
  Your front door was blown off of its hinges, a circular hole ripping straight through the aged wood. Chunks of burnt wood was just a few inches away from the door, as if some sort of giant flaming bullet shot right through.

The skeleton was more than likely rampaging throughout your home. You could hear a glass breaking from upstairs and a sharp yell. You didn't really know if he fell for a booby trap of yours or he just stepped on glass that he broke himself.

Sighing, you adjusted your mask. You were already breathing hard at the thought of being with him, at the thought of wrapping him up nice and good just for yourself. Your face was sweating and your hands were a tad clammy.

Prowling up the stairs, you budged to peek onto the skeleton in the hallway. Of course, that imbecile just had to let a glass vase fall on himself, the dirt and water in the vase now all over him, and the flower that was previously contained was now crushed on the floor under one of his shoes.

He growled, trying to wipe the filth off of his face. In the process, he stumbled over his own feet on a larger shard, making him fall onto the floor. Why do you love this dumbass of a skeleton? Then again, he'd be your dumbass.

You pulled him up by his dripping hoodie, the fur on it uncomfortably warm and sopping. He let out a shriek once he stared you in the eye (or, at least of what he could make of with a mask on). Once he struggled, you dropped him to the ground so he could fall on the sharp glass.

He thrashed and hurried to get up, wincing and yelping in the process. "You!" He threw a weak punch, glass was sunk through his coat and into his arms. He was bleeding.

Not saying anything quite yet, you just tugged him by the hoodie. His skull crashed against the corner of the table that previously held the vase. Once he could barely even look you in the eye from the blood dripping from his forehead and into his eyesockets, you strolled along to the basement, your bleeding skeleton being dragged not far behind you.  
