Meeting The Lady And The Simp

Opening the door to find man with white and black hair that reached his shoulder. His face showed boredom and annoyance, like he didn't want to be here. He was wearing a long cloak that cover his whole body and head. Giving him an appearance of an old man.

"I've been send to tell you that Ms. Tamayo wants to see you but not until you are fully rest. I will come tonight to show you to her and you must be respectful for lady Tamayo for she is the greatest-"

Before he could finish, Nezuko had closed the door. She didn't travel here just to hear a man be a simp. She was tired but she could hear loud stomping leaving her door, meaning that he left her alone.

Nezuko flopped on her futon as she stare at the ceiling, the room was very nice compare to what was the village inn. She got up and set her Kanata on a nearby table. Nezuko pull her bento out of her haroi pockets.

She began to eat the riceballs as she ponder on the thoughts of breathing. Shinobu told her that water breathing was a basic breathing anyone can do but few can master. If you could mix or apply styles to water breathing, you can create a new type of breathing.

Nezuko knew it was easier said then done because if it was so, they would be many. Nezuko wonder if she was lucky enough to create her own but first she has to master water breathing first. Her mind turn to the strange demon who was told to look for her.

If he thought he fool her, he was wrong. Her eye sight was unnaturally good and the outfit wasn't helping him hide the fact that it's early afternoon. It's too hot to be walking around with with such heavy and thick cloak.

On the topic of demons, how did they expect her to find them. Demons roaming about the place or acting like humans. Maybe she could use Tanjiro to locate them during night but she had to wait for the demon man to show us who he simp for.

Setting the bento on the floor, Nezuko began to practice the stretches Mitsuri told her to do when she was away on a mission. Help keep her joints and body be in a tip top shape and training, besides poison making Shinobu.

After some stretches, Nezuko packed everything up neatly as she headed towards the futon. The train ride had did a number on her and she wanted rest. Laying in her futon, she wondered what really happened to the creepy siblings. Brushing it off, Nezuko fell asleep.

Nezuko woke up to loud knocking against her door, checking outside her window. Nezuko realize she had slept the day away and it was already night. Quickly slipping on her haroi and grabbing Tanjiro's box, Nezuko quickly open the door to find a angry demon man.

He began to scold Nezuko about being late and it wasn't lady like and she should be more like lady Tamayo but all what Nezuko did was close her room door. Nezuko began to walk down the hall and towards the stairs. The demon seem to notice that Nezuko had already left.

Meeting Nezuko outside the inn, the city was beautifully lit with laterns and candles. Even though it was night, the streets were crowd with people. The demon began to lead Nezuko towards their hideout. After the demon and Nezuko practically try not get swipe away by people, they arrive to a dark and empty alley.

The demon swiftly run down the alley with Nezuko trailing behind him until they reach a dead end. Nezuko was confused on why would she be lead into a dead end. She turn towards the demon to only find him gone, like he just disappeared into thin air.

"What are waiting for? Hurry up, Lady Tamayo is waiting for us! Don't make her wait" Came a harsh voice and Nezuko turn to see his head sticking out a wall. Nezuko was so confused that the demon had to drag her through the illusion and towards lady Tamayo house.

Entering the house, they meet a nice room fill with nothing but it was still nice. Passing through it and into the kitchen, they entered what looks to be a huge living space and a beautiful demon lady sat in the middle.

Nezuko guess this was Lady Tamayo, the pimp to this male demon simp. The demon quickly sat beside Lady Tamayo as Nezuko sat a distance from her. She was careful that this simp doesn't attack her. Nezuko place her Kanata down and Tanjiro's box beside her, Nezuko faced lady Tamayo to which she smile nicely.

"Have heard news of you and your brother Nezuko! It was quite a surprise to hear that were more demons like us but I know you are suspicious of us and we don't blame you. We just wanted to see you quickly before Muzan ghouls catch you." Lady Tamayo said.

" We were the ones who requested for your help because Muzan has heard about your brother and will probably try to capture him and we couldn't be let him. We also heard that you are looking for away to cure or turn your brother back human. We can help, I am a doctor after all." Lady Tamayo added.

Nezuko was digesting this information and she didn't like what she was hearing. The person who killed her family and turn her brother like this wants to take him away from her. Nezuko had doubts tho, how could she trust them and know what are their intentions. What will Nezuko do?
