Marges Big Mistake

Y/n Pov

As I woke up from a very terrible night of sleep, I sat up on my red coloured bed. I know red was an odd colour for a girl to want her bed spread but oh well. I got out of bed and stumbled over to my window. I hated where I lived. I lived on the pitch perfect street. Otherwise known as, Private Drive.

I lived at number 5. I would always hear our neighbors screaching at someone. I sort of always brushed it off.

"Y/n we have news," my parents said clearly suprised by their actions I said. " When did you come in?" I dont know what I was thinking.

"We are transferring you to Hogwarts," I was shocked. I was currently going to Beuxbatons. "Why?" I questioned. They didnt respond they just left. But before my mum could leave she said my worst fear. "Oh and Y/n, honey we are going to the Dursleys for supper.," then she left.

I sighed and sat back on my bed. Why was this all happening just why??!?!? I looked over to my bedside table it was already 2 o'clock in the afternoon... but how I checked 10 minutes ago and it was 7. Wierd, anyways I walked over to my drawer and picked out a white satin dress, and blue shoes. I brushed my hair and stuck a bow in it ,the bow was white.

~Time skip to that night~

I followed my parents who looked oadly deppressed to the Dursleys door step. My father rang the doorbell. A boy opened the door a boy with jet black hair, his hair looked very messy,oddly messy for Private Drive, he also had astonishgly beautiful green eyes. He looked around my age.
All of a sudden a large rather chubby looking man, ushered the boy away. It was only then that me and the boy realised we were staring at eachother. I blushed and looked at the floor.

"Vernon," my dad said. "D/n, great to see you,-" he looked over at the boy"- oh domt mind him he is a pain." I was about to say something but my mum gripped my shoulder stopping me.

The Chubby looking man made the boy run to the kitchen. Soon after we were led there. I looked at my surroundings I saw a skinny women, A chubby women , and a chubby boy I knew as Duddley Dursley.

"Awwww y/n," said the skinny women rushing up to hug me. I stood there not knowing what to do so, I was soon released. "Hi Petunia," me and my mum chorused, "M/n , didnt see you there how are you?" My mum and Petunia and my dad and Vernon conversed. I turnwd my attention to the chubby looking lady. "Hello miss" I said. She sent me a smile and I gave her a half hearted one back. "Hello, dear" the women replied. "Im Marge,-""- Y/n". I sat down across the table from her soon followed by my parents.

~Time skip~

Harry's Pov

I served everyone their food and listened in to their conversation. Then Aunt Marge said to me, " Tell me boy are you beaten often?" The girl who had come in with her family looked as if she was going to choke.

" Oh yes I get beaten frequently," I said in a sarcastic tone. The girl noticed my tone she was the only person in that room that interested me in that moment. But why?

"Well they clearly arent making  a difference Petunia I would write, tell them you want the utter most force used on him." The girl shifted in her seat.

Y/n Pov

"See, Vernon dont blame yourself  on how the boy turns out. This is nothing with your family Petunia, but its like dogs as well. If there is something wrong with mother there is something wrong with the pup." Marge said. My whole family were utterly disgusted by how they were reffering to the boys family.

"SHUT UP!" The boy exploded finnally I didnt mind it he had every right to.

Just then Marges body started inflating. Her blouse buttons flying around the room. I barely dodged one but, she kept inflating. The boy he was a wizard and he did magic without his wand. Wait hes Harry Potter!! I had finnaly noticed the scar. My parents and the Dursleys were clinging to Marges feat as she started flying upwards. The boy left running upstairs. I followed closely behind. He came back down pointing his wand clearly.

"Put that away those awful muggles of family'll see!" I whisper shouted at him. "Wait your a witch?""Well obviously" I responded.
