The day I was left alone

Dawn pov:

The rest of the ride was spent in awkward silence which no one wanted to break. With the slow movements of our ride and the soft whispers between the three guys, my mind drifted into a buzz.

Matthew informed that many weren't aware of the kidnapped babies being found for their security. This leads me to question whether people there even remember me. Have I become a dream to them?

Getting off in a daze, I clutched my bag as everyone started to shift the luggage from the plane to a black car. A few minutes later we all board the car. The driver was already in his seat, Matthew beside him. Josh and Heath are behind them with Tristen and me in the last seat. Tristen turns toward me but pauses when he sees the look on my face.

"You... have any questions?"

Realizing that he was speaking to me, I glanced at him before turning my back on him, bringing my hand below my head to rest. After the coherent thoughts started, I comprehended that I was, in fact, being rude. Still facing the window, unable to bring myself to care I slip away.

As we finally reached the city limits, the towering buildings and bustling streets came into view. We disembarked in a less crowded part of the city. The streets were lined with small shops and cafes, their windows displaying everything from fresh pastries to vintage clothing, and instruments to new techs. People hurried by, engrossed in their own lives, oblivious to my return. The feeling of an outsider clung to my skin as everything had changed. My vague and dim memories of having lunch with them, screams and taunts of little children, the dry leaves of the trees falling as we ran through them. Hide and seek between two trees, warm drinks for adults on the table. Josh pitches in to ask for a coffee stop.

With everyone down for the plan, we stop at a serene café nestled in a quiet corner of the city. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee lingers in the air, inviting us in with its comforting scent. As we step inside, the tranquil atmosphere envelops us, offering a welcome respite from the bustling streets outside. The café is dimly lit, with soft music playing in the background and a few patrons scattered about, lost in their own thoughts.

"What can I get for you?"

As Josh rattles off an answer, I turn to Tristan. Catching his eye I gesture towards the door. With a nod, he turns back. The smell of coffee grew heavier with each breath I was taking. The dense smell of the scent makes my head feel heavy and numb. Pressing my palms to my head applying a little pressure I walk towards the car.

A child crashes into me and tumbles back, falling with a loud noise. Rushing forward and fumbling through my pockets, I pull out a handkerchief.

"Are you hurt anywhere?

lifting her back to her feet I dust her light blue skirt. Two dark pigtails with a small and chubby face smiled at me. Her front teeth missing. Big dark eyes sparkling as she puts her hand right on my face. Pulling her palm down, smiling.

"Where is your mom child?"

I felt a hand on my shoulder. Lifting my head, Tristan with a drink in his hand comes into my view. His face showed strong confusion and concern. Looking back at the girl I question "Are you lost?"

Tristan tightens his arm at my shoulder and shakes it. I glance over to see him. His eyes wide with a concern-filled face. Turning back to the girl, I see no one standing there.


Tristan shakes my shoulder one more time, handing me the warm drink. With a pale complexion and a shaky hand, I take it. He leads me towards a bench. After a few moments of silence in an awkward tone, he questioned in a low voice, "So... Who were you speaking to?"

In an equally quiet voice, I answered back. " I think it was the lost voice of my younger self, trying to find its way back to me."

"And why is it trying now?"

I could feel my completion paling further. "Because someone finally remembered her." 

We finished our coffee in silence.


Mathew pov:

Oh, finally some good old familiar coffee. I love travelling but don't get me wrong, I despise disruptions in my normal routine. The three of us sit at a table, Josh passes me my bag. Switching my laptop on, I began to review whatever I missed in the past week.

"Mr Assistant" Heath starts, "this is ridiculous. As soon as you're in the city? Give yourself a rest man. cause this is utterly ridiculous...." 

Cue a passionate speech about work-to-salary ratio comparison and the right working times. 

Honestly Heath, I still have my job because I'm getting things done and not because I protected my work timings. 

"Where are Tristan and Dawn?" Josh sends me a look which clearly screams I see what you did there. What topic changing skills assistant. 

He then sweeps Heath off the table and heads to find them.

The assistant in training is doing a pretty good job. I wonder how much he pays his therapist for each session to have managed to survive the boss.  Further on, I have a meeting with HR tomorrow morning and the sales team in the afternoon. The day after involves a huge share capital meeting with the key investors. With the time I have, I might catch up to everything by tom..........  OH, BISCUTS!!! MY COFFEE IS COLD!


Gulping it down to not notice the taste, I look up to see everyone returning. They take their seats while I motion for the driver to join in too.  None of the Archers here to complain now, are they? the outside air is cool while the light smell of coffee and sugar floats around. "So we will all return now. You three have a day off tomorrow as well. Don't worry it's still under vacation. Dawn, me and the driver will head back to the estate. Don't forget to take this week's reports and catch up with them by the next three days."

"Got it. drop us to the nearest subway will you?" With that Tristan gets up and starts collecting the wrappers and cups. 

Heading back to the car, we all take our seats. After dropping the three musketeers off we start for the estate. Those three are as annoying as making Merlin's beard candy. Hopefully, we see less of each other for a few months. I could feel Dawn becoming more tense. Her breathing came out shorter than before. Her, becoming quieter since we started to leave her home.

The outline of the house comes into view. Her new home. Looking at my pad I ask "Will you be fine?" I know I startled her with my sudden question. Her dark eyes turn towards me and I can feel myself being judged. I finally seemed to have failed some sort of scan when she replied "I'll be fine."

"A maid will meet you at the door and show you your room. Your dad will be available tomorrow late evening. All your siblings are on their vacation. You'll probably see them when the holidays end so make yourself at home. Your stuff will be sent in after they check it."

"I don't know if you realize this or not, nor am I telling you this for sympathy Mathew but.."

"But..?" Rolling down the window I show my ID to the security. The gate guards let us in. After half a minute she replies with 

"I've come to this place after eight years with no contact.  While I didn't expect you to hold my hand and treat me like a baby, a familiar face would have been nice." The car comes to a stop. Before I could say anything back, she got off. With a few taps on the window, the driver rolls it down. She gives her thanks to the driver.

"I hope your favourite people never turn into strangers. Like mine did Mr Mathew." 

With this,  she left. 

And I'm left to wonder, What will happen now?


From now on there will be regular updates everyone! I'm fully committed and will try my best till the end.

I wanted to make it seem like Dawn slowly grew quieter when she reached home to reflect how opposite it was to her leaving. Crying and screaming. Yes, her dialogues are heavy because of her inability to communicate about how upset she is now that she is snatched away from a home she built for herself.

Did I deliver what I aimed for? Or was there something I could write better? Let me know!

And as always, Live long and prosper.

