved sigh slipped past her lips as she set her focus back on the track and making sure she didn't make any mistakes that would give anyone the opportunity to overtake her.

Just when the last lap came around and Norah thought she had it, she didn't. The boy was all over her again. A frustrated groan came out of the girl. They were racing with many more kids than just the two of them, but it still seemed like they were the only ones competing in this race. She really couldn't afford to lose this race. If she did she knew it would be hard to catch up with him in the championship and it would be the first time ever she wouldn't win it.

Fortunately for Norah the boy didn't seem to be able to get past her defence and stayed behind the girl. Even though she knew she wouldn't be save until she crossed the finish line she was already starting to relax and when she did go over the line in first she couldn't help but laugh. Her whole was spent chasing after the boy, desperately trying to stay as close as possible behind him in points and now she finally was infront of him. Despite it being only one point it felt like a win.

Somehow the two kids finished the season with the exact amount of points on a shared first place. It annoyed both of the children. This wasn't even supposed to be possible, so how the hell did this happen?
Norah was desperate for that first place. Especially because that place now belonged to her closest rival. She really didn't want to think about how her dad would react if she didn't take that place from him, Norris. She had only a couple laps left and Lando was way too far for her to catch up with. It was like he drove in another league, he went that much faster. She didn't understand. Until now she could at least stay within a couple seconds with him, but now it felt like he could lap her in a couple laps- even though she could still see his car at the end of the long straight. The girl knew she wasn't able to catch him before the checkered flag unless he got a puncture or something like that and it annoyed the living hell out of her.

So she took a deep breath either praying that her dad wouldn't be mad at her or there 'unfortunately' was a piece of debris on the track and he would drive through it. But neither of her prayers were answered when she crossed the finish line in second.

Many people would have been happy with their second place, but not Norah. She was driving for first not a sloppy second. She was taught never to be satisfied too quickly. Her father always was tough on her- even though she knew it was because he loved her and he wanted what was best for the girl. Norah however was even tougher on herself. If she didn't became first she wasn't allowed to celebrate, because what really was there to celebrate? She knew she got this trait form her dad and that it wasn't always a trait you wanted, despite it helping her push a little more out of the car car in some occasions. Because whenever her 'friends' where out celebrating their third maybe even fourth or fifth place. She was moping around the fact that someone- mostly Norris- was better than her.


Norah's car slowly rolled in place after the formation lap. Her eyes swifted from the rear end of the car in front of her to the one of the older boy on her left. Hands firmly wrapped around her steering wheel she looked in her mirrors to see how the last cars parked on their spots. Immediately her eyes focused on the lights in front of her and as soon as they all turned off she sped away.

Norah had a way better start than the number 19, almost immediately taking over his third place. As she was looking into her mirrors to make sure she maintained the position she could see how the scene behind her unfold as one of the cars failed to avoid a car that didn't get away from his starting position. However she didn't have the time to see how it ended as she could also see the blue car of Norris closing in on her before she had to slow down behind the safety-car.

The re-start of the girl wasn't all that great and before she knew it she was already pressured again by her fellow Brit. After heavy defending for a couple laps Lando had to back off due to dirty air coming from the girls car.

Somehow Norah managed to keep her third place and was now creating a decent gap between them. She didn't exactly know how she was doing it, considering the boy and his team looked a lot better the entire weekend, but she couldn't really care less as she was in front of him now.

"Great stuff, now keep your head down and make sure Norris stays behind you."  She could hear the reassuring voice of her race-engineer in her ear. Smirking at what he said, only now realising she was in front of him.

"As always"  She wasn't completely reassured, but that wasn't something she wanted to be publicly known. Already knowing the boy would come to her and tease her with that.

The remaining laps of the race were very boring for the girl. She was slowly catching up with the number two in the race, but even she could see it wasn't for another place as he was too far for her to reach before the end of the race. So there wasn't a whole lot of action besides overtaking backmarkers, which couldn't really pass for action as they all opened the door for her because of the blue flags and as the lap amount slowly shrunk Norah did what she was asked to do- Keeping Norris behind.


Word count: 1214
Publish date: 16/04/2019 
