Diary Entry #4

Dear Diary,

I almost forgot to write in you today because I had some much fun.

Yesterday evening, I called Yeonjun and we had such a lovely conversation. We ended up switching to video call and tried to watch the same movie. But we eventually got bored and just ended up talking.

I was too nervous to confront him about him and Huening Kai. And plus, I didn't want to ruin the peaceful atmosphere.

Yeonjun ended up falling asleep on call which I found adorable. I may have screenshotted his face. Maybe....

Then today was the last day of the weekend and me and Beomgyu wanted to do something fun before going back to school. I suggested a theme park and he surprisingly agreed. Of course we invited the others

BUT THE BEST PART WAS THE RIDES. Ok. Soobin. You should calm down.

So basically, on the last ride, we all decided to go on the Ferris Wheel. They only allowed two people per cart and I was kinda upset because I knew Yeonjun would choose Huening Kai.

Huening Kai got a call saying he had to leave and I was so happy.

Beomgyu and Taehyun. Me and Yeonjun. Simple.

From what I know, Beomgyu and Taehyun were probably making out by I don't even want to imagine that. 

But Yeonjun decide to slide right next to me and hold my hand gently. I was so flustered. He seemed like he had something to say but he just stayed silent.

I thought I was being paranoid so I just ignored it and cherished the moment. I subtly squeezed back.

I'm still dying inside 'til this moment. I may never wash my hands again. 

Anygays, bye

Soobin 💅
