Chapter 1 : The Beginning


N: Watch the video on YouTube if you want to. By the way, if you don't like my story, you can dislike the video or hate me. For those who want to read this, and to those watching my video, thank you so much for your support!


Dahyun's POV

*Annyeonghasaeyo! I'm Kim Dahyun, 23 years old. I live with my mom and dad. I love to read books and eat anything with chocolate. I adore music, and I have no problem standing up to mean people.*

*Dahyun's phone rings, and she answers it.*

Dahyun: Hello? Who is this?

Sana: Yahh! Dahyunie, are you still asleep or pretending not to know something?

Dahyun: Is there a special event today? Or a date? I'm so sorry; I must have been too busy and exhausted to remember.

Sana: Don't you remember?

Dahyun: What do you mean, 'remember'?

*Suddenly, someone screams, and it's Tzuyu, the shy girl who can apparently scream loudly.*

Tzuyu: Yahh! Unnie, you must have forgotten that today is our special day! Today is our anniversary, don't you remember?

Dahyun: Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. I was very tired from cleaning the house the whole time. My parents are not here, so I had to do all the work. I forgot.

*I forgot to mention that today is our special day, and it's my fault. I feel so sad because I let them down. I was very tired. By the way, Sana, Tzuyu, and I have been friends since high school.*

*I met Sana in high school, where she was the most popular and beautiful girl, and many boys courted her. Tzuyu and I have known each other since we were young. She was the one who protected me from girls who used to bully me because I was not as pretty back then. But I've changed my life, and no one can bully me now. Then, I introduced Sana to Tzuyu when we graduated from college, and we have been great friends ever since.*

Tzuyu & Sana: We thought you had forgotten our anniversary!

Sana: By the way, we are at the café. Hurry and come here now! Your favorite chocolate ice cream is melting. Hurry before it melts too much!

*Dahyun ends the call and proceeds to get ready.*

Dahyun: Oh my gosh, I'm so late, Sana and Tzuyu will be mad at me. Even though they are kind, I'm scared because today is our special day, and it's my fault.

*She gets her shoulder bag, puts on her prepared clothes, and applies simple makeup. She usually doesn't wear much makeup because her skin is sensitive, and she has fair skin.*

*She goes to the living room to leave.*

Mom: Sweetie, where are you going? You should eat breakfast.

Mom speaks softly.

Dahyun: No thanks, Mom! I need to go; my friends are waiting. Today is a special day, and I forgot. That's my biggest fault to them, so I need some time for them.

Mom: Sure thing, sweetie. But be sure to come back safely before 9 pm.

Dahyun: Okay, Mom!

*She hugs and kisses her mom.*


*On the street, she looks around to find a taxi or any vehicle to ride, but it's deserted, and the street is eerily quiet. She realizes it's 7:35 AM.*

Dahyun: I just realized it's too early. Ugh.

*While walking, she bumps into someone, and she falls down.*

Dahyun: Ouch!

(OMG, that sounded harsh! It's not even that strong, and I don't feel much pain, but…)

Dahyun: Hey, can you please watch your step? Are you blind?

*She then realizes he can't hear her, as he's on a call.*

Dahyun: But I keep staring at him, studying his face, body, and his clothes and hair. He's tall, his eyes are small when he smiles, and his hair is brown, just like mine but darker. He's wearing a plain shirt with jeans and a mask, so I can't see him clearly.*

Dahyun: I can't keep staring at him like this! He bumped into me like a little kid who can't even look where he's going.

*Then he sees her sitting on the ground.*

Jimin: Ahem, are you okay? Why are you sitting there and staring at me?

Dahyun: Are you serious?

*She shouts loudly so he can hear her.*

Dahyun: Don't you see? You're just asking why I'm sitting in this dirty place. You accidentally bumped into me. Why can't you see where you're going?

*She stops talking because she's too angry.*

*He extends his hand as if to help her up.*

Dahyun: Forget it, I'm late because of you!

*She runs away.*


Jimin's POV

Jimin: Is she crazy? Or was I too harsh with her?

*Jimin is on the phone with Jin.*

Jin: What did you say?

Jimin: Oh, nothing, bro. Some girl said I bumped into her, and I didn't feel or see it. Am I dreaming?

Jin: Maybe you're just tired, or maybe you're overthinking about Seulgi?!

Jimin: Are you serious? Shut up, bro.

*Jimin hangs up the phone.*

*Jimin realizes that she bumped into him, but he pretended not to know. She doesn't seem to remember him.*

Jimin smirks.

Chapter 1 ends.

