
     That Niall kid was something else. I found myself thinking about him throughout my other classes. He was a cool kid, and his eyes gave off the impression that all he wanted was someone to talk to.

     For the rest of the day, soft blonde hair and blue eyes plagued my every thought. It was weird, like, really weird and it was throwing me off big time. It must've shown too because right before lunch, my best friend nudged me pretty hard with a smile on his puppy dog face.

     "What's going on, Styles? You seem pretty zoned out, someone special caught your eye?" He teased as I rolled my eyes. Liam Payne was big goofball, although, I don't think it was something you would know if you saw him. The dude was massive, and just had that air about him but if you knew him you'd know that he cried when we saw 'Up' in theaters and loves those giant ass teddy bears that are triple the size of a normal person.

     Anyways,  he definitely noticed the little Niall haze I was in and I just shrugged it off, grinning over at him as I nudged him back equally as hard.

     "Naw, just talked to a cool kid this morning and I was just thinking about him. He's deaf, y'know, so many people don't talk to him." I explained with a simple shrug of my shoulders as I opened my locker, shoving a few things in there before closing it.

     "He's deaf? So, how'd you talk to him?" He asked, following behind me as I walked down the hallway.

     "Easy, I spoke slowly, and he answered. He speaks, you big oaf. You know I don't know sign language." I said with a laugh, sitting down at a table with a few more of our friends.

     There was Zayn, a dark haired artist, who at first never smiled and never spoke but eventually we got him to come out of his shell, turns out he's a pretty cool dude and has one helluva voice.

     After that was Louis, a loudmouthed brunette who seemed to cause enough trouble to last someone a lifetime, but could always make you laugh until your sides hurt.

     Lastly, there was Luke, the tall Australian dude we started hanging with a little over a year ago. The dude was massive, the tallest out of all of us, but was so clumsy and was constantly stumbling that it was hard to see him as intimidating. He was funny as all hell though, and he was good if you needed advice from someone, like real advice.

Anyways, out of the corner of my eye, I saw the little blonde that had been plaguing my thought since our surprisingly fun conversation this morning. He was sitting alone, and was moving his salad around with his fork, looking very unhappy.

I wondered if he was thinking about me like I was him. Probably not, but I still wondered. Liam's eyes followed mine as he raised an eyebrow, a knowing smile on his face.

"Is that him?" He asked as he munched on his fries, causing me to roll my eyes and nod with a slight smile.

"Yes Liam, that's him. Don't do anything stupid, man. I just said that he was cool to talk to. That's all." I said, watching as he shrugged carelessly, turning back to his lunch, but Louis wouldn't let it go.

"Who's that?" Louis asked, eyes focused on Niall who was now scribbling in that little leather book I handed him earlier.

"Harry's deaf boyfriend." Liam answered nonchalantly as I choked on the sip of juice I was taking.

"Christ, Liam! He's not my boyfriend, okay? I said he was a cool kid to talk to, that's all!" I said exasperatedly, as I poked at my lunch before Luke poked me.

"So, invite him to sit with us. If you say he's a cool kid, then bring him over. Go on, get up, Styles. Introduce us." He said with that smile of his causing me to groan dramatically and stand up.

"Alright, alright. Fine. I'll invite him over but I won't be surprised if he declines because you guys are a group of weirdos that haven't stopped looking at him since I mentioned him." I said and they all laughed, including quiet Zayn, before I made my way over to the table.

'Well,' I thought to myself. 'Here goes nothing.'

I sat across from him with a bright smile, lightly tapping his wrist, causing him to look up with a wide smile.

"What's up?" He asked, his hands following as usual and I thought for a moment before speaking.

"My friends, and I," I started off, signing the word 'friends.' "Wanted to know if you'd like to sit with us." I finished, smiling nervously as Niall thought for a moment before shrugging.

"Sure." He replied with a simple shrug as he stuffed his stuff into his bag, swinging it over his shoulder as he made his way over to our table with his tray, waiting for me to sit before sitting beside me.

"So, guys, this is Niall. He's deaf." I explained, touching my index finger to my ear then the corner of my mouth in an arc like motion like I had seen him do early today.

After looking at him for approval of my signing, he smiled at me and nodded, bringing an even wider smile to my face.

Yeah, Niall was one cool kid.
