Death bed

I know i'm going to die my in four years,  But what if i wanna die sooner? I'm going through horrible pain and suffering my fake smile is growing weak. If my fake smile goes away people will know somethings wrong... And if they know they're worry will grow, and ill have to explain to them my death bed. 

Red silk dress with hair done up, everyone will know my heart gave up Softest pillow in my beautiful coffin, making the journey to the place everyone was talking bout Will anyone miss me? I don't know.. But i know Lexi will always love me so I will miss her to, and when i'm gone, i hope she sings my death bed song...                                                                                    

4 more years till my death bed grows, before i know it- there my life goes... Up to heaven or down to hell. For all i know i didn't do well. Maybe something i did in my life was wrong.. something unforgivable... I pray every night- for i know my death's soon. I don't have much more time to coon. And tell others and make sure they know its almost my time... To go and visit my death bed

Big closed eyes and pale bright skin, laying on a bed iv'e never been. The most beautiful iv'e ever been in my life, even when limp and lifeless, i'm still very lively My spirit still stay to keep the pattern flowing Even when people think i'm gone and are weeping sadly I'll be there silently comforting them as they all hang over my death bed....

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