
Headcanon that Ghost doesn't like Luz at first because she's taking all of Amity's attention away :)


Plot: Luz and Ghost don't have the best relationship.


Luz didn't know what to do, she's tried everything to befriend Ghost and nothing was going as planned. Luz had always been a cat person, and cats had always come around to her...but this wasn't an ordinary cat, this cat came straight from the darkest palistrom wood.

Luz had countless scratches on her face from the palisman. She just didn't know what to do anymore. 

Amity had barely introduced Ghost to Luz last week, and Luz swore that the cat had given her a death glare.

Amity had comforted Luz, saying that Ghost was just scared of her and didn't know how to react. But Luz knew that the cat knew exactly what she was doing.


It had been a couple of days since Luz saw Amity, and she missed her girlfriend a lot. But luckily, Amity was supposed to come over for a sleepover tonight! The only downside though...was that she had to bring Ghost. Luz shuttered at the mere sight. 

Amity promised that she would make Ghost behave herself, but she couldn't trust that.

Time had gone by and Luz finally heard a knock at the front door. She had just finished setting up the snacks, so Amity was right on time.

She quickly skipped to the front door, opening it to see Amity with a wide smile. Luz shared the smile and they exchanged a hug. "I missed you!" Luz said as she squeezed Amity tightly. "I missed you too, Luz," Amity said as she reached in to kiss Luz. Luz followed along and they shared a moment...before it was ruined by a sharp pain on Luz's leg.

"Ow!" Luz yelped as she looked down. She saw Ghost near her foot, the cat hissed at her. Luz hissed back like she was a cat.

"Stop it you two," Amity scolded. "She started it," Luz said defensively. "She's a cat, Luz," Amity said back, picking Ghost up in her arms. The cat rubbed her head against Amity, afterward, she gave Luz a devilish smile.

"That's not a cat, that's a demon," Luz said as she looked at Ghost. "Oh, titan," Amity said disappointedly.

The Blight got through the door and set her stuff down in the living room where they would be staying. Amity has asked Luz to make a little bed for Ghost. Even though Luz didn't like the cat, she loved Amity too much to say no.

Luz put blankets near the corner of the room, as far away as possible from her and Amity. But she didn't just put blankets and pillows there, she made sure to put some sleeping nettles so the cat would go asleep and so Luz and Amity could enjoy their night peacefully.

The night went well so far, Amity laid on Luz's shoulder as they watched the movie and Ghost stayed away. But, Luz would glance over from time to time to see Ghost just staring at her. It weirded her out. Luz used to always joke about cats plotting things, but now, she actually started to believe it.

Everything was going well, that was until Luz started to make advances on Amity. Luz looked over at Amity, which cause her girlfriend to do the same. They shared a smile before they both leaned in for a kiss. The kiss only lasted a second before they could be interrupted.

Ghost nudged her head against Amity's leg, making the Blight look at her. Ghost was carrying a sparkly blue thing in her mouth and was staring directly at Luz as she put it down in front of her. Luz had an 'Oh, shoot,' moment.

"What's that you have there?" Amity asked as she picked up the object. Amity inspected it closely until she realized what it was. "Luz...Did you put sleeping nettles in Ghost's bed?" Amity asked in a stern tone.

Luz curled up, "They're palisman safe..." She said quietly. Luz could see Amity get red, and not in a good way. "You two are coming with me," Amity said.

The Blight stood up, grabbing Ghost by the scruff like a mother does to its cub, She tightly grabbed Luz by the hand and dragged them both upstairs. Amity had thrown them into a room and closed the door so they were trapped in.

Right before Luz could open the door, it was locked from the outside. "Amity!!" Luz said while Ghost scratched on the door and meowed.

"You guys are not coming back outside until you figure this out, and I mean it," Amity said.

Luz softly banged her head on the wall a couple of times before turning around to see Ghost on her bed. "Hey get off of that," Luz said trying to shoo Ghost away. Ghost just hissed in return. Luz just sighed out and sat at the end of her sleeping bag.

The two sat in silence for a while, Luz thought it was stupid she was stuck with a cat, but she might as well try to befriend her. 

"What's your problem with me anyways," Luz said. Ghost didn't do anything. "This is dumb, a cat can't understand me," Luz said. She heard a meow come from Ghost like she was offended. Luz looked over at her, "You can understand me? I thought you can only do that with your own palisman," She said. Ghost shook her head as if saying no.

"Ok well, if you can understand me, what do you have against me?" Luz asked. The cat spun around, going towards the corner of Luz's room where she kept pictures for memories. Ghost began scratching on one of the pictures. "Hey! Don't touch those," Luz said as she walked over towards her, shooing Ghost away which caused her to hiss.

Luz gave her a glare while she looked at the picture. It was a picture of Luz and Amity on their first date, also the day of their first kiss. Luz didn't understand why she chose this picture to scratch.

"Me and Amity? What about us?" Luz asked the cat. Ghost meowed as she went towards another picture, the one of her and Amity at Grom. The pieces started to come together for Luz.

"Oh, you're jealous aren't you," Luz snarkily said. That just caused Ghost to hiss out at her. "Alright, I'm sorry," Luz said as she took a seat. "But if that's really why you don't like me, I'm sure you have nothing to worry about.

Ghost came a bit closer to Luz, taking a seat right in front of the human. "Amity loves you, you're her palisman, her best friend," Luz reassured the cat. "She could never replace you for anything else," Luz said, sticking out a hand.

Ghost crept over to the hand until she finally rested her head on it. Luz smiled and pet the cat, she was soft. "Amity loves us both, at least I hope she loves me," Luz added. "But hey, we have something in common now," Luz said as Ghost climbed into her lap. 

"We both love Amity, don't we?" Luz said happily. Ghost meowed excitedly. 

Luz pet the cat and had a moment of realization, "Don't tell her I said that though, I'm waiting for the right moment," Luz said. Ghost gave a nod. 

The two stayed there for a while as Luz played with Ghost, suddenly, Luz heard the door creak open. Luz stood up and picked up Ghost as well. 

"Well, I can see you two are on good terms now," Amity said with a smile.

Luz looked down and pet the cat, "Yeah, we found something in common," She said as she walked over to Amity. The Blight crossed her arms, "And what might that be?" Amity asked. 

"We both have you," Luz said as she kissed Amity, which caused Ghost to meow. "Still the center of attention, huh?" Luz said as Amity laughed.

The rest of the night was picture-perfect. Ghost was curled up by Luz's side all night, and probably way more than Amity was. Luz couldn't have asked for a better furry friend. Besides King, of course.

Luz and Amity got to enjoy the night with no more intervention, just them two and their cat all snuggled together.
