Villain Waifu Deku

(picture are from kimidoodlez)

After the break

''okay so this one is one of my favorite for life by the looks of it I think it will surprise you more or break your heart a little '' Author exclaim happily 

''oh why is it your favorite'' Nezu asked 

''So this Au is called Waifu Deku before I start this one I need to tell you that there is no Izuku Midoriya in this one. Also Midoriya isn't a hero and Bakugo is the Number one hero ''

''HA take that extra I'm the number one hero''

''what do you mean by that Author'' Uraraka asked

''lets start then'' author said ignoring her question

''.....'' Everyone was to stock to say anything until the Bakusquad-not bakugo started to break the silence by laughing while some were jelly.

''what with  the soft side of bakugo'' Mina and denki said while laughing 

''Author why did you say that there was no Midoryia when when he just appear'' Momo question her

''I said there was no Izuku Midoriya because both Bakugo and Midoriya are married which makes him a Bakugo''. Author explain to them

''Why the fuck am I married to the nerd'' he yelled while trying to hide his blush that the fact that they are married to each other in this AU. 

''Bakugo language we have kids in here'' Iida inform him while doing his weird hand (I almost forgot about him), while Aizawa and Mandalay cover Eri and kota 

Everyone except the hero's, parent and kids are  jelly that bakugo is married to the cinnamon roll and the parents and some of the hero were starting to be overprotective of the cinnamon roll. 

''are we going to ignore the part that the cinnamon has kidnap a person'' Tokoyami said

''OMG why he would never do such a thing'' Kirishima 

''my baby'' Inko said while starting to get worried about her son

''You would know why soon''

''It so weird to see Bakugo being nice to Midoriya ''Asui exclaimed while the other agreed to her statment

''I fucking don't have a soft side fucking extras''

''wait I barley notice is Midoriya a villain or something like that'' Momo question Author while getting the attention of the villain

''Yes he's a villain'' Author answered 

''so the kid is a villain...mmm intersting'' kurogiri wondered 

''ohh∼ Izu-kun''

''why would young midoriya be a villain he always wanted to be a hero'' Allmight screamed.

''that nerd wonld never become a villain''

''aww bakugo care'' Mina teased him

''no I  don't fucking care about him'' bakugo

''Bakugo stop swearing'' Aizawa warned him

''umm... moving on'' 

'cute' everyone in class- 1a and class-1b thought  about the cinnamon roll

''Did the cinnamon roll just curse'' Mina screamed

''bakugo look what you made the cinnamon roll say'' Harakure said blaming bakugo

''it fucking wasn't me''

''does the brat know us'' Dabi asked 

''acutally no, he may be a villain but he not part of the Lov'' Author exclaim ''moving on to the next one''

Multiverse loading...

Multiverse complete...

Multiverse starting...

Bully Deku


I'm sorry that I took long to update I have school and was busy to update so I made two Chapter for you guys to make it up to you I hope you guys understand TwT 

(628 words)
