๐Ÿ’ง ๐๐š๐œ๐ค๐ฌ๐ญ๐จ๐ซ๐ฒ ๐ญ๐จ ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ๐ซ ๐ญ๐š๐ฅ๐ž๐ง๐ญ!(๐š๐ง๐ ๐ฐ๐ข๐ญ๐ก ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ๐ซ ๐ฌ๐ข๐›๐ฅ๐ข๐ง๐ )๐Ÿ’ง

(expect them to be ooc<out of character)

๐Ÿ–คShuichi Saihara๐Ÿ–ค
You had a love for nature ever since you were born, you had your own garden in your backyard that you'd visit every day. You had all sorts of things there, Roses, Carrots, Even a tree that was in the corner. You had it all.

You always gave Shuichi different types of flowers every day, you also told him what they symbolized as well! He enjoyed listening to you explain the flower's meaning and you enjoyed telling him all about them.
One day you had gifted Shuichi a bouquet of different Dahlias, you explained to him what each symbolized.
Red Dahlias symbolize Strength and Power.
White Dahlias symbolize Pureness and Innocence, they also symbolize staying focused.
Pink and Purple Dahlias symbolize Kindness, Service, Feminine Beauty, and Grace.
And that's just a few of them!

Hope's Peak was proud to invite you as The Ulitmate Gardener, you got your own private garden as well!

๐Ÿฅ‘Rantaro Amami๐Ÿฅ‘
You had gotten lost while following your brother around in Canada, you tried to find him but he was nowhere to be seen. An old couple found you crying and took you in, you explained to them what had happened and they allowed you to stay with them until you could find your brother, you were very thankful for them.
You were walking down the sidewalk looking for your brother when you saw some people ice skating, you were amazed by the tricks they did and asked them if they could teach you how to ice skate, and they happy to teach you! You'd visit a frozen lake every day and a woman named Crystal would teach you how to stake. Sometimes you two would go ice climbing on icefalls and whatnot, Crystal said that you were even better than her at ice climbing.

People would come to watch you ice stake sometimes, and you happily put on a show for them. One day you had gotten a letter from Hope's Peak asking for you to come to Japan and attend their school, they mentioned Rantaro in the letter and you immediately accepted.

๐Ÿ’œKokichi Oma๐Ÿ’œ
You would sneak out of your house by a window in your room and watch your neighbors engineer on some things, they showed you how to do some things and you enjoyed being with them way more than your shitty parents, one day you were caught sneaking out and were locked in Kokichi's room, which didn't have a window, and wasn't allowed out until you learned your lesson.
Kokichi had seen how sad you were by this, and decided to do something very drastic, he somehow convinced your parents to let him go get something he had forgotten, he came back with two paper clips. You were confused but he told you to not ask questions, he waited for the perfect time when your father wasn't home and your mother was either asleep or too drunk to care.

He bent a paper clip into a straight line, the other he bent into an L shape, these were a Tension Wrench and a Pick. He pushed the Tension Wrench into the bottom of the keyhole and the pick into the top. You watched him as he picked the lock, eventually, you two heard a click meaning that the door was unlocked.

He held your hand as you two slowly sneaked past your drunk mother and out the door, you took the lead and ran to your neighbor's house and they called the police on your parents. Kokichi laughed as you watched them get shoved into the police car.
+=This doesn't explain much about your talent, but you had been hired to fix engines and whatnot and Hope's Peak invited you to their school. Sorry for not explaining it better=+

๐Ÿ’ K1-B0๐Ÿ’ 
Keebo wanted to understand what having a 'sibling' is like, seeing some people have a sibling made Keebo very curious about it. They asked Professor Idabashi about siblings and he tried to explain it in the best way possible. Keebo listened silently and asked, "Will I have a sibling?" Idabashi didn't have an answer for that, it took so long to make Keebo, and to make another one of them would be very hard. He said to Keebo that it may take a bit but he'll have one soon, Keebo understood and waited patiently.
"You needed me Idabashi?"
"Yep, I'd like to introduce you to your little sibling, Y1-N1!" Idabashi pulled the covers off of something, revealing an Android. It was shorter than Keebo, around 4'5, it seemed more 'human' than Keebo but you could still tell it isn't human. Y1-N1 got off of the table it was on and walked over to Keebo
"Hello! I'm Y1-N1, but please call me Y/N"
"K1-B0, I'd prefer if you call me Keebo though."

๐Ÿฅ€Korekiyo Shinguji๐Ÿฅ€
You were the middle child, you never thought that your older sister and younger brother's relationship was weird, you had thought it was normal. But when you slowly figured out that it was very wrong to love your sibling like that you were disgusted. You knew full well that Korekiyo didn't love her like that but somehow he ended up thinking he did, you tried to help him but nothing worked.
When your sister died you helped Korekiyo through the death and was able to break him out of whatever fucked up state he was in before he did something even more fucked up.
He would take you on the trips he went on around the world, seeing all the different kinds of buildings inspired you and you began to draw out ideas for buildings based on what you've seen. Some nice people were willing to help you with actually building the buildings and in the end, people loved the buildings you had made around the world. You got a letter from Hope's Peak inviting you as The Ultimate Architect.

โญ๏ธKaito Momotaโญ๏ธ
You don't remember how you got interested in space, but Kaito probably had something to do with it. You'd stargazed with him sometimes and he'd tell you stories about what he was gonna do when he got to space, he said it was like he already went but that's just Kaito being Kaito.

You have dissociative amnesia, meaning that your unable to recall your personal information, recent and distant memories are lost sometimes. You had lost a few, roughly 2, years of memories and found yourself working on a design for a rocket ship, you were so confused until Kaito explained to you. You remembered a few things, you found out that you became an Astronomer and had been working on multiple projects for space.

You lost 2 days of memory and saw yourself reading a letter from Hope's Peak inviting you as the Ultimate Astronomer, you accepted despite kinda forgetting what Hope's Peak was.

๐Ÿ›Gonta Gokuhara๐Ÿ›
Your brother had been missing for years, and you were determined to find him. You traveled long distances and enjoyed the trips you went on, people said you were kinda like a hiker and you accepted that as what you are. You had saved a few other hikers from a bear and they thanked you for saving their life, you asked them if they knew anyone with green messy hair and to your delight, they had seen a grown man with a pack of wolves<?>. You quickly went down the path they told you they saw him last.

You soon found a big tall dude in a suit with, indeed, a pack of wolves<?> you called out to him and he seemed to have remembered you!
"Gonta! Is that you?"
"Gonta is Gonta! Wait, is that you Y/N?"
You two had a lovely reunion and he showed you around the forest he'd lived in for so long, and you showed him what the world outside the forest was like. You had to explain a lot of things to Gonta about what wasn't okay to do but overall you two had a great time.

๐ŸฉธMaki Harukawa๐Ÿฉธ
You were in an orphanage with your older sister, you were just a baby when you arrived there so you don't remember much. But you did enjoy sewing, when they let you, when you got older, you sewed almost all the time and even sewed an outfit for your sister, the one she would wear in-game, she didn't show any emotion towards your present but you knew she liked it. When she was taken by The Holy Salvation Society you grew more apart from everyone, you never spoke again and would sew by yourself.

A kind old lady adopted you and she taught you how to sew better, you learned so much from her and considered her your mother. You never spoke though, you put on an act of being mute even when it obvious you weren't. You were walking back to your home one day when you saw someone get shot from the corner of your eye, you froze in place and slowly turned your head in the direction of the shot only to be met with a knife to your neck.

You looked at your soon-to-be killer and immediately recognized who it was, she was saying something but you didn't listen and for the first time in years, you spoke... "M..aki..?" Your voice had reduced in volume and sounded hollow, it kinda hurt to speak as well. Maki didn't seem surprised but you could read that she was shocked, she lowered the knife and stared at you for a moment.
Her eyes watered lightly, she hugged you as you felt tears fall on your shoulder, you hugged her back.

๐ŸŽนKaede Akamatsu๐ŸŽน
You've always enjoyed styling hair, you found it calming to move your fingers through your hair. You asked your sister if you could style her hair and she accepted!

+=In the near future pictures may be used more=+

You finished with a big smile on your face and showed Kaede her hair and she loved it! She even asked if you could do it again when she went to go to her performance, you agreed. People loved Kaede's show, some even asked who styled her hair! She said it was her sister, and soon a few people would come to you for some help with their hair, and you were happy to help!

While Kaede would perform you had your own little stand where people could come to get their hair styled, you seemingly always had your hands full but you didn't let it stop you. A teacher at Hope's Peak was watching Kaede's performance and noticed you finishing up with someone else's hair. She decided to see if you were as good as people said.

They seemed pretty happy with it, and a few days later you got an Invitation to Hope's Peak as The Ultimate Hairstylist.

๐ŸŒนMiu Iruma๐ŸŒน
You were always a little embarrassed with your little sister, she was pretty nasty sometimes but you loved her. You taught her some mechanical stuff in case she wanted to do that sort of thing in the future, one day you were driving her to see your parents when you crashed into another car, you got out fine but your sister was in a coma for a while.

When she awoke she had all sorts of ideas that she planned to make and showed them off to you, you were kinda confused/concerned with some of them but you were still happy for her. Now as to how you became a mechanic, you quickly learned from watching your dad and helping him with some things. You had an easy time fixing things and people would come to you for help. You were glad to help them out.

๐Ÿƒ๐Ÿปโ€โ™‚๏ธTenko Chabashira๐Ÿƒ๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ
"Is it just me, or are all the guys I meet gay?"
"You want me to beat those degenerates<?> for you? Cause I will!"
"I'm sure we don't have to- where did you go?" You quickly looked around and saw Tenko beating up a poor guy who flirted with you, you managed to pull her off of him and you helped him back to his feet, you made sure he was okay but then you found out that you and Tenko were now banned from the park.
You were still a student in medical school, but you were pretty close to finishing so you helped some people with simple injuries from time to time. Tenko sees you as a less horrible degenerate<?>, you didn't understand what most of the different males you met meant when they flirted with you, you were very oblivious to a lot of things. So Tenko 'protects' you from those degenerates.

"Tenko this is the eighth park we've been banned from. And all for the same reason."
"Good! Maybe then we'll find a park with fewer degenerates."

๐ŸŽ‰Himiko Yumeno๐ŸŽ‰
You enjoyed watching your sister put on her magical shows, you wanted to try something like her so you put on your own shows for her.ย  You were pretty good at acting and Himiko liked your show, she ended up falling asleep halfway through sadly.

You participated in multiple acts, you starred in all of them, people found you the most enjoyable to watch and you continued to show up in more acts until you got bored of them, so you made your own! It wasn't easy finding good actors for it but you found the perfect people and soon your act was playing in front of hundreds of people. Everyone loved your show calling you The Ultimate Actor, Himiko even stayed awake for the entire play!

๐ŸŒ…Angie Yonaga๐ŸŒ…
Okay, you didn't believe in Atua, I know shocking right? Anyway, you didn't know what would happen if you told your sister or anyone that you didn't believe in Atua or anything like that. You followed your sister around as she talked with different people about what Atua was saying through her, you always were uncomfortable with this but you didn't show these feelings. You saw some people giving their blood away and you didn't like the idea of it, so you never did it, you knew you would eventually have to tell Angie the truth.
Angie would teach you how to make sculptures, it was one of the few things you enjoyed doing with her since she wouldn't be talking about Atua so much. She said you were even better than her at making sculptures and you were very proud of yourself, Hope's Peak invited you both and you thought that maybe Angie would be somewhat normal, but you didn't keep your hopes up.

+=Thank you for reading these first three pages! (โ—'โ—ก'โ—)๏พ‰ please do request some things in the request page, I didn't have anything else besides this planned so it is greatly appreciated! โ˜ป๏ธŽ Anyway, I'll see you all next time, Bye Bye!=+
