Sam pressed his ear against the closed door, trying to hear his brother and you.

"I hate this back brace. It makes it hard to sleep comfortably."

"I'm really sorry about that, Y/n."

"Dean, if you don't stop, I'll punch you in the throat. I didn't ask you to lay by me to apologize."

Dean laughed and Sam walked away. He walked into his room, immediately pointing the gun at the unknown person.

"Who are you?" Sam demanded, and the man turned around.

"Samsquatch, relax. Its just your bff Gabe." The Angel said, twirling a lollipop I'm between his thumb and pointer finger.

"What do you want, Gabe?" Sam asked, setting his gun on the nightstand.

"I was assigned to Y/n the day she was born because she has a big part to play in the world. I care about her deeply. When her parents left her on the side of the road, I was the one who found her a home. When her first love, Jack, died, I comforted her. Of course, she doesn't know any of this. But I need to help her. She needs to get with Dean." Gabe said.

"Well, they are cuddling in the other room." Sam said.

"Actually, they're back to back and Dean is only doing this because he feels pity. At least that's what Y/n thinks."

"Well what do you want me to do?" Sam asked.

"You need to figure out if Dean has any feelings for her then report back. What else?" Gabe laid on Sam's bed, causing the moose to roll his eyes.

"What's the plan?" Sam asked.

Your POV

"Will you lay with me?" You asked.

Dean turned around, gazing at your unusual position because of the back brace. Guilt filled his face and he nodded and walked over. He hopped in, and you guys started shifting to get comfortable.

  Sam pressed his ear against the closed door, trying to hear his brother and you.

"I hate this back brace. It makes it hard to sleep comfortably."

"I'm really sorry about that Y/n."

"Dean if you don't stop, I'll punch you in the throat. I didn't ask you to lay by me to apologize."

Dean laughed and kissed your temple, causing your heart rate to go off the charts.

"Night Y/n." He said, turning so his back faced you. You looked at him with sadness before shifting so you weren't looking at him.

"Night." You replied. A lone tear slipped down your cheek and you closed your eyes. After a few minutes, sleep overtook you.

~The next morning~

You slowly opened your e/c eyes, confused for a few seconds. You looked over to where Dean was sleeping, but only found sheets. Sighing, you stood up. Then you noticed the nightstand, there was a tulip, a cup of steaming coffee, and a note. Picking up the note, you began reading:


Sorry I couldn't be there when you woke up. Something came up and Sam and I will be gone for a couple of days. Stay in the bunker and heal.


You took the tulip and brought it up to your nose, smiling. You sipped your coffee while walking down the hall. This place was huge.

"How's your back?"

You whirled around to see who had spoken. Sighing, you see your coffee down.

"I'm fine, Gabriel. What do you want?" You asked.

"I could heal you. If you want." He said, and the seriousness in his voice actually made you consider it.

"No, I'm fine. I can handle myself." You replied, smiling kindly.

"Why are you so nice to me?" You asked. He walked over and pressed two fingers to your head.

Every memory of your entire life flashes before you, but this time there was someone watching over you. Gabriel.

You gasped and looked at Gabe, who smiled in return.

"You're my guardian Angel." You breathed out.

"Precisely kiddo, I'm just doing my job." He exclaimed.

"Well I don't need your help with Dean. He only likes me as a sister. He said so." You tossed behind your back as you kept wandering. Gabriel laced his fingers through yours and you just smiled. It was nice having a guardian angel.

"Well, then I guess we'll just stay the two of us like we've always been." Gabe replied. You set your empty coffee mug on a table you passed.

"You know, I think we should go exploring. We don't have to stay in the bunker. Not if you're there to protect me." You thought aloud.

"True, let's go to the garage and go have fun!" Gabe said, tugging your hand to make you move faster.

You laughed before entering the garage and looking at all the cars.

"That one." You said, pointing to an antique baby blue car. Gabe pressed has fingers to it, and it started running, looking as if it was just made.

You hopped into the driver's seat, waiting for the passenger door to close before speeding down the road. The windows were down and the radio was cranked up high, and you felt free. Finally everything in your life was falling into place, everything except Dean. But, your boy troubles could wait. You were on an adventure with your angel.

     You watched as the trees passed, noticing that the leaves had hints of orange and yellow in them. Something caught your eye and you slammed on the brakes, the car skidding across the road. Your head was thrown back against the seat, but it wasn't painful. 

    "What's the matter? Are you hurt?" Gabe asked, worry evident in his voice. You pulled the car onto the side of the road, before quickly jumping out of your seat. 

   "Y/n, what's going on? You're worrying me!" Gabe called after you. You grabbed his hand, pulling him into the forest. Just as you expected, farther into the trees than you had thought, was a clear waterfall spilling into a glistening lake. It was hidden from any sign of humanity, and you loved it. 

     "This. This is going to be my place. When I die, I wanna get buried here. If I ever get married, this is where the ceremony will be. This is my place Gabe." You said, turning to him. 

  "It is your place. And I'll make sure you're buried here, but that's not gonna happen for a long time if I can help it." He snapped his fingers, and a blanket piled with food and drinks appeared.

"Now how about a nice picnic?"
