Chapter 13


Michael sighed. Ever since the mini Brandon had come through, the guild leaders had worked out a system to check the Protector's guild every once in a while as to know exactly when or if someone else would come through the portal. Ritchie, Brandon, Bri, and Silver had already done their turns, so now it was his. 

He was in the guildhall, looking around to see where exactly these portals could be forming when all of a sudden, a blue light started shining in the middle of the hall. Michael instantly stopped and focused in on it. 

A huge blue portal opened and this time, three people fell out. Two kids and surprisingly an adult, all with ears and tails. The two kids looked to be awake while the adult was passed out. 

"Ugh, what happened?" Asked one of the children, a boy with pink hair. 

"Big Bwother!" The other one said latching onto him. 

"Kandy? Wha- Dad?" Both of the children's eyes went wide as they saw the adult lying on the floor, not moving. 

"Daddy?" The little girl, Kandy, asked in concern as they both tried to wake him. 

Michael decided to walk forward then. 

"Hello?" He said as to not startle them too bad.

Both of them looked up only for their eyes to go wide. 

"Michael?" The pink haired kid asked before shaking his head. "You're not Michael."

"Not the Michael you know, true, but I'm another, older version of him." Michael told him. 

"... I'm not gonna pretend I understand that." The boy shook his head. 

"If you an adult vewsion of Michael, can you help Daddy?" Kandy asked in one of the most innocent voices he had ever heard. 

"Of course I will, little one." Michael reassured her as he moved over to the adult, only to gasp when he realized who exactly from their world this was. 

"What's wrong?" The boy asked in concern. 

"Nothing's wrong." Michael reassured him but he still looked worried even as Michael looked at the other version of Silver's soul. He frowned. While everything appeared fine, he also couldn't find a reason for the adult to be passed out. 

"Kids, I know you don't know me but I need to get your father somewhere I can examine him more thoroughly." The pink-haired boy growled lowly at that before sighing and saying. "Fine."

Michael got a good grip on this version of Silver before offering his hand to the boy and Kandy. The boy huffed and took it even as he put an arm around his sister. After making sure that he had a good grip on them, Michael used his shadow magic to teleport the three to Grimshade's infirmary. 

When arriving Michael moved the still form of Austin over to an infirmary bed even as the children got their bearings. 

"That felt like when Nina telepowted us with her powers." Kandy said looking sick. The pink haired boy looked sick as well but better than her. "Honestly, its better than with hers, Nina's teleporting trick is the worst but still..."

"Huh, I did that with your Ritchie and he wasn't that affected." Michael commented. 

"I'm a werewolf and she's half fox, our senses are extremely sensitive, even more so than that of a vampire." The pinkette told him with a groan. "Dad's lucky he's not awake."

After stating this, the kid's eyes suddenly shot open in concern as he and Kandy focused back on their father. The two children nearly ran over to the bed he was laid on and scrambled onto it. Michael's eyes softened and he told them both gently. "As far as I can tell, there's nothing physically wrong with him. We'll just have to wait for him to wake up, however long that will be."

Both of the children still looked concerned but nodded before Kandy asked. "So you met our Michael and Witchie and Bwandon?"

"Uh huh, all three of them are here, meaning in this world not actually here here, and they're safe." Michael reassured her. 

"That's good, Daddy's been weally worried." The pinkette nodded in agreement with Kandy's statement. 

"So what are your names? I didn't quite catch them." Michael asked and the two siblings looked at each other. 

"I'm Brady and she's Kandy. That's our dad, Austin, whose Michael, Ritchie, and Brandon's godfathers." The pinkette told him. Michael nodded before asking. "How exactly did you get here?"

"We found the tawot cawd Bwandon used to get hewe and accidentally opened a powtal." Kandy told him.

"And I kind of fell through and wait, how did you and dad end up coming through?" Brady asked his little sister. 

"I went after you." She said as innocently as she could muster, making Brady sighed and just ruffle her hair. "I don't know about daddy though..."

"If you think I'm going to let you go through a potentially dangerous portal and not follow you, then you're insane." All three of them looked over at Austin who was slowly sitting up on the bed. Kandy and Brady instantly were right beside him, which made Austin a little more relaxed as he hugged the two. 

Then he looked up and saw Michael and paled. "... Please tell me we did not go into the future."

"You didn't go to the future." He was relieved for a split second before Michael finished. "You just got sent to another dimension, and btw I know another version of you."

Austin stared at him for a moment before his head dropped back onto the pillow with a groan. "Why do things like this always happen? Why?"

He then shot straight back up as he realized something. "Wait, did our Michael, Ritchie, and Brandon get sent here? I mean I assume they did cause we basically used the same methods as Brandon by accident and if that's the case then maybe all three of them are here? Please tell me that's the case."

Michael nodded, noting the concern in the other man's voice. "They're staying with the Ritchie and Brandon of this world, who are also adults."

Austin sighed in relief before he eyed Michael and said. "Wow, Michael really is going to grow up short just like he said."

Michael's eye twitched and Austin just held his hands up in surrender. Honestly of all things for the annoying man to say... Austin saw that the glare was still directed at him and sighed. "Sorry about that."

The shadow mage nodded once before asking. "I'm assuming you want to see the boys?"

"If it's not too much trouble." Austin told him even as he adjusted the hat on his head. 

"None at all." 

AN: Ok So let me explain the reason behind Austin passing out after going through the portal. You see, it all ties back into what Michael discovered about their genetics playing a factor. When they went through the portal, their genes were rearranged so that they could have the capacity of getting magic. Now Michael, Ritchie, Brandon, Brady, and Kandy are all children correct. Yes, Brandon is a little older but he's still a child. Younger children are more adaptable when change heads their way. So when they went through the portal, their genes were able to change easier as they are still at that phase of their lives. Austin, on the other hand, is an adult. Adults aren't so adaptable. So when he went through the portal, he passed out as to give his body more time to adjust to the magic and his genes changing.

Also, I got tagged by 123SourHeart, here are the questions:

Here are my answers (When I get to the second list of questions, I'll just keep going so I should have over twenty questions):

1. Yes

2. I don't think so (and that's not me being a pessimist)

3. Frances (at least one of them is)

4. Single Pringle

5. My ecology partner

6. No idea (I don't listen to much music)

7. 11%

8. A girl nicknamed Em

9. A guy nicknamed Hunter (neither of my besties have a Wattpad account so I just put their nicknames)

10. I'll do this one based on Fairy Tail Origins: I am a total Brakey Shipper, like they are definitely OTP!

11. To read stories on Wattpad

12. A picture I drew

13. Oct. 5

14. See number 6

15. Guess

16. Libra

17. Alfredo Pizza from Cici's

18. One Piece (I love Fairy Tail but I love One Piece just a tiny bit more)

19. I'll never tell!

20. My bed

21. See 6

22. Not really

Ok for the tagging one, I don't know that many people so I'm just gonna choose someone random who I know writes stories (I'm doing 1 person) and that person would have to be...


I'm so sorry. 

Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter!
