Entry 26

Entry 26

Dear Diary,

I was enjoying some homemade rum and raisins ice cream while watching a lil' TV and this Stellia commercial came on. Matt Damon is worth 160 mil and the company who owns Stellia is worth over a billion dollars so why the hell are they asking po' people to buy a beer so they can donate pennies from each dollar to the clean water campaign?...Ugh! Anyway I'm only supposed to fill you in on the gossip. So here goes.
     "State Penitentiary Mrs. Greene?" "Yes Frank and please keep this between us. I don't want to worry Mr. Greene." Frank agreed and they continued the journey in silence for an hour. He stopped to load up on gas and Natalya got out to shake a leg and get some snacks. As soon as they got back on the road Frank looked back to make sure Natalya was ok. "Mrs Greene can I say something?" Still munching on her snack she looked at Frank. "Sure." "My wife Maria and I have worked for you and your husband for 8 years and we think of y'all as family. My wife cried after you lost the baby. We have noticed the way you are with our little Miguel. You were born to be a mother. I think I know what you're trying to do but you're going about it the wrong way."
     "With all due respect Frank, your job is to drive." "Think about Mrs. Greene, if anything happens to that scum right after your visit, you will be at the top of the suspects list. Listen to me will you?"  "Go ahead Frank." I have a cousin in the pen doing 25 years for murder. Some bastard raped his daughter and got of on a technicality so my cousin took care of it. Maria and I are in constant communication with him. He knows the scum who caused your accident and is willing to take care of him. Mrs. Greene everything is in motion and the less you know, the better. Mr. Greene's cousin Ian comes out in a few months. After that my cousin will be dealing with that scum. Don't mess it up by going to visit him."
       "Damn Surveillance, Mrs. G doesn't have to do anything. The wheels of Justice are already in motion." "Yea gurl; all she has to do is keep focusing on her husband. Anyway let's hear what Mrs. Greene said.
       "Frank I don't know what to say." Her eyes are ready to burst into tears but she stayed strong. "This isn't your problem." Frank pulled up to the parking lot of Keep Hope Alive Children's hospital. "Who said it was a problem?" He got out and open the door for Mrs. Greene. "What are we doing here?" Natalya asked. Frank helped her out of the SUV. "C'mon, you're going to talk to Julius Morgan about funding the new wing." Natalya knew Frank was establishing her alibi if ever she needed one. "Thank you Frank....for everything." Just trying to right a wrong Mrs. Greene. C'mon Mr. Morgan hates to be kept waiting." Natalya started to walk off then looked back at Frank. "Frank, how did you know I was going to visit the one responsible for the accident?" "I saw the fiery anger in your eyes." She smiled, "you're a good man Frank."
    "Ok Ms. Thang, I'm off today but I need to run to the store real quick. Do not! Let me repeat; Do not open up to anyone except me. Got it?
"Got it Surveillance"
Your BFF
