Chapter 21: The Past Catches Up

"You can not hide!" A raw female voice shouted in the misty distance. She just kept on running, ignoring them.
When she turned around to see if the girl was catching up to her she bumped into something and rolled over the cold ground.
"I got her!" Another voice said. She bumped into a woman, with a gun pointed at her head.
"Why do you want me?" Maisey sneered at the girl.
"It's not what we want," another girl said, who had just appeared from nothingness, "it's what the boss man wants."
"What does he want with me?" She asked.
"Information? Of what? I've been in space for two months and all I know is that there is some war going on.. I don't know anything," Maisey said and she stood straight, "now let me go."
"I'm afraid we can't do that," the girl with the raw voice said as she punched Maisey unconscious.

When she woke up, she was in a cell and she had an enormous amount of pain in her head thanks to that punch.
"Great, captured again," she scoffed softly.
"Well, how difficult your experience here is going to be is entirely up to you," a male's voice said.
Maisey looked up with a hateful glare in her eyes, to see a tall, handsome, alien man looking down at her from the other side of the cel.
"Who are you?" He asked her.
"Maisey Egan," she scoffed, "who are you?"
"I ask the questions little girl," he said with a determined smirk, "but since I want this to go as a normal conversation so I shall introduce myself."
He sat down and remained quiet for a second as he looked up into her eyes. She felt as if he was trying to stare into her soul.
"I am Prince Lotor," he said.
"Prince of what?" Maisey asked and she smirked, "hairstyling products?"
His smirk disappeared and he got closer to her, she could feel his steady breathes on her skin. It made her feel uneasy.
"Listen," he whispered so intensely it made her shiver, "it is best to not upset me, I will get what I want no matter how.. so this can be easy or hard.."
"Well, Prince Lotor, what is it that you want?" Maisey asked.
"I want to know where the blue lion is," he said and Maisey bursted out into laughter.
"Blue lion?" She asked, "there is no such thing as a blue lion, and if there were, why would you want it?"
"Not like an actual animal you fool! It's a spaceship!" He grunted, "it can bring peace to the universe."
"I don't know anything about a blue lion," she answered.
"Then what are you doing in space, all alone?" Lotor asked.
"If I tell you, could you help me gain some knowledge?" Maisey asked and Lotor smirked.
"I like your spirit," he whispered, "perhaps I could, we'll see if I will."
"I'm searching for my sister," she said, "she was taken by the purple aliens like yourself."
"Then she's dead."

"Maisey, are you even listening?" Lance asked from beside her.
"What? Sorry." Maisey said.
"I can't search the entire galaxy for a new paladin for the black lion," Allura said, answering to someones question,
"Keith, you piloted the Black lion once, what about you?" Coran asked.
"Keith? He would be the worst leader of voltron," Lance said, Maisey elbowed him slightly angry with that comment.
"Don't say that," she whispered to Lance.
"Sure, protect your boyfriend," Lance whispered back.
"He's not my boyfriend!" She scoffed.
"Oh, but you wish he was," Lance joked, Maisey's face turned red as she was extremely frustrated with Lance right now. He couldn't stop but make jokes about her feelings for Keith now that she had told him.
"Lance is right, we all have our thing," Pidge said, "Keith is the loner, Hunk is the nice one, I'm the brain, Allura is the decision maker, Coran is the wise old guy, Maisey is the honest one and Lance is the goofball."
"What?! I'm not a goofball," Lance said, "I'm the ninja, sharpshooter guy."
"Yeah, sure," Maisey said, "but what do you mean with 'honest one' aren't we all?"
"You just stand up for what you believe in, you'll say what's on your mind and what others need to hear," Pidge explained, "we can always count on you to be honest with all of us."
"Yeah, Pidge is right," Keith said, his eyes fixated on Maisey. She smiled softly when she looked over her shoulder to see him, he softly smiled back.

"So how do we decide who goes first?" Maisey asked as they all stood before the black lion.
"Do we draw straws?" Hunk asked.
They all stood infront of the Black lion, Maisey didn't want to be the leader, she was just happy with the white lion, but everyone was going to present themselves to the black lion.
"I will think of a number between fifty and zero!" Coran said, "Allura, you go first and then Pidge!"
"Wait, shouldn't we guess the number first?" Lance asked confused.
"But I already know the number," Coran said it like it was supposed to be obvious.
"Ugh, Allura just go," Lance said. Maisey however was still trying to figure out how Coran's mind was working and got to the conclusion that she would never find out. Coran had a strange mind.
Allura wasn't the one, neither was Pidge so now it was up to Hunk. But he got out too quickly much to Coran's dismay.
"You didn't even try," Coran said.
"Yes I did, I sat down," Hunk said, "look I don't wanna leave the yellow lion, it's got armor, it's safe."
"But you called the head," Coran said confused.
"Yeah, but I wanted to be the head with the yellow lion," Hunk said and Maisey facepalmed.
So he went to try again.
"Lance go left! Pidge go right! Keith, go make me a sandwich," Hunk said as he was 'commanding' in the black lion, "yeah, you heard me, I'm the leader now!"
"Yeah, you're not it!" Coran said.
After that was Maisey, she sat down in the seat and looked around for a few seconds.
"Why do I have this feeling like I'm being watched?" She asked herself out loud. She decided that it would be fun to pull a prank.
She took the controles and started shaking them rapidly.
"GUYS, COME QUICKLY SOMETHING IS HAPPENING!!" She screamed and they all rushed in.
"What?! Did it choose you?" They all asked.
"Oh heck no!" Maisey laughed, "but your faces are priceless!"
"Not funny Maisey!" Lance said as he shoved her.
"Just sit down, goofball," Maisey joked.
Lance grunted and sat down as the others walked out of the lion so he could take his time.

"So, how long are we gonna let Lance sit in there?" Pidge asked.
"Yeah, it's been like half a varga," Hunk said.
Not much later he got out of the lion quite upset and frustrated.
"It's useless, the black lion hates all of us!" He grunted.
"Keith, the black lion hasn't responded to any of us," Allura said, "you have to try."
He sighed and entered the black lion despite not wanting to be voltron's leader.
And the lion choose Keith, when he got out Maisey ran towards him and took him into a hug, which did make him feel a little better but he still wasn't ready for the black lion. When she had let go he looked at her and she gave him a small, sympathetic smile, like she already knew what was wrong.
"I wish you had gotten the job under better circumstances," Allura said, "but congratulations."
"Congratulations Keith," Pidge said.
"Ditto," Hunk said.
"No, I don't accept this," Keith said.
"But the black lion has chosen you," Allura stammered.
"No, you guys were right, I am the loner, I can't lead." Keith said, she noticed Lance had moved away from his spot beside her and placed his hand on Keith's shoulder.
"No one can replace Shiro," Lance said, "but the black lion wouldn't choose anyone who he didn't feel like he was worth leading.. I respect his choice, you should too."
The fact that her best friend, the guy who had been complaining about Keith to her for years was standing there and supporting him made her  a little emotional. She was so proud of the both of them. Her best friend and the guy she had been having feelings for finally got along with each other, she could cry. She wouldn't, but she could.
"But who's gonna pilot the red lion?" Keith asked.
Allura tried, but the lion didn't respond. After that they got a call from planet Puig, the Galra wanted to take back the planet.

It had been five months since she had been captured by Lotor's generals, after a month Lotor had given her a room instead of a prison cell, and since a few weeks ago she was free to wander around on the ship. And Lotor had decided to share his dinners with her. But she knew that he only let her know what he wanted her to know, sometimes when she would ask certain questions he would avoid them. But from what she did know he seemed like an okay guy. She was starting to enjoy his company and he was starting to enjoy hers.
"So, what have you been doing today?" Maisey asked as she ate her spacefood since she had no clue what it was.
"I am glad you asked Maisey," Lotor answered, "we have been making progress in liberating this planet. The road to peace is getting closer."
She smiled, she had to admit, being stuck with this man for months had made her grow slight feelings for him.
"That is good news," she said, "I think it is really great that you are helping planets in this war."
Despite the fact that they had been sharing every dinner together, they were still somewhat strangers towards one another. She knew he was a prince, she just didn't know of what. He wasn't working with the Galra so he couldn't be the prince of that.. right? She had told herself he was the prince of somewhat of a resistance.
Later he decided to walk her to her room, instead of letting Narti and her cat Kova do it. Those two always creeped her out.
"Have you been enjoying yourself here lately?" He asked her. She felt so small compared to him but at the same time it made her feel safe. Yes, she felt safe around prince Lotor.
"It's fine," she said, "but I don't want to be on this ship the whole time.. I want to go out there and look for my sister, that is the reason why I am in space and that will always be my reason."
Lotor's smile vanished, he could try whatever he wanted, she would always pick her sister over him.
"I see," he said, "but I can not protect you if you go out there again."
"That's fine," she said, "I'll be fine, Lotor."
"Of course you will be," Lotor said and he leaned in. Her heart skipped a beat and she leaned in as well and kissed the prince.
After that they gazed into each others eyes for a while.
"This won't change my mind, Lotor, I'm sorry," she said.
"I know," Lotor said, "that's why I am letting you go, you can take the pod."
He eyes glimmerd as she hugged Lotor.
"Thank you!" She said, "I'll never forget you, Prince Lotor."
"I won't forget you as well, Maisey Egan," Lotor said and smiled, "maybe one day we shall meet again."
"I look forward to that day," Maisey said softly, "hopefully under better circumstances."

"Wait, where is Lance?" Maisey asked throughout Keith's plan once they were all in their lions.
"What?" Keith asked flabbergasted, "Lance where are you?"
"My lion is not responding to me!" Lance grunted.
"What?" Maisey questioned.
"Hurry up Lance, we have to save this planet from the Galra." Keith said, "catch up with us later."
The remaining Paladins made their way towards Puig, but a ship appeared. The ship seemed farmiliar.
"Attention, Paladins of voltron," that voice, it gave her chills, "I am prince Lotor, son of Zarkon, Emperor of the Galra Empire, surrender now, or be destroyed."
Her heart went cold as everything she once believed about the prince was nothing more but a lie. All kinds of thoughts rushed through her head, she was stunned for a moment. She felt so stupid and naive.
"We've been set up!" Pidge shouted.
Lance joined the fight as well, but not in the blue lion, he was piloting the red lion. And not much later Allura joined them as well as the new paladin of the blue lion.
They fought but once all the lions were out of the Castle, the ship just dissappeared, so they returned to the Castle to debrief what they had just learned.
"Now we know that Zarkon has a son," Keith said and Maisey felt her heartbeat raise as she knew she'd have to come clean about her relationship with the Prince to the Galra Empire.
"That is disturbing news," Allura said.
"Well, I've got some more disturbing news," Maisey said with an awkward smile.
"What is it?" They asked.
"I already knew the guy," Maisey grunted.
"What? How?" Allura asked.
"He took me as his prisoner," Maisey answered, "and we kissed before he let me go."
"Prisoner?" The others asked but Keith bursted out on a different topic in her story.
"YOU KISSED HIM!?" He shouted, which caused everyone to look at Keith.
"I didn't know he was Zarkon's son, I didn't even know who Zarkon was back than, he made me believe he was good," Maisey said, "I should've known better, but I did not know much about this war. He made me believe he was good. I feel quite stupid right now."
"You kissed him," Keith repeated in disbelief.
"Are you jealous Keith?" Lance asked him. Keith glared at Lance and shook his head before leaving the bridge.

What a twist, eh? She already knew Lotor.
I hope to write the next chapter soon, and it will be all around Keith and Maisey.
