Morning Messages

Brendon woke up to the feeling of someone stroking his hair. He slowly opened his eyes, squinting at how bright the room was. When he managed to focus his eyes, he saw Ryan laying on his side, head propped by his hand. He smiled as he watched Brendon look confused and alert for a moment before relaxing back into the pillow.

"Good morning beautiful," Ryan whispered, fingers still combing through his hair. Brendon closed his eyes again, humming in content by the feeling. "You can't go back to sleep."

Ryan pulled his fingers away earning a protested groan. He laughed softly and started climbing out of bed.

"I've been waiting an hour for you to get up. No more sleeping. Let's go somewhere." Brendon opened one eye, watching Ryan send him a smile before leaving the room. He let out a sigh and reached for his phone. He frowned, seeing a few messages from Pete.

Pete: are you up?

Pete: what did you guys do last night?

Pete: you didn't have sex right? Please tell me my son is still pure

Pete: why aren't you answering do I need to send the police?

Brendon: calm down why are you freaking out

Pete: I have to be sure you're alright you slept over right

Brendon: yes dad I slept over and we did nothing he was a complete gentleman

Pete: i knew he'd treat you right I've always liked that boy

Brendon: all we did was kiss and cuddle

Pete: I'm gonna kill him

Brendon: lol shut up you're not gonna do anything

Pete: I could

Brendon: I'm sure Patrick would stop you before you could get to him

Pete: you leave your mother out of this

Pete: anyway what are you gonna do today?

Brendon: Ryan wants to go somewhere but I'm not sure where yet

Pete: are you gonna use a dare?

Brendon: idk I'm running out of ideas

Pete: I got some!

Brendon: I actually think I might have a few left so I'm good

Pete: but Patrick helped me this time!!

Brendon: Patrick helped you?

Pete: yeah I hope you dont mind I told him about the game and he wanted to be a part of it too

Brendon: okay fine tell me and I'll consider using them
